lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Advance of the Data Civilization.

2011-08-20 21:35:18 | Science
(Historical Timeline of systematic data and computable knowledge wolfram|alpha)

□ Advance of the Data Civilization: A Timeline

>> http://t.co/3LJJ4U7

If anything, there are even more dramatic survival bias effects here than in the data+knowledge timeline. But if there is a significance to the difference between the timelines, perhaps it reflects the fact that the systematization of data and knowledge provides core infrastructure for the world?and grows more slowly and steadily, gradually making possible all those other innovations.

digitalsci: 人類の扱う『データ』の進化を示す年表と、地理的拡散のグラフ。ウルフラム氏の手前味噌というか、最後にWolfram|alphaが鎮座してるw
Advance of the Data Civilization , in timeline form, dating back to 20,000 BCE. bit.ly/o2CXTX (HT @timoreilly)

"The assumption, however, was that the key innovation would be “artificial intelligence”?an automation of human intelligence. And as the years went by, and artificial intelligence languished, so too did progress in making knowledge broadly computable."

この前も同じことを言ったかもしれないけれど、Semantic TechnologyとArtificial Intelligenceは相補的な関係にあり、実はユーザとデマンドのレスポンスを高度に突き詰めれば突き詰めるほど、プロセスは異なれど見分けがつかなくなるのでは、と仮説してみる。

Tim O'Reilly comments on the PLoS/Mendeley Binary Battle "let's solve the hard problem of making science go faster" tinyurl.com/TimO-ReillyBin…

AIP_Publishing: ガラス結晶メモリによるデータストレージ
Glass memory crystals could provide long-term data storage http://ow.ly/65ksm #AIP_PT

NCBI to cease archiving TCGA sequencing data. For more information please see: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/news/17A…

dbcls: ライフサイエンス統合データベースセンター
明日10時よりBioHackathon2011公開シンポジウムをUstream配信します bit.ly/oi0r9G #biohack11

BioHackathon Symposium 2011   8/21 10:00-

Archiving #BioHack11 tweets here twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/BioHac… (giving up on #bh11 for #BioHackathon 2011), see 2011.BioHackathon.org

chapmanb: Brad Chapman
Distributed exome analysis pipeline with CloudBioLinux and CloudMan is.gd/gJiICg #ngs #aws

radar: O'Reilly Radar
Data Visualization Contest: Make your data work for a chance to win a free trip to #Strata NYC. oreil.ly/q0cqpJ

Statistical Inference for Multi-Pathogen Systems ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…


The RFC Universe peterkrantz.com/v11n/rfc/ by Peter Krantz. RFCの参照関係を視覚化。Gephi、Python、Seadragon使用とのこと。via G+

NPG Asia Materials - DNA readers: Cracking the epigenetic code nature.asia/pp7Wex (Osaka University, Konkuk University)

Evolution of wood: sciencemag.org/content/333/60…

Plant science - the UK's hidden science strength? Sign up to the Hidden Science Map and show how crucial we are: bit.ly/nxRtfc

"EDGE", an alternative to RNA-seq RT @joe_pickrell: RNA sequencing in cheetah spots bit.ly/pQc5a2

quantumlah: CQT
Is the second law a meta-theorem? CQT researchers blog about their new aXiv paper on @FQXi bit.ly/n7yU7z
熱力学第二法則はメタ定理たり得るか? 量子ビットの初期状態に関するデータ損失とエントロピー状態の統計的絡み合い・確率論的解釈。
In our paper we find that this phenomenon of data becoming useless is indeed quite independent of the details of the underlying theory. We think of classical theory and quantum theory as examples of a wider class of probabilistic theories. In this way of thinking systems are treated as black boxes with inputs (choices of experimental settings) and outputs (measurement outcomes), and the theory specifies the joint statistics of these things. By formulating matters in this way one may create hypothetical and nearly arbitrary theories.

It is in this set of theories that we ask whether this data-becoming-useless version of the second law holds universally. We find that we have to add some additional restrictions on the set of theories to make the question well-defined, but given those restrictions, the answer is yes: it holds in all such theories.

>> http://www.fqxi.org/home

FQXiコミュニティのボードでも議論が白熱しています。John Merryman氏の決定論的見方は私と最も近いのだけど…
"So the input is indeterministic, but the results are deterministic.(『入力は決定不能であり、結果は決定論的である。』)"

FQXi: FQXi Physics
Today's Google doodle too small to contain full proof of Fermat's Last Theorem guardian.co.uk bit.ly/pUYSBM

□ 海栗の発達から得られる神経系パターンの形成の知見 / The evolution of nervous system patterning: insights from sea urchin development http://t.co/dKqbUCW

PLoS Currents: Disasters is now accepting submissions! Please visit currents.plos.org/disasters/ for more information.

Science in Africa, Africa's First On-Line Science Magazine, Home Page - now this I love, a whole publication... fb.me/14AiOMwfb

Moving towards universal health coverage in India and South Africa? Rhona MacDonald on problems and potential solutions bit.ly/pNamdd

FDA plans ahead for personalised and genomic medicine bit.ly/pclCy2
The Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science is intended to allow the regulator to ‘make science based decisions resulting in sound regulatory policy’ and foster innovation, by improving the processes by which new products from research in areas including genomics, personalised medicine, cellular and gene therapies.

This includes developing new ways of assessing novel therapies and technologies, drawing on multi-disciplinary expertise, as well as facilitating the development of treatments for ‘special populations’ such as patients with rare or neglected diseases.

EuroStemCell Interview with Doug Sipp, Manager at RIKEN CDB, Kobe, Japan bit.ly/ruV62X

Reading:Academics are turning to #Twitter as an outlets for frustration #onlinetherapy #OA

タンパク質表面で別のタンパク質と相互作用する部位を予測する方法、BindMLを開発しました。相互作用部位に特徴的なミューテーションのパターンを検出します。 論文がProteinsでアクセプトされました。 サーバー、プログラム使ってみてください: bit.ly/q1QhpM

cc_jp: CreativeCommonsJapan
ニュージーランド政府は少し前にオープン性&透明性に関する宣言というのを出しているんですね。価値の高いデータを公開して商業利用・コミュニティ利用を促進する、とか、政府は国民のためにデータを預かっている、とか。 (渡辺) bit.ly/n9IbcH

ω にあらゆる意味において定義不可能な部分集合があると本当に認めねばならんか、そんなことないんじゃないか、と問い究めていけば、自然にL-階層というものにたどり着きそうな気がする。


クールなキングペンギンのヒナ (Nature Communications): NPG Nature Asia-Pacific nature.asia/q1R3o7

China condones tiger extinction by legalizing skin trade, then refuses to answer for it bit.ly/q6xrus welcome @RachelNuwer's new blog



□ Art.

ウィトゲンシュタインファンの方必見! OUPのトップ哲学ジャーナルから出版されたウィトゲンシュタインの論文を集めました。 oxford.ly/ntS4qf #Wittgenstein

□ Åke Parmerud's- 'Les objets obscurs' with analysis of time-fields and dynamic form.

This movie example is accompanying the article 'Form-Building Patterns and Metaphorical Meaning' by Lasse Thoresen with the assistance of Andreas Hedman.


□ "Sounds & Silence": Travels With Manfred Eiche [Blu-ray]

ECMレーベルのドキュメンタリー・フィルム、"Sounds & Silence"が、Blu-rayとサントラで遂にリリース。

Release Date: 13/09/2011
Label: ECM
Format: Blu-ray


□ "Hysteria" Trailer

明晩放送の『セクレタリー』のマギー・ギレンホール。最新作『Hysteria』が来月のトロント映画祭で上映。ビクトリア朝ロンドンで世界最初のバイブレーター…(・。・;を発明した医師(ヒュー・ダンシー)とのロマンチックコメディだそうです。予告編→ http://ow.ly/655ZZ

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5532401365374875945&hl=en&fs=true style=width:350px;height:285px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

□ Jan Svankmajerの"Alice"がBlu-ray化。フィルム映像の粒の粗い味は残して欲しい作風だけど。。でもティーカップの茶渋とか壁の沁みを高解像度で見ることが出来るのは楽しみかも。 / アリス 【HDニューマスター/チェコ語完全版】 [Blu-ray] ヤン・シュヴァンクマイエル http://t.co/Oq7h5HZ

因にJan Svankmajer作品で一番好きなのは、短編では『部屋での静かな一週間』、長編では『FAUST』。「日常の観測の崩壊」を匂わせる趣旨が好き。