lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

My Tweet Storage (Daily Update). - Feb.8 update!

2011-02-03 12:42:02 | art music

□ Dydra?the platform that grows the value of your data.

>> http://dydra.com/

A cloud-based platform for consuming RDF data that’s, easy, clean, and fun. The kind of platform you’d want to use, and not the kind you have to. And we’ve got a lot of cool features planned: social features that promote data modelers to the first-class collaborators that programmers have been for decades, opportunities for sharing published data, and more.

(Credit: Joel Sartore/joelsartore.com)

A few of the tens of thousands of species that scientists say have gone extinct or become critically endangered over the past 30 years.

□ A Gallery of Species Lost and On the Brink

>> the NY Times / Opinion Slide Show
>> NYTimes.com / Lost And Gone Forever

絶滅種 & 絶滅に瀕した生物種の、どこかな儚くて美麗なギャラリー。つい最近死に絶えた、コロンビア盆地ピグミーウサギの剥製の眼差しが物悲しげです。。

The GridION system: part 1 from Oxford Nanopore on Vimeo.

□ The GridION System.

>> http://www.nanoporetech.com/sections/first/14
>> http://agbt.org/ (AGBT official)

今年もフロリダのマルコ島で開催された第12回"Advances in Genome Biology and Technology Meeting" (2011, Feb2-5. )において、来場者から一斉の脚光を浴びた、Oxford Nanopore Technologiesの開発した分子解析システム、"GridION "のプロモーショナル映像。


nanopore: Oxford Nanopore
If you didn't see the electronics platform that underlies Oxford Nanopore's single mol sensing: GridION http://bit.ly/g1HNkj #AGBT

□ 関連

KamounLab: DNA合成:ポリメラーゼ結晶中のDNA分子置換アニメーション。
Link to Lorena Beese's movie "processive DNA synthesis in a polymerase crystal" mentioned by Mark Akeson http://tinyurl.com/4mr8gk7 #AGBT

naturejapan: ネイチャーナノテクノロジー掲載論文です。「DNAの線路で分子輸送 京大教授らシステム作製」http://nature.asia/g7Kmny

Direct observation of stepwise movement of a synthetic molecular transporter

(※ ログは随時追加されていくことがあります)


In this work we investigate the question under what conditions Hilbert spaces that are induced by measures on the space of generalized connections carry a represen- tation of certain non-Abelian analogues of the electric flux.

We give the problem a precise mathematical formulation and start its investigation. For the technically simple case of U(1) as gauge group, we establish a number of “no-go theorems” asserting that for certain classes of measures, the flux operators can not be repre- sented on the corresponding Hilbert spaces.

□ ヒルベルト空間上で表すことの出来ないフラックス演算子から考察からすると、背景幾何に依らない非可換ゲージ理論の量子化一般指標は、ループ量子重力理論において重要な役割を果たす。

>> http://j.mp/dPbo5o (Full PDF)

RT @AIP_Publishing: When do measures on the space of connections support the triad operators of loop quantum gravity? http://bit.ly/f5nTqj

□ LQG Theory的、言語空間の展開。



twistedtools: >> http://twistedtools.com/news/
Scapes is a feedback based effects processor and sound generator by Twisted Tools. Pre-sale order now at twistedtools.com | Available. 2/8/11
Details and more video/audio to follow...stay tuned!


□ God particle signal is simulated as sound. (BBC)

>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10385675

"神の素粒子" Higgs Boson の挙動をエネルギー的に可聴域の音に翻訳。

Their aim is to develop a means for physicists at Cern to "listen to the data" and pick out the Higgs particle if and when they finally detect it.

Dr Lily Asquith modelled data from the giant Atlas experiment at the LHC.She worked with sound engineers to convert data expected from collisions at the LHC into sounds.

"If the energy is close to you, you will hear a low pitch and if it's further away you hear a higher pitch,"


Chavín de Huántar Archaeological Acoustics Project: The Sound of 3000 Year Old Musical Instruments.

>> http://tinyurl.com/4cf8elu

スタンフォード大学の "Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) and Archaeology/Anthropology"によるプロジェクトの成果。

□ Social.

□ コンサル会社から出向してくる金融?法務アドバイザ含む所謂『ジェネラリスト』の執行力と言うのは、クライアントの下で専門分野に従事する社員にとっては助け舟となるどころか、心配の種になることも少なくない。彼ら自身が専門でないことを自覚せずに、人的ソースを誤運用することもあり得るからだ。

□ 米労働省・教育省が、オープン教育リソースに20億ドル投資。キャリア育成に賭けるアメリカ。一方日本は。。/ '$2 billion fund available for open education' http://ow.ly/3Qo8x @creativecommons #openaccess

The Department of Labor and the Department of Education today announced a new education fund that will grant $2 billion to create OER materials for career training programs in community colleges.

the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program (TAACCCT) will invest $2 billion over the next four years into grants that will “provide community colleges and other eligible institutions of higher education with funds to expand and improve their ability to deliver education and career training programs."

The full program announcement (PDF) states that all the resources created using these funds must be released under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license:

このOER(Open Educational Resources)へのFundは、コミュニティカレッジとキャリア育成支援プログラムへの投資条件に、全てのリソースをCreative Commonsのライセンス下に置かなければならないとあって、日本が今の政治主導でこういったシステムを整備するのは無理があるのかなと思ったり。末端からシステムの最適解を掬い上げるはずの業界団体が利己行動に走り、本来の目的を果たしていないのも問題。


□ creativecommons: 世界銀行出資のアフリカバーチャル大学が、OERの為のポータルサイトを立ち上げ。
African Virtual University launches its #OER interactive portal in 3 languages under CC BY-SA: http://oer.avu.org/

□ 「少子化」と「豊かさ」

□ 他先進国との比較を見ても、『国の豊かさ』の統計的数値と少子化比率の相関のデータを読み解くのは難しい。





□ Science. - 『愛はさだめ、さだめは死』

EurekAlertAAAS: ヒトゲノムの破断点
The human #genome's breaking points : http://eurekalert.org/e/3t3n

A detailed analysis of data from 185 human genomes sequenced in the course of the 1000 Genomes Project, by scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, in collaboration with researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK, as well as the University of Washington and Harvard Medical School, both in the USA, has identified the genetic sequence of an unprecedented 28 000 structural variants (SVs) ? large portions of the human genome which differ from one person to another.

naturejapan: Nature Asia-Pacific
遺伝的変動の高精度マップを作製 http://nature.asia/i9DAGy

guardianscience: iPS細胞が、自らの起源を裏切ることによって負うリスク。
Stem cells research highs and lows - interactive timeline gu.com/p/2mncy/tw


Salk-Led Team IDs Distinct Epigenetic Patterns in Reprogrammed IPS Cells: http://bit.ly/hoU3RK


Some of the regions appear to represent a cellular "memory" of methylation patterns found in the parental cells from which the iPSCs are derived, Ecker told GenomeWeb Daily News, while others ? dubbed iPSC-specific differentially methylated regions, or iDMRs ? differ from both parental and ES cells.

spinalcordcure: Roman Reed
There is NO substitute for the Gold standard of embryonic stem cells. The Salk Institute proved & published this FACT! http://j.mp/hF2cnp

Take a coffee break with Shigeru Kuratani's bimonthly column for the RIKEN CDB's "Library News". Post by Paul O'Neill: http://fb.me/OY314Mf2

□ razibkhan: 個人ゲノムの地理的系統について、二次元マップ上の分布を記述する。
Personal genomics in two dimensions: The Pith: In this post I take a different tack at genetic data visualizatio... http://bit.ly/dUSG08

biomol_info: Biomol-Informatics
"Journal of Integrated OMICS" has a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License #copyleft #openaccess

eurogene: keith grimaldi
Looks interesting: EU project GEUVADIS: "implement genomics responsibly in the clinical setting" re tech & ethincs http://bit.ly/fEYQL1

Joint Meta analysis, GWAS and gene x environment reactions method - http://bit.ly/gBVRfZ

VERY useful list of 3rd party apps that can be used by @23andMe customers on their genetic data: http://bit.ly/griK7s

23andMe: 日焼けによる遺伝子リスク
Blog Post- SNPwatch: Genetic Risk for Skin Cancer Isn’t All About Your Skin: Wear sunscreen! Don’t get sunburned... http://bit.ly/hIFWV1

AIP_Publishing: DNA分子交雑法におけるポリジメチルシロキサン膜の表面改質
Simple surface modification of poly(dimethylsiloxane) for DNA hybridization http://bit.ly/hjgki3 #AIP_BMF #microfluidics

KamounLab: Kamoun Lab @ TSL
Watch bionanomatrix movie "400 kb DNA entering nanochannel" http://www.bionanomatrix.com/userfiles/videos/Stretching_400kb_DNA.flv #AGBT

abhishekpratap: Abhi
60 Complete, High-Coverage Human Genomes -- for Study by the Global Research Community -- By Complete Genomics : #AGBT http://lnkd.in/GXnuW3

BioMedCentral: 現地の科学者に聴くエジプトの状況
Reading: ''Deep fury' of Egyptian scientists: A Q&A with a Researcher in Cairo' http://ow.ly/3Q7X3 (via @sciam ) #egypt

Hypios: アフリカに蔓延する偽医薬市場へのモバイルを利用した対抗。
MPedegree, Grand Prix netexploateur, uses mobiles to fight fake medecine in Africa, an innovation in use not in technology, #netexplo

great to see 2 African innovators /10 winners! obami -fb for education & mpedegree- against fake medecine

SylviaHobbs: USDAの提供する食糧環境アトラス
Viewing USDA's interactive food atlas map: http://maps.ers.usda.gov/FoodAtlas/foodenv5.aspx


DEV BIOLS: Hark! Get yourselves on over to @the_node photo contest and GET PAID ($=@tipart). http://j.mp/erGzAW

□ 凄く神秘的な写真。生物発光で青く輝く湖を泳いでみた。 RT @PandoraPerx: RT @Bodewadmi: Australian Lake Glows in Dark, Swimmers Turn Blue http://dld.bz/K267

nclimate_jpn: NCC Japan
Nature Climate Change最新無料公開記事,本日アップ「大気科学:雲の寄与率」衛星の全球解析データから雲による温暖化の促進が示唆され、気候モデルで得られた結果が裏付けられた。  http://ow.ly/3RqBp


□ 地球から2千光年の距離に、太陽類似星の周りを6個の惑星が回る惑星系を発見。

Six small planets orbiting a sun-like star amaze astronomers : ç @ucsc


The Kepler space telescope detects planets that "transit" or pass in front of their host star, causing periodic dips in the brightness of the star as measured by the telescope's sensitive photometer. The amount of the brightness reduction tells scientists how big the planet is in terms of its radius. The time between transits tells them its orbital period.

To determine the planets' masses, Fabrycky analyzed slight variations in the orbital periods caused by gravitational interactions among the planets.

"The timing of the transits is not perfectly periodic, and that is the signature of the planets gravitationally interacting," he said. "By developing a model of the orbital dynamics, we worked out the masses of the planets and verified that the system can be stable on long time scales of millions of years."

【犯罪学】 西暦600年から1800年までの国王殺しについて:

>> http://bit.ly/gbQWcB (Full PDF)



□ Egypt. (Middle Eastern Revolt.)

Egypt’s round table should have a seat for members of the political parties represented in parliament. It should include the military, judges, unions and business leaders. It must also include members of Egyptian civil society who have been increasingly active and vocal.

There are those who’ve worked with judges to fight for constitutional rights; those who have stood up for human rights, women’s rights, gay rights; those who have sought educational reform and cultural freedom; they are spending their days in Tahrir Square and their nights patrolling their neighborhoods.

sarahbadr: 1989年のポーランド円卓会議に学ぶ、エジプトが取るべき道のヒント。新選挙法の確立に向けて

how can egypt get from tahrir square to democracy? lessons from poland in 1989: http://is.gd/LNhvmw #jan25 (via @mischkaran)

ロンドン(CNN) 国連食糧農業機関(FAO)は、1月の食料価格指数が1990年に統計を取り始めて以来最高の水準になったと発表した。






□ 食料価格の高騰がエジプトデモの可燃材料とする分析。新興国市場での需要や世界的な天候悪化の他、食糧市場への行き過ぎた投機も一つの要素か。全ての始まりはチュニジアの野菜売り.. http://ow.ly/3Q0F0 (scientific american) Food Price Chaos Theory in Egypt

UN: United Nations
World food prices reached new historic peak in January, says @FAOnews http://bit.ly/gNaaV6

□ 食料投機による価格高騰が政情不安の種に RT @UP_food: Food Price Rises Contribute to Popular Uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen http://bit.ly/foyfbz

□ RT @PL1776: Egypt's unrest may have roots in food prices, U.S. Fed policy http://tinyurl.com/4p2orac /Food price manipulation already here

[UNU] 前回の食料危機の原因と現在の価格上昇についてコンセンサスが得られない中、より厳格な分析を求めるFAOの要請は急務であるようだ。食料価格の危機? is a post from: Ourworld 2.0 日本語 http://bit.ly/hIji5i


□ BreakingNews:
Gunfire escalates as #Egypt protesters chase down pro-Mubarak supporters - NBC, Al Jazeera

□ AP The Associated Press:
BREAKING: Heavy gunfire rings out in Cairo protest square #Jan25 #Egypt -MS

□ jimsciuttoABC: jim sciutto
Egypt death toll now tops toll for Iran protests, which US and West widely condemned as an atrocity #Egypt #Iranelection #Jan25

□ AJELive:
Our correspondent says that anti-government protesters on the bridge are running from gunfire. #Egypt