lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

2019-03-12 22:05:44 | Science

□ "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas R Hofstadter

>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gödel,_Escher,_Bach

“Gödel Escher Bach”を読み終えた者は誰一人としていない。

Stephen Turner (@strnr):
I spent a few hours with Gödel Escher Bach this weekend. Not really getting into it, but I hate giving up on books I've started. Help me out here. Should I power through? Is GEB really that good?

Clive G. Brown (@Clive_G_Brown)
Nobody ever finishes it.

RT “Gödel Escher Bach” 巨書と言われる『ゲーデル エッシャー バッハ』学生の頃に読んだけれど、Clive氏の言う通り「読み終えた者は誰もいない」と言うのには、実はその終わり方に絡繰がある。

ytb (@ytb_at_twt):
ダグラス・ホフスタッター の「ゲーデル、エッシャー、バッハ」は大分不幸な受容のされ方をしている。デネット(ホフスタッターのマブダチ)を読むと、あの本は決して不完全性定理の易しい解説本ではなく、分子生物学を論理学の言葉で表現してみようというチャレンジングな本であったことがわかる。


Creating Civilizations.

2013-04-27 16:23:49 | Science

Creating Civilizations - Robert Strati http://creatingcivilizations.tumblr.com/ Architectural/mathematical/notational schematic fictions via @socks_studio


(Genomic HyperBrowser server: Schematic overview: HBサーバの統計分析・生体仮説検定までの概略図。モンテカルロ法によるP値評価が適切か、漸近計算を用いるかをシステムが決定し、最適化する )

□ The Genomic HyperBrowser: analysis web server for genome-scale data:

>> http://m.nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/04/29/nar.gkt342.full

The Genomic HyperBrowser (http://hyperbrowser.uio.no) is an open-ended web server for the analysis of genomic track data. Through the provision of several highly customizable components for processing and statistical analysis of genomic tracks, the HyperBrowser opens for a range of genomic investigations, related to, e.g., gene regulation, disease association or epigenetic modifications of the genome.


□ RT @ScienceNOW: Breathtaking image of a hurricane swirling around Saturn's north pole pic.twitter.com/kDePPEIidW


OBLIVION GFX Montage from GMUNK on Vimeo.

□ OBLIVION GFX Montage: (Bradley G Munkowitz/GMUNK) 今や国際的に引っ張りだこのグラフィック・デザイナー集団、GMUNKによる映画『オブリビオン』の為のモニターデザイン。ライトテーブル綺麗

□ Race, Poverty and Deprivation in South Africa: 南アフリカにおける人種、貧困、物的困窮:

>> http://jae.oxfordjournals.org/content/22/2/187.full.html

If a factor were likely to be the main contributor to the higher income and material deprivation of Africans, it would be education.



□ ExtremeDB: A Unified Web Repository of Extremophilic Archaea and Bacteria

>> http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0063083

ExtremeDB is a freely available web based relational database which integrates general characteristics, genome-proteome information, industrial applications and recent scientific investigations of the seven major groups of 865 extremophillic microorganisms. The search options are user friendly and analyses tools such as Compare and Extreme BLAST have been incorporated for comparative analysis of two or more extremophiles and determining the sequence similarity of a given protein/nucleotide in relation to other extremophiles respectively. The effort put forth herein in the form of database, would open up new avenues on the potential utility of extremophiles in applied research.

□ ReviSTER: An automated pipeline to revise misaligned reads to simple tandem repeats

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/05/15/bioinformatics.btt277.short


□ ACCUSA2: Multi-purpose SNV calling enhanced by probabilistic integration of quality scores

>> http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/05/16/bioinformatics.btt268.short

□ Fighting against uncertainty: An essential issue in bioinformatics

>> http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3655v1

estimation problems on high-dimensional discrete spaces in which the number of possible discrete solutions is immense. In the analysis of biological data or the development of prediction algorithms, this uncertainty should be handled carefully and appropriately.

In this review, I will explain several methods to combat this uncertainty, presenting a number of examples in bioinformatics. The methods include (i) avoiding point estimation, (ii) maximum expected accuracy (MEA) estimations, and (iii) several strategies to design a pipeline involving several prediction methods.

Briefings in Bioinformatic に、バイオインフォマティクスの推定問題における解の不確実性に関するレビュー論文がアクセプトされました。プレプリント版はarXivから入手可能です

Bioinformaticsの推定問題については、つい先週NIHから、P-valueやAUC推定の不安定さを指摘する論文が出てましたね The limits of p-values for biological data mining http://www.biodatamining.org/content/pdf/1756-0381-6-10.pdf

□ Global Bioinformatics Market Expected to Hit USD 7.5 Billion by 2017

>> http://www.biotechdaily.com/business_news/articles/294746327/global_bioinformatics_market_expected_to_hit_usd_75_billion_by_2017.html


□ Elsevier Launches Genomics Data App in Collaborate with Illumina in BaseSpace: エルゼビアとイルミナが大規模ゲノムデータ共有アプリを立ち上げ。レビュー容易に http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/elsevier-launches-genomics-data-app-in-collaboration-with-illumina-208421961.html

ICR, Wellcome Trust, Illumina Launch Clinical Genetic Testing Effort http://bit.ly/13BV8Qq

"squishome" in @biomemagazine Paving the way to large-scale biodiversity research: Xin Zhou on PCR-free metabarcoding http://www.biomedcentral.com/biome/paving-the-way-to-large-scale-biodiversity-research-xin-zhou-discusses-pcr-free-metabarcoding/

#RNA capable of catalyzing electron transfer on early earth with #iron's help, study says http://phy.so/288172502 @georgiatech

PRO/AH/EDR> MERS-CoV - Eastern Mediterranean (05): Tunisia ex Saudi Arabia/Qatar, fatal, RFI http://bit.ly/115pDlC


□ Life Before Earth

>> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.3381v1.pdf

at biosemiotics perspective: Linear regression of genetic complexity, origin of life = 9 bn yrs ago
Linear regression of genetic complexity (on a log scale) extrapolated back to just one base pair suggests the time of the origin of life = 9.7 ± 2.5 billion years ago. Adjustments for potential hyperexponential effects would push the projected origin of life even further back in time, close to the origin of our galaxy and the universe itself, 13.75 billion years ago.

Evolution of advanced organisms has accelerated via development of additional information-processing systems: epigenetic memory, primitive mind, multicellular brain, language, books, computers, and Internet. As a result the doubling time of human functional complexity has reached ca. 20 years. Finally, we discuss the issue of the predicted "technological singularity" and give a biosemiotics perspective on the increase of life’s complexity.
ゲノム長と片対数グラフから、生命の起源は90億年前(地球形成よりも前)とする説。さりげにENCODEプロジェクトにも言及w 生物活性をメモリ、自己触媒をコーディング要素として哲学ぽい

Researchers use Moore's Law to calculate that #life began before #Earth existed http://phy.so/285498237

□ Evolvability Is Inevitable:: Increasing Evolvability without the Pressure to Adapt:

>> http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0062186

種の進化に選択圧や生存競争は無関係?遺伝子型空間を介在した進化モデルを数理シミュレート。表現型発散と分布の受動ドリフトモデル 。
Why evolvability appears to have increased over evolutionary time is an important unresolved biological question. Unlike most candidate explanations, this paper proposes that increasing evolvability can result without any pressure to adapt.

The insight is that if evolvability is heritable, then an unbiased drifting process across genotypes can still create a distribution of phenotypes biased towards evolvability, because evolvable organisms diffuse more quickly through the space of possible phenotypes.

Furthermore, because phenotypic divergence often correlates with founding niches, niche founders may on average be more evolvable, which through population growth provides a genotypic bias towards evolvability. Interestingly, the combination of these two mechanisms can lead to increasing evolvability without any pressure to out-compete other organisms, as demonstrated through experiments with a series of simulated models.

Thus rather than from pressure to adapt, evolvability may inevitably result from any drift through genotypic space combined with evolution's passive tendency to accumulate niches.



Computer scientists suggest new spin on origins of evolvability : http://ow.ly/ksFKU

□ Kolmogorov Complexity of Categories: programming language for describe categories, functors & natural transformations http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-38164-5_25

□ Open Questions: A logic (or lack thereof) of genome organization:

>> http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1741-7007-11-58.pdf

Many approaches to the question have looked for statistical signatures of sequence under selective constraint. However, selection could, for example, be on the process of transcription not the product of transcription. A stronger, or perhaps complementary, approach is to start with a mechanistic hypothesis.

DNA and other biomolecules combine to create computing power, capable of solving equations and ? someday ?... http://fb.me/2EkGbm0j2

□ Discovering how we evolved: Evolving genes lead to more evolving genes:ヒト進化を促すFOXP2調節遺伝子。GC含量、再結合速度の比較にバイオインフォマティクス応用 http://sangerinstitute.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/discovering-how-we-evolved-evolving-genes-lead-to-more-evolving-genes/

FOXP2 in Europeans, but not in Asians/Africans. Does this mean that Europeans have enrichment conferring a different advantage?

The selected genes have multiple roles in cellular development, signalling, reproduction and immunity. Selection of these genes in Europeans is more likely to reflect local population adaptations to the climate, diet or pathogens that they encountered as their ancestors spread across Europe after splitting from the ancestors of Asian populations.

Surprising discoveries about human development revealed by Qasim’s technique to find selection signatures. bit.ly/10LZjHs #evolution


□ Algebraic classifiers: a generic approach to fast cross-validation, online training, and parallel training http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v28/izbicki13.pdf

Implications of fidelity difference between the leading and the lagging strand of DNA for the acceleration of evol. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3472163/

□ RNA-seq Workflows & Tools: various workflows for analyzing differential gene/exon/isoform expression w/ RNA-seq data http://figshare.com/articles/RNA_seq_Workflows_and_Tools/662782

□ NIH is losing $1.7 billion from sequestration and other cuts, lowering its budget to $29.15 bn: グラントがNIH依存なのも考えものかな http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2013/05/sequesters-5-cut-rolls-through-b.html

政府 「日本版NIH」構想で臨床試験・治験のDB構築へ:  菅義偉官房長官は22日の産業競争力会議で、6月中旬にまとめる「健康・医療戦略」の骨子を提示した。 http://bit.ly/16PQa9Y

Too clever by half. Software for Bayesian analysis of biogeography from UC Berkeley named... BayArea. https://www.datadryad.org/resource/doi:10.5061/dryad.8346r

□ Vertebrate Taxonomy Ontology: extinct/extant comprehensive hierarchy. Based on the NCBI, PaleoDB, TTO & AmphibiaWeb http://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/50317/

□ http://re3data.org launched: registry of research data repositories: funding organizations, libralies, publishers http://www.re3data.org/

□ Ubiquitous clinical sequencing: finding rare disease mutations: The data are much easier to share, process and query http://www.biomedcentral.com/biome/ubiquitous-clinical-sequencing-matthew-bainbridge-talks-about-finding-rare-disease-mutations/

Integrating Global and National Knowledge to Select Medicines for Children: The Ghana National Drugs Programme http://ow.ly/lhf0J

□ The Ultimate Biotech Diversification Strategy: The $80bn behemoth has increased by intriguing compounds into pipeline http://www.fool.com/investing/general/2013/05/26/the-ultimate-biotech-diversification-strategy.aspx

Will gov. make progress? Building a More Equitable Global R&D System http://blogs.plos.org/speakingofmedicine/2013/05/24/demonstrating-progress-building-a-more-equitable-global-rd-system/ … @SuerieMoon @jarottingen @PLOSMedicine #WHA66

□ First GWAS hits for cognitive ability: SNPbased heritability estimates significant fraction of total genetic variance http://infoproc.blogspot.jp/2013/05/first-gwas-hits-for-cognitive-ability.html

ORCID codefest 2013 http://wp.me/pXDzM-8p

cytoscape.js 2.0 released! JavaScript library for network visualization. https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!topic/cytoscape-discuss/GV2vr4d4EQI

Data importing/exporting and integration considerations. http://ow.ly/lnJa2

□ Bioinformatics Law examines legal issues associated w/ tools, procurement& licensing, in-house&contracted development http://apps.americanbar.org/abastore/index.cfm?pid=5450067&s


2012-07-02 10:24:01 | Science
□ 『種の保存』は必ずしも『個体の生存』に先行しない。種とは、群様のパターンを記憶しつつ慣性的に進行するエネルギーの一次的時空間構造それ自体であり、ライフゲームが生命を模しているのではなく、逆に生命がライフゲームを擬えているのだ。実は種の保存は個体を担保しない。それは見かけだけなのだ


□ 生命事象における意識の「機械論と決定論」というダブルスタンダードを取る場合、「思考する主体」の知能が、ライフゲームの蓋然性に依って定義されるのだとしたら、意思決定が自動化されたインタラクションであっても、介在する機構の背中である主観は「私が考えている」としか認識出来ないであろう

□ 生命活動の秩序立ったように見える群様は、一種の干渉縞(モアレ)に擬えられるのかも。任意の適応度地形において、相互作用因子を規定する「場のオーダー」を要素ごとに還元したフィルターを限りなく重ねていくことで、その定量的な干渉からライフゲームのような見かけ上の動態が炙り出されるとか

□ 手段-過程-結果を二元的に語ること自体バカバカしいのだけど、結果はエントロピーの過渡状態であり、手段はより汎用性を求められる。結果よりも過程を先ずるのは正しい。手段が波及させる因果と、結果の影響力の総体に相関があるとは限らないからだ。


□ 法人格を人格的糾弾する行為って、大抵がお寒い人情劇だったりする上に、それで満足して問題の本質をゴッソリ見落とすことが多い。だけど、システマの問題を単人格の標的にすり替えるのは、人間の原始的な欲求なのかもしれない。

□ どんな物語にも、どの映像や音楽にも、構成に先立つ言葉が在る。語られる表象であり、語らざる言語である。物語は表現を超越しないし、表現は真実と相容れない。しかし互いの言葉は行間から切り出されている。即ち沈黙だけが虚実双べて抱くことが出来る。発語の瞬間に、世界はどちらかに滑るのだ。

Runxt Life

2012-03-05 10:55:46 | Science

Runxt Life ? Introduction from Firma 103 on Vimeo.

□ Runxt Life

>> http://www.runxt.be/

Runxt Life is a generative music application created for the iOS® platform based on the cellular automaton theory “Conway’s Game of Life” by John Horton Conway.

The ‘game’ is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input from humans. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves.

□ Osciple - sound ripples

>> http://vaetxh.com/osciple/


Big science teams up with big business to kickstart European cloud computing: EMBL, CERN, ESA and the 'Helix Nebula' - bit.ly/zW3bTp
Today a consortium of leading IT providers and three of Europe’s biggest research centres (CERN, EMBL and ESA) announced a partnership to launch a European cloud computing platform. ‘Helix Nebula ‐ the Science Cloud’, will support the massive IT requirements of European scientists, and become available to governmental organisations and industry after an initial pilot phase.

Helix Nebula: the Science Cloud: CERN, EMBL, ESAなどの大型欧州研究機関が大規模計算を要する多分野科学研究に開かれたクラウド・プラットフォームを設立。用途は量子科学・ゲノム解析から宇宙開発まで。最初の2年間のパイロットフェーズではヒッグス粒子の探索と大規模ゲノム解析、自然災害研究の三分野に割当て。EMBLの全ゲノム・アセンブリとアノテーション・パイプラインをオンデマンドで世界中から利用出来るインフラ・ニーズとのこと。

Helix Nebula along with the Cloud Security Alliance, OpenNebula Project and the European Grid Infrastructure (EGI.eu), The commercial partners in this platform are Atos, Capgemini, CloudSigma, Interoute, Logica, Orange Business Services, SAP, SixSq, Telefonica, Terradue, Thales, The Server Labs and T‐Systems, They are working together to establish a federated and secure high‐performance computing cloud platform.


DNAnexus to Launch ‘Operating System’ for Genomics this Year medgadget.com/?p=35134
Sundquist explained that he had the above challenges in mind when he started DNAnexus. “We founded the company with a mission to unlock what we believe is a huge potential for DNA-based medicine and biotechnology.” The company is seeking to do that by building a collaborative and scalable platform. The firm has attracted financial support from Google Ventures and TPG Biotech.

DNAnexusが構築しているGenomicsの為のオペレーティング・システム。 Google VenturesとTPG Biotechから財政支援。エクサバイト・スケールのストレージ・スキームには、コミュニティ主導型のデータ運用が必要。


New Framework paper sets #FutureEarth in context of global environmental change and grand challenges for science pdf:bit.ly/wXJIit
Conceptual framework for an integrated platform
One of the key tasks of the Transition Team is to develop the conceptual framework for an integrated platform that links major research traditions with critical policy and human development concerns and can be used to identify priority research questions for Future Earth.


(Schematic diagram showing how producers and consumers of species distribution in...)

Free to download in TREE this month: The cyber-infrastructure needed to map global biodiversity effectively. bit.ly/xcRrnA
The geography of life on earth lies at the heart of ecology, evolution and the interaction of nature with human society. The spatiotemporal context of individual organisms, populations and species defines their environmental and biotic setting.

<fot size=1>This setting, in turn, drives ecological processes and provides the arena for micro- and macro-evolutionary mechanisms. Geographic data on the distribution of species are also vital for governments, agencies, and companies seeking to develop effective policies, and make sound decisions, regarding land management, health, climate change and biodiversity conservation.


・Map of Life:
>> http://www.mappinglife.org/

By bringing together all types of information about species distributions, providing model-based integration, and providing a system for users to build upon our knowledge, the Map of Life project hopes to support our community in understanding and saving the world's biodiversity.

Cutting-edge science creating solutions for African #agriculture. eurekalert.org/e/4dwr #AAASmtg
A re-invigorated effort to boost African science know-how to solve Africa's challenges has begun. With international funding, the Biosciences eastern and central Africa Hub (BecA-ILRI Hub) based in Nairobi, Kenya and managed by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) is enabling African and international scientists to partner on a wide range of new and exciting research programs. Most of these research programs focus on both animal and crop health for better productivity under challenges including diseases and abiotic stresses.

アフリカの農業バイオイニシアチブ市場に巨大な好機。BecA-ILRI HubといいH3Africaといい、途上国の食糧・医療問題に大規模なBio/Data事業が発足の傾向。


BecA-ILRI Hubの方針はそこなんだけど、結局サハラ以南の社会経済の貧窮は、世界に出て行った優秀な人材が還流しないことに起因するもので、ここにトップクラスの拠点を置くことで地域の自立性も高める効果も期待される。普遍的だけど、特にアフリカは世界の食糧・防疫モデルの重要な拠点。

ちなみに米NHGRIも、H3Africa Consortiumをハブに、アフリカにおけるバイオリポジトリ開発の為の資金の手配に躍起になっている。失念したのだけど、アフリカで採取された凍結遺伝子サンプルなどは欧州にストレージする方針が何処かの機関で採択されていたような…


RT @openscience: Why South Africa should care about the Research Works Act education-copyright.org/rwa_in_sa/ #rwa #openaccess #oa #frpaa #openscience
In just 3 pages the Research Works bill seeks to prohibit open access mandates for federally funded research in the USA thus reverting the open access policy of the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the USA. It was introduced by Darrell Issa on 23 December 2011 and has caused major battles between the academic and publishing industries. The bill has the support of Elsevier, Association of American Publishers and the Copyright Alliance:

米国のH.R. 3699法案(研究成果法)が南アフリカの医療・保健環境に与える影響。

HR3699は、NIH等が推進する研究論文へのオープンアクセス性が連邦方針から高まる中、研究分野の著作権利益を制限し産業界の競争力を損なうとの批判から科学出版業界を中心に支持。教育・研究リソースのOpen Access化は、アフリカ等の医療福祉には不可欠なものに違いないのだけど


Feb 21, 2012 - ISCB Response to Research Works Act HR-3699 tinyurl.com/84q4ynq
HR 3699 will limit American taxpayers in accessing the results of the crucial scientific research they funded. By reversing the growing trend for cooperation and collaboration made possible by the open and rapid sharing of information and research results, this bill will inhibit our ability to exploit scientific discoveries, stifle critical advances in life-saving scientific research, and impede the pace of innovation in all scientific disciplines.


世界中の図書館で次々とCCライセンスの採用が広まっています。「ドイツ国立図書館(DNB)、書誌データをパブリックドメインライセンス(CC0)のLinked Data形式で公開開始」 current.ndl.go.jp/node/20043 (森本)

On the Use of Gene Ontology Annotations to Assess Functional Similarity among Orthologs and Paralogs: A Short Report dx.plos.org/10.1371/journa…
Our results underscore two general considerations for researchers proposing novel types of analysis based on the GO: 1) that GO annotations are often incomplete, potentially in a biased manner, and subject to an “open world assumption” (absence of an annotation does not imply absence of a function), and 2) that conclusions drawn from a novel, large-scale GO analysis should whenever possible be supported by careful, in-depth examination of examples, to help ensure the conclusions have a justifiable biological basis.




□ Exploring Rational Drug Design

>> http://t.co/ETh1q0HK

Selectivity Strategies for Rational Design: 薬剤の合理的設計の選択戦略
Affinity Optimization: drug designers must account for explicit water molecules

New blog post: Crowdsourcing the analysis of scholarly tweets. Please help analyze the dataset via github repository blogs.plos.org/mfenner/2012/0…
Euan Adie and I started the CrowdoMeter project, an analysis of the semantic content of tweets linking to scholarly papers. Because classifying almost 500 tweets is a lot of work, we turned this into a crowdsourcing project.
For this purpose I have created a public repository on Github which contains not only the source code for the CrowdoMeter website, but also all data ? the same dataset made available on figshare.


□ Four Ways to Slice Obama’s 2013 Budget Proposal
・Explore every nook and cranny of President Obama's federal budget proposal.

>> goo.gl/waIx3

Chart shows $3.7 trillion authorized to be spent in 2013. (Total spending is estimated to be $3.8 trillion, including funds authorized in other years). Negative budget authority, which results from fees or other collections, is shown only on the department totals tab, but is included in other totals.

USの2013 budget proposalをd3.jsで可視化 by NYT goo.gl/waIx3

DNA nanorobot from Wyss Institute on Vimeo.

□ DNA Nanorobot Developed for Future Immune Responses Programming http://t.co/hDE8EhTw | Harvard announcement: http://t.co/vzDPjBy4
<fon tize=1>This programmable nanotherapeutic approach was modeled on the body's own immune system in which white blood cells patrol the bloodstream for any signs of trouble. These infection fighters are able to home in on specific cells in distress, bind to them, and transmit comprehensible signals to them to self-destruct.

The DNA nanorobot emulates this level of specificity through the use of modular components in which different hinges and molecular messages can be switched in and out of the underlying delivery system, much as different engines and tires can be placed on the same chassis. The programmable power of this type of modularity means the system has the potential to one day be used to treat a variety of diseases.


"Open Source" Drug Development Company Launched ow.ly/9gnng

Want to see your genome on a smartphone? Portable Genomics in the San Diego Union Tribune. m.utsandiego.com/news/2012/feb/…

The Open Data Handbook v.1.0 is here - the why, what and how of open data! Read all about it: bit.ly/Ahqo2R #opendata

>> http://opendatahandbook.org/

We are also aware of the need to tailor general advice about open government data to the legislative frameworks and requirements of different countries. If you would like to be involved in writing a country specific adaptation of the Open Data Handbook, please do get in touch via the mailing list.

Open Data Handbookがリリース。より多言語への翻訳は、途上国の社会インフラ、経済開発の為のオープン・データ開発に不可欠。

Open Dataの指向するところの、国家単位の立法フレームワークと、オープン・ガバメント要件については、もっと民間の意見を汲み上げる必要性。その草の根としてのハンドブックでもある。

Species data from biodiversity hotspots in the developing world to go #openaccess bit.ly/xGTUpz (HT @SciDevNet) #Pensoft #EOL #EOASP
Research on new species from biodiversity hotspots in the developing world, published in a range of journals, may soon become freely available online as soon as they are published, thanks to a project launched last week.


Linked Open Data from europeana on Vimeo.

JISC and Europeana video on Linked Open Data: bit.ly/xlJgSd
Simple animation to explain what Linked Open Data is and why it's a good thing, both for users and for data providers.

OpenData.qc: Drug Product Database in a Virtuoso triplestore to play at #hackinghealth, have fun. opendataqc.blogspot.com/2012/02/drug-p…
I will be bringing the Canadian Drug Product Database to the Hacking Health Hackhaton to play with in RDF format and store in a Virtuoso triplestore. The same technology used to publish Wikipedia according to the Semantic Web standard, the software used by DBpedia project.

Making your database available via Wikipedia: the pros and cons: j.mp/Az1cBe
The Rfam database is a collection of RNA families: http://j.mp/AorvCJ
For Pfam and Rfam we adopted the use of Wikipedia as the wiki model.

Are wikis the future of biological databases? Well, the answer is yes, and no. They help bridge the vast gap between the amount of human-annotated data compared to unannotated data. Where annotations do exist, the use of wikis can help to improve the annotation and keep it relevant. But, wikis are extremely simple and are unlikely to replace the complex relational organisation of many biological databases.


□ Biofab Data Access API

>> http://www.programmableweb.com/api/biofab-data-access

Datasets are or will be in compliance with the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) standard.

□ RNA-Seq Atlas -
 A reference database for gene expression profiling in normal tis

Article_Dec.2 - Open Data, Bioinformatics and Others...

2011-12-10 09:18:48 | Science
□ rubbish_talk.

Linked Dataのようなデータ運用技術が、国家・民族間の紛争を解決するのに必要なのではないかと昔から考えている。どの組織が問題で、誰が味方で、潜在するリスクと、その時間的推移や定量的評価までマッピング。資金やバジェットのトラフィックも可視化など、相互不信の払拭に特化するツールを開発する。


最終的には、国・政府・産業というものの機能や意思決定の一部、または数割をOpen Governmentの域を超えて、民間の取り組みや連携が代替していくことも視野に入れていかなければならない。縦割りの日本社会ですら、トップダウン型の体制では対処出来る問題があまりにも広域・細分化し機能不全。


□ U.S.-India Strategic Dialogueto produce "Data.gov-in-a-Box": White House open source http://Data.gov open government data platform http://ow.ly/1g1stj
米インド戦略対話におけるOpen Governmentのグローバル開発。政府の透明化、新たな多国間イニシアチブ問題の解決、市民による汚職への抵抗力付与の為のオープンデータプラットフォームを設計へ
Data.gov Goes Global
In September, the United States was one of eight founding governments of the Open Government Partnership,a new multilateral initiative that secures concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.The President also unveiled the U.S. National Action Plan on Open Government, which detailed steps the United States will take to help meet the initiative’s goals.

Open Data Driven Scholarly Communication in 2020

Phil Bourne presenting his perspectives on data publication and open data. His slides are here: slidesha.re/veR9CW #idcc11


mashable: 『神の素粒子』ヒッグス・ボゾン発見か?CERNが13日に緊急記者会見へ
Scientists May Be Closing in on the Higgs Boson Particle - on.mash.to/vXc62y
Europe’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which has been consistently operating since 2009 after a botched grand opening the previous year, is theoretically capable of seeing hints of the Higgs boson, and now the rumor among the physics community is that it’s done just that. A two-part lecture scheduled for Dec. 13 at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) has the tantalizing title, “Update on the Standard Model Higgs searches.”



What if there is no Higgs boson? - physics-math - 09 December 2011 - New Scientist goo.gl/4xlvE

sc_k: S.C. Kavassalis
@drg1985 Even a non-rumored 3.5 sigma signal isn't enough for proof of anything. No point speculating this early. We're still a ways off.

ヒッグスボソン緊張~☆ っていうか3.5sigma signal云々って「噂」の域なのか。。粒子の存在が確定出来る可能性は高いが、実際に補足出来るかどうかは今後の課題って発表に落ち着きそうな予感はする。

(Three-dimensional Isomap embeddings of trans,trans-1,2,4-trifluorocyclooctane. Each ball represents one of 8375 conformations of the molecule.)

□ Metadynamics in the conformational space nonlinearly dimensionally reduced by Isomap

>> ow.ly/7U6fx

Here we present a simulation with a bias potential acting in the directions of collective motions determined by a nonlinear dimensionality reduction method. Ad hoc generated conformations of trans,trans-1,2,4-trifluorocyclooctane were analyzed by Isomap method to map these 72-dimensional coordinates to three dimensions, as described by Brown and co-workers. Metadynamics employing the three-dimensional embeddings as collective variables was applied to explore all relevant conformations of the studied system and to calculate its conformational free energy surface.

□ Generating 3-D models of RNA from limited experimental data.

The nucleic acid simulation tool (NAST) has been written for this purpose and can be downloaded for free from https://simtk.org/home/nast. Read more about the validation of this tool in the article "Course-grained modeling of large RNA molecules with knowledge-based potentials and structural filters" in the Feb. 2009 issue of RNA (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2648710/?tool=pubmed).

Learn more about Simbios research on physics-based simulations of biological structures at http://simbios.stanford.edu.

(Kepler 22-b which Nasa say is the most Earth-like yet discovered. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images)

□ Exoplanet Kepler 22-b offers best hope yet for a new Earth

>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2011/dec/05/exoplanet-kepler-22-b-nasa-earth

水が液体で存在可能な惑星確認 気温22度、地球の2・4倍
Kepler 22-b, which is about 2.4 times the size of Earth and lies in the so-called "Goldilocks zone", has a relatively comfortable surface temperature of about 22C (72F) and orbits a star not unlike Earth's sun.

But while astronomers believe that it "probably" also possesses water and land, earthlings secretly harbouring hopes that such a planet could potentially host new colonies from our own increasingly overpopulated home may be in for a disappointment.

About 600 light-years from Earth, Kepler 22-b is a considerable trek away while experts are not yet sure if it is made mostly of rock, gas or liquid




What seven billion people looks like j.mp/vUKKUm
Dencity maps population density using circles of various size and hue. Larger, darker circles show areas with fewer people, while smaller, brighter circles highlight crowded cities. Representing denser areas with smaller circles results in additional geographic detail where there are more people, while sparsely populated areas are more vaguely defined.

(Linked Data Sets: Distribution by Links)

(LOD Data Set statistics as of 09/2011)

□ Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space [PDF] (SMWCon Fall 2011, Berlin) http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/jentzsch/2011…
? Next step: Linked Data within Enterprises
 ? alternative to data warehouses and EAI middleware
 ? advantages: schema-less data model, pay-as-you go data integration

lankage: Erik Stattin
Samuel's Project Blog | On Semantic web, Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology dlvr.it/yP2FZ
There were a remarkable amount of talks on connecting SMW with the rest of the Semantic Web, through RDF, SPARQL etc. Cool, SMW is seemingly becoming a natural choice of platform for SemWeb publishing!

The proportion of bio-people were also a bit remarkable. Apart from SNPedia founder Mike Cariaso, there were a whole bunch of others, including Salvadore from the GeneWiki project, Toni .... (and me) .... I guess it reflects how good SMW handles the need to give structure to very heterogenous datasets, so typical for the Life Sciences.

□ Data.govに連邦の追加的栄養支援プログラム関連のデータが新規に公開 MT @nutsci: never looked at data.gov lots of nutrition related data available: http://t.co/j2cyANKb

Maven Semantic: Synthetic Biology Database bit.ly/sXvLRE
The new database is now available to marketing, business development, competitor intelligence, KOL, medical affairs and related departments in the life sciences sector.
The database currently tags 45,000 individuals working in Synthetic Biology. http://bit.ly/tn1jLa.

>> http://www.mavensemantic.com/

Top 10 Countries for Synthetic Biology Research (ranked by number of senior researchers)
United States Of America (23,207)
Japan (2,800)
United Kingdom (2,239)
Germany (1,765)
Italy (1,543)
Canada (1,305)
France (1,189)
China (900)
Australia (711)
Spain (588)

合成生物学: シニア研究者数と研究規模とを短絡することは出来ないし、主導国のアメリカは規格外としても、日本の閉環境で世界第二位の位置に付けてるのは、逆に市場が未だ持て余してる現れだろう。



An overview of linked data & the semantic web from David Reynolds from Epimorphics (making platforms for this epimorphics.com) #idcc11
Epimorphics Ltd. - Linked Data Solutions.
Linked data is a powerful approach to sharing information across the web. It is enabling governments to publish their data to better inform and empower citizens, enabling companies to connect information across silos to aid decision making, and enabling developers to combine data from across organizations to deliver better services.

As experts in all aspects of linked data, Epimorphics can enable you to get the most out of your data assets ? help you model, publish and exploit them.

NatureJapan: 遺伝子における予測可能性 nature.asia/tVXjbI
Predicting mutation outcome from early stochastic variation in genetic interaction partners
遺伝子決定論に限界があることは、臨床でも(一卵性双生児での遺伝学的病変の転帰が同一ではないことから)、また実験においても(同質の環境下であっても、変異によって同系動物間にさまざまな影響が生じることから)、ずっと以前から明らかだった。そうだとしても、個体の表現型は予測可能かもしれないと考えたB Lehnerたちは、発生中の動物で変異の帰結を直接予測する方法を考案した。

非侵襲的な、蛍光を用いる方法によって、線虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)の胚発生過程での遺伝子発現のゆらぎを監視し、各胚の分子ノイズとその胚に対応する成体の表現型を後ろ向きに比較したのである。そして、密接に関係する遺伝子間に生じる調節補償作用と、シャペロンなどの一般的な調節因子がかかわる調節補償作用が明らかになった。こうした補償の強さによって、動物ごとの成体表現型が予測される。

DailyNewsGW: 科学出版会社エルゼビアが、アリアドネ・ゲノミクスを買収。買収額は不明。
Elsevier Buys Ariadne Genomics: read more bit.ly/uvyGxt
Ariadne's flagship product is Pathway Studio for the analyses of molecular pathways and disease progression. The software suite comprises an integrated data mining and visualization product "that organizes relevant facts and relationships from large document collections of genes, proteins, cell processes, and diseases," Elsevier said in a statement.

エルゼビアが分子経路解析ソフトウェア開発会社を買収。遺伝子や細胞プロセスの可視化製品"Pathway Studio"の技術を統合するものと見られる。

エルゼビアは今夏にも学術論文中のゲノム配列を表示するGenome Viewerを、NCBIとの提携でSciVerseに公開していて、Pathway Studioの導入により、データマイニングやオントロジーの強化に力を入れる狙い


Common Data Model for Natural Language Processing Based on Two Existing Standard Information Models: CDA+GrAF: P... http://bit.ly/ttUrL4
the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), and the ISO Graph Annotation Format (GrAF; in development), to develop such a data model entitled “CDA+GrAF”

Two use cases, clinical document sections, and the 2010 i2b2/VA NLP Challenge (i.e., problems, tests, and treatments, with their assertions and relations), were used to create examples of such standoff annotation documents, and were successfully validated with the XML schemata provided with both standards. We developed a tool to automatically translate annotation documents from the 2010 i2b2/VA NLP Challenge format to GrAF, and automatically generated 50 annotation documents using this tool, all successfully validated.

RNA-SeQC is a java program which computes a series of quality control metrics for RNA-seq data confluence.broadinstitute.org/display/CGAToo…
RNA-SeQC: RNA-Seqデータの品質管理メトリクスを計算するJavaプログラム
RNA-SeQC is a java program which computes a series of quality control metrics for RNA-seq data. The input can be one or more BAM files. The output consists of HTML reports and tab delimited files of metrics data. This program can be valuable for comparing sequencing quality across different samples or experiments to evaluate different experimental parameters. It can also be run on individual samples as a means of quality control before continuing with downstream analysis.

RNA-SeQC is built on the GATK as well as the Picard API.

□ notSoJunkDNA: SLIDE: RNA-seqにおけるスパース線形モデリング - アイソフォーム識別のためのデータと資源量推定
Sparse linear modeling of next-gen RNA-Seq data for isoform discovery and abundance est. pnas.org/cgi/content/lo… (can't have it to work yet)
Sparse linear modeling of next-generation mRNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data for isoform discovery and abundance estimation
SLIDE is based on a linear model with a design matrix that models the sampling probability of RNA-Seq reads from different mRNA isoforms. To tackle the model unidentifiability issue, SLIDE uses a modified Lasso procedure for parameter estimation. Compared with deterministic isofor


2011-11-05 18:54:11 | Science
Principle of computational equivalence.

- "human brain or the evolution of weather systems can, in principle, compute the same things"
- "Computation is therefore simply a question of translating inputs and outputs from one system to another."



『一粒の砂に世界を 一輪の野の花に天国を見る 掴みなさい その手のひらに無限を 一刻の中に永遠を』 -ウィリアム・ ブレイク

Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2011.

2011-10-19 22:47:58 | Science
(The Linking Open Data cloud diagram.)

□ Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2011.

>> http://lod.sfc.keio.ac.jp/challenge2011/index.html

「Linked Open Data チャレンジ Japan 2011」では、これまで見られなかった新たなデータづくり、データを共有する仕掛けや、データの活用アイデアなどを「作品」として募集します。作品の分野は問いません。異なる分野のデータをマッシュアップした作品や、様々な分野でLinking Open Data運動を進めている方々の活動も作品として募集します。また、企業がビジネスとして推進している作品、個人や学生の皆さまからの発想豊かな作品など、幅広い応募を期待します。

A hitchhikers guide to the Galapagos - probably the best titled research we've ever had at #BMCEvolutionaryBiology: bit.ly/pW0nGW

Why is the NIH building sequencing centers in Africa? To reverse the neocolonial imprint on foreign-funded research? bit.ly/pAMxLu

@Caliperls Kevin Hrusovsky talks about Benefits Of Mapping The Human Genome with Fox Business. bit.ly/q0NYHu via @foxbusiness

Biochemist salary data. http://j.mp/qgNRzm #salaries #biotechcareers #research

情報オブジェクトと非情報オブジェクトに扱いまで言及。これは僕的には言い過ぎだとおもうけどなあ... @fumi1 CIDOC Recom. for Object ID for LOD bit.ly/qbwaI6

O'Reilly interview with Metamarkets' CTO Michael Driscoll, discussing the Big Data stack (at Strata 2011) bit.ly/pIll5z

@dritoshi GenBankに"PYTHAGORASWITCH"をクエリーにblastpしたら、D-alanine--D-alanine ligaseが、PYTHAGORASという配列を持っていることがわかりました。単位ください。

Nature Highlights: アンチセンスで運動ニューロン疾患のSMN2を救済 nature.asia/qgGh2C

How Much Are We Missing in SNP-by-SNP Analyses? "important genetic variants can be obscured" 1.usa.gov/qUO8EL

Anatomy of a bit: Information in a time series observation http://ow.ly/6PI3z #AIP_CHAOS

New study: NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program diagnoses patients whose cases have stumped all other MDs. http://qoo.ly/7au

Smartphone apps win spot on satellite launch #AIP_PT http://ow.ly/6PgIF


Kolmogorov similarity scaling for one-particle Lagrangian statistics #AIP_POF http://ow.ly/6Qvlv

How Siri Works ? Interview with Tom Gruber bit.ly/owkxWI 例の音声対話型検索がAI利用とはグルーバーの仕事だったのか。タスク、データ、アーキテクチャの焦点を絞ったのが成功要因と。SWとの関係興味深い。昨年の記事


$20,000 problem has just been solved on Hypios: finding new incentives to reduce energy consumption. #openinnovation #crowdsourcing


"Journal of Biomedical Semantics at BioHackathon 2011" blogs.openaccesscentral.com/blogs/bmcblog/…

Selective Fluorometric Detection of Pyrophosphate w/ Copper(II)-2, 6-Bis(2-benzimidazolyl)pyridine Complex bit.ly/nc5Xuz


Communication: Rigorous calculation of dissociation energies (D0) of the water trimer, (H2O)3 and (D2O)3 #AIP_JCP ow.ly/6Sr8N

Golden Helix, Expression Analysis Team on Cloud-based Solution for RNA-Seq Analysis: read more bit.ly/ppsyx6

Journal of #Biomedical Semantics at #BioHackathon 2011 ow.ly/6TLl4 #JBiomedSemantics

MarkのBioHackathon 2011のサマリー、G-language Groupの説明が一番充実してる!bit.ly/rbYL6Y

NGS解析ソフト CLC Genomics Workbench はアカデミック、固定1ライセンスで、625,000円の永久ライセンス。アップグレードするには別途、年間保守ライセンスを定価の20% (125,000円)を購入するそうです。goo.gl/n6hpw

riv7: ??? ▼
#PNAS Distant Mimivirus relative with a larger genome highlights the fundamental features of Megaviridae pnas.org/cgi/content/lo…


Linked Literature, Linked TV ? Everything Looks like a Graph bit.ly/r5Omr0 120万の番組評価データ、1400万の書誌データをMahoutで解析、Gephiで視覚化、考察。実に盛り沢山


□ International Congress of Human Genetics 2011

>> http://www.ichg2011.org/

23andMe blog: 23andMe Scientists Head to Montreal for ICHG/ASHG, Eh: The joint 12th International Congress of Hu... bit.ly/nac2gt

Gagner son Exome, c'est aujourd'hui possible: Join 23andMe at ICHG/ASHG 2011 - a Chance to Win an Exome! shar.es/boRSf #health20fr

DW: All "so called complex disease" has a mitochondria etiology. Illustrate with a mendelian mtDNA disease. Hmm #ICHG2011

EW: Epigenomic screening can be diagnostically useful EVEN IF we don't understand it. e.g. machine learning #ICH2011

GenomicApps: Affymetrix, Inc.
D.Walace.CHOP. Sum of energy flow=sum of information=evolution. #ICHG2011 #Affx

R + Bioconductor がインストールされた Amazon Machine Image. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud や EC2 で動かせる。 / “Bioconductor - Cloud A…” htn.to/234uUN


N Schork discusses VAAST ID of disease variants genome.cshlp.org/content/21/9/1529.full #ICHG2011

DNAnexus Raises $15 Million, Teams With Google To Host Massive DNA Database via @techcrunch techcrunch.com/2011/10/12/dna…

Chakravarti: HapMap was success, now in phase 3, led to 1000 Genomes Project whose samples are used all over the world #ICHG2011

MT @NCBI updated human genome annotation (GRCh37p5) is now available in the NCBI Map Viewer. 1.usa.gov/qvXnXj #ICHG2011 booth 217


レオナルド・ダヴィンチの悲劇の肖像画” La Bella Principessa”を再発見。j.mp/r7o7UF

jsdo.it/biochem_fan/qp… > WebGL による分子ビューア. 蛋白質のPDBファイルを読み込んで主鎖を曲線で表示できるようにしたものを公開。 @magic_kanata



Inter-whisker timing ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…

[Interesting] 3 of top 10 institutions in molecular bio & genetics in NY cshl.edu/images/stories… @RockefellerUniv @sloan_kettering @CSHLnews
TOP Institute: Cold Sprrng Harbor Laboratory / Citations Per Paper: 103.01

人間の行動を変える効果のある映画作り (Nature Climate Change): NPG Nature Asia-Pacific nature.asia/r9syDw

第25回生体生命工学研究会は特別講演1題,一般講演5題で10/26(水)14:00~ 工学部電気情報応物系1号館103号室で開催します.特別講演の講師は,システム生物学の若手ホープ,慶應義塾大学の荒川先生です. #東北大学

Open peer review & open access being discussed today by journal editors, excellent speakers bit.ly/pPswN0 , follow at #ISMTE2011 #li

Caroline Sutton #ISMTE2011 Time for publishers to focus on uses and reuses of OA articles (& data) and ways to build mineable knowledge

PLoS Computational Biology: Monkeys and Humans Share a Common Computation for Face/Voice Integration ow.ly/6Y36s

@Trends_Ecol_Evo Paleoecoinformatics: applying geohistorical data to ecological questions bit.ly/pahLbf

Bad news, part 2: European Court bans patents based on stem cells. (on the Node, via @eurostemcell ) fb.me/JW3Y5zD5
The European Court of Justice has today announced a landmark decision banning patenting of inventions based on embryonic stem cells. Several senior stem cell biologists have expressed their concern that the verdict, which is legally binding for all EU states, will drive development of stem cell therapies outside Europe.

Could patent ban drive research on stem cell therapies outside Europe? More on the European Court patent case verdict: bit.ly/orEXVG

Google Refineを活用してメタデータをLinked Data形式に変換する“Free Your Metadata” current.ndl.go.jp/node/19336

>> http://freeyourmetadata.org/

時間の量子論的解釈と相対論的解釈の峻別 (Nature Communications): Telling quantum and relativistic time apart nature.asia/pYDWK5

G&D Research Highlights: Structural basis for histone H3 Lys27 demethylation by UTX/KDM6A - bit.ly/nyseVt


Embedding #research into use ideas in the #policy space: The case of RIU Nigeria and SierraLeone. ow.ly/70zmJ via @DFID_Research


Predictive model developed for polio: bit.ly/nhDZMx

cc_jp: CreativeCommonsJapan
「ヨーロピアナ(Europeana)、全てのメタデータをCC0ライセンスで公開する新たなデータ交換協定を採用」 creativecommons.jp/weblog/2011/10…
Towards a new Europeana Data Exchange Agreement
Europeana supports open re-use of the metadata provided by our content providers and aggregators

カレントアウェアネス・ポータルにRubyKaigiのURLが載っているのは感慨深い current.ndl.go.jp/node/19338

Siri 試してみた。あれの裏側は wolframAlpha かと思った。readwriteweb.com/archives/apple…

We first ran into Siri nearly two years ago now and since then the company has been on a tear. During this year's SXSW Interactive, we quickly pegged it to run away with the BizSpark Accelerator competition and soon after it was acquired by Apple. Now, a partnership with Wolfram Alpha can really bring Siri to the next level.


2011-09-14 11:49:55 | Science
Read Monbiot's rant against academic publishing? bit.ly/q1YV7L. Make sure you read @Stephen_Curry's response bit.ly/mSrSis

Is Massively Collaborative Scientific Publishing Possible?

学術出版の高価なコンテンツと運用コスト、その付加価値・公益性が妥当かどうかは度々やり玉に挙げられる話題。IFの軛を逃れる云々も。ここでは文化的シフトの必要性とOpen Journalのモデル維持に言及
>> http://occamstypewriter.org/scurry/2011/09/07/...
The growth of PLoS ONE may have been stellar but it still accounts for only tiny percentage of the total scientific output. It has changed the culture, but by how much? If cost, speed of publication and ease of access were really the primary concerns of working scientists, surely other publishers would have jumped into the market?

This is happening to an extent ? have a look at Nature Publishing Group’s latest title, Scientific Reports ? but these new open access journals still charge a hefty fee to authors for the privilege of publication. Shouldn’t the free market be driving down costs?

Researchers ? where are you discussing science online? We'd like to know: wellc.me/rjwPAu

portablegenomic: ビデオゲーム技術の医療ヘルスケアへの応用実例。Kinectは老人ホームの転倒センサーに。今後携帯ゲーム分野は特に注目とのこと
Health gaming reaches critical mass shar.es/HBexk

#RefSeq release 49 is now available for download with 18,236,994 records from 16,248 organisms. Release-notes & Data: bit.ly/bGMe79

OpenAIRE Guide for Researchers openaire.eu/support/toolki… #openaccess #openaire_eu

The 2015 genetic testing market expected worth = $4 billion. #newbornscreening is major factor in the continued growth. http://ow.ly/6mwsX

GenCounsNews: Leslie Ordal
Perhaps genetic counselors don't help patients make decisions, instead come to terms with those they've already made bit.ly/rp7pVn

AOP Review (Study designs series) on Next-generation transcriptome assembly: bit.ly/pXOdk8

□ A Combined Experimental and Mathematical Approach for Molecular-based Optimization of Irinotecan Circadian Delivery. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002143

GenomicApps: Affymetrix, Inc.
The GWAS of Asian Rice study was done using the GeneChip Rice 44K SNP array from Affymetrix - details here.... goo.gl/54uWP

The Rise of Electronic Medicine techre.vu/pPndnG (via @TechReview)

□ Liked: Prototype DNA Analyzer Tested Under Zero-G Conditions http://medgadget.com/2011/09/prototype-dna-analyzer-tested-under-zero-g-conditions.html via @medgadget

□ semwebcompany: Semantic Web Company
#isemantics and #iknow conference assistant for #Android and #iPhone bit.ly/nnj08Z

OA_Africa: Open Access Africa
#ASBCB supports #openaccess in the development of #bioinformatics and #computationalbiology in #Africa. http://ow.ly/6sJTV

Chimeric GNA/DNA metal-mediated base pairs bit.ly/nrom6f

Nature Highlights: 地球のレイトベニア仮説を後押しする証拠 nature.asia/oZavAD

□ 『見えない世界』の重力作用が惑星の運行を遅延する。 RT @EurekAlertAAAS: Invisible world discovered : http://eurekalert.org/e/45cd

Tech company to build innovative test town in New Mexico http://ow.ly/6oFGj

□ AIP_Publishing:
Supercontinuum ultra wide range confocal microscope for reflectance spectroscopy of living matter and ... #AIP_ADV http://ow.ly/6nUDs

□ AIP_Publishing:
Intelligent control of hybrid photo voltaic/fuel cell/energy storage power generation system #AIP_JRSE http://ow.ly/6nRo4

#science Third experiment sees hints of dark matter - For those keeping score, three teams have now found signs of t... ow.ly/1eANaG

腸内細菌シークエンスによるSNSサービスMyMicrobesだと... New Social Network Connects People Based on Gastrointestinal Bacteria bit.ly/qGTkRj

SystemsCancer: システムがん研究チーム

参考)The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory, and Performance amzn.to/r8ywMG 一家に一冊、トポスで音楽理論

数学の未解決問題でkururu_goedelさんが興味深いと持っているものを思いつくままあげてみてもらえませんか。 - kururu_goedel [ザ・インタビューズ] #theinterviews theinterviews.jp/kururu_goedel/…

可視化例はこちら(大腸菌全遺伝子): bit.ly/nH8pEj (enrichment含まない) bit.ly/qQYmEk (enrichment含む) fop/cai/phxというのは遺伝子発現量の推定値です。

可視化はInfoViz ( http://bit.ly/oQ28vU )を使っています。データの取得には、ID変換の感覚でLinked Dataを網羅的に取得できるG-language Restauro-G v.2を使っています。



とりあえず、肺がん http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17690135 と、子どもの呼吸器感染 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21219618 についてはあった。



Jan Švankmajer / "Alice" [Blu-ray]

2011-08-28 22:51:11 | Science

□ Jan Švankmajer / "Alice"

>> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095715/

Release Date; 24/08/2011
Label; Columbia
Cat.No.: COXM-1030
Format: 1xBD
Note: HD Remaster / Czech / Japanese sub
Exclusive Materials: Original Storyboard.

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5532401365374875945&hl=en&fs=true style=width:350px;height:285px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

Něco z Alenky (1988)
Starring: Kristýna Kohoutová
Written by Lewis Carroll
Director: Jan Švankmajer
Producer: Peter-Christian Fueter / Jaromír Kallista
Screenplay: Jan Švankmajer
Art Direction: Eva Svankmajerová
Animator: Bedrich Glaser
Sound: Ivo Spalj

86min / 4:3 / 1920x1080 / 23.98p Full HD / Mono (Linear PCM: 48KHz: 24bit) / Condor Features. Zurich/Switzerland.

Alice is a 1988 Czechoslovak film directed by Jan Švankmajer. Its original Czech title is Něco z Alenky, which means "Something from Alice". It is a free adaptation of Lewis Carroll's first Alice book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, about a girl who follows a white rabbit into a bizarre fantasy land. Alice is played by Kristýna Kohoutová. The film combines live action with stop motion animation, and is distinguished by its dark and uncompromising production design.

Amazon 作品紹介より抜粋
「アリス」Neco z Alenky

オリジナル新作、"Surviving Life"が公開されたばかりの、チェコのオブジェクト・アニメーションの巨匠、ヤン・シュヴァンクマイエル。彼の初の処女長編作である『アリス』のHDリマスター/チェコ語完全版が、遂に日本でもリリースされた。















こういった私自身の極端な偏見に基づいた分析や感想は、もっぱら同時期に読んでいた自然科学分野の巨書『ゲーデル、エッシャー、バッハ - あるいは不思議の環(Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid)』の影響に拠るところが大きいかもしれない。


BioHackathon 2011 - Public symposium. (8/27 updated.)

2011-08-22 00:54:39 | Science

□ BioHackathon 2011 公開シンポジウム

Public symposium of the BioHackathon 2011 will be held at Campus Plaza Kyoto (next to the Kyoto station) on Aug 21.

>> http://2011.biohackathon.org/documents/symposium
>> http://www.ustream.tv/channel/biohackathon

・Symposium: Aug 21 (Sun) @ Campus Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
・Hackathon: Aug 22 (Mon) - 26 (Fri) @ Bioinformatics Center, Kyoto University

BioHackathon 2011、部外に紹介出来るような形で、たとえばSlide Shareをもっと公開してくれたら嬉しいな。

dbcls: ライフサイエンス統合データベースセンター
BioHackathon2011公開シンポジウムをUstream配信します bit.ly/oi0r9G #biohack11

BioHackathon Symposium 2011   8/21 10:00-

Archiving #BioHack11 tweets here twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/BioHac… (giving up on #bh11 for #BioHackathon 2011), see 2011.BioHackathon.org

#biohack2011 some slides coming up on github.com/dbcls/bh11/wik…

chapmanb: Brad Chapman
Distributed exome analysis pipeline with CloudBioLinux and CloudMan is.gd/gJiICg #ngs #aws

Blog: "BioHackathon 2011 シンポジウム" - Ogishima Blog sysbioevo.org/ogishima/blog/…

#biohack11, projects in my talk: tolweb.org, ubio.org, treebase.org, timetree.org, gbif.org - slides here: slidesha.re/p0pr9G

□ dbcls:
Rutger Vos The Tree of Life as central unifying concept for the integration of phylogenetic ...

BioSharing attends the BioHackathon 2011 - Focus on Linked Data in life science: blog.biosharing.org/2011/08/biohac…
During this first live streamed open symposium day, a series of short presentations set the scene for the hands-on hackaton event that runs for the whole week (Aug 22-26). Presentations include:
- SPARQLing UniProt RDF (Jerven Bolleman)
- BioMart and semantic-web querying (Joachim Baran)
- SADI and semantic-web services (Mark Wilkinson)
Also BioSharing (Susanna-A Sansone) and the ISA infrastructure (Philippe Rocca-Serra) are also introduced, along with NCBO BioPortal (Trish Whetzel), MIRIAM Registry (Camille Laibe) and many others.

phenomeblast - Comparative phenomics tools for aligning and analyzing phenotypes across species - Google Project Hosting bit.ly/qWpgCX
PhenomeNet: PhenomeNet is a cross-species phenotype network in which nodes are compared based on phenotypic similarity.
PhenomeBrowser: The PhenomeBrowser is a web-interface to explore the PhenomeNet.
PhenomeBLAST: PhenomeBLAST is an ontology-based tool that provides a practical implementation of cross-species alignments of phenotypes using ontologies. We make both a command-line tool and a web-server available.

BioHackathonで生まれたPSICQUICも広く普及した。分子間相互作用に関してはもう個別クライアントは書かなくていいかな。次は他のデータセットとの容易な結合ができるようにSWの方向へ。 #BioHack11

Bruno Aranda #BioHack11: #PSICQUIC code.google.com/p/psicquic/ aims to standardise the access to molecular interaction databases programmatically

□ Japanese Society for Bioinformatics (JSBi) http://t.co/0Jso5dB announced call for papers for their journal "Genome Informatics" #BioHack11

□ Joachim Barb: 35 DBs in #BioMart Central Portal, 20 DBs in International Cancer Genome Consortium: leads to 900,000,000 triples! #BioHack11

□ dbcls:
Open Bio* projects Interoperable libraries for the Semantic Web


PDB identifiers in TOPSAN (Peter's question): As an example, here is the TOPSAN entry for PDB id 2Q9K: topsan.org/Proteins/JCSG/… #biohack11
Crystal structure of conserved uncharacterized protein (ZP_00539648.1) from Exiguobacterium sp. 255-15 at 1.59 A resolution. To be published

SADI (Semantic Automated Discovery and Integration) is a framework to create SW services using OWL classes as a service IO #biohack11

"Need a fast-booting computer to record dreams before you forget" "Or a notebook" "Ah… sleep mode" "No, a notebook: pen & paper" #biohack11


Biohackathon 2011 開発会議二日目. 成果はこちらに集約中. github.com/dbcls/bh11/wiki #biohack11

SADI have some stylish faux wood USB keys with a virtual machine on them - thanks @elmccarthy #BioHack11 sadiframework.org

#BioHack11 BioMart tutorial with text-mining data example by @joachimbaran has just started in main room biomart.org

BioMart tutorial/demo: set-up of customised REACTOME pathways mart with text-mining data within 10 minutes. SPARQL enabled. #biohack11

#BioHack11 Mitsuteru Nakao (@32nm) giving quick introduction to google-refine code.google.com/p/google-refin… for cleaning, transforming, & to freebase

BioMed Central Blog : Towards interoperable bioinformatics web services for integrated applications bit.ly/mWzuQs

biohack11: BioHackathon 2011
OK Go meets The Muppets OK Go and The Muppets - Muppet Show Theme Song http tinyurl.com/3zsu956 by Jan Aerts - Google+ User Feed

Working on RDF output for HMMER3 output (first for 'domtblout') in #bioruby, see: github.com/cmzmasek/bioru… #biohack11



Are There Laws of Genome Evolution? Join the discussion dx.plos.org/10.1371/journa…
The universals of genome evolution can be accounted for by simple mathematical models similar to those used in statistical physics, such as the birth-death-innovation model. These models do not explicitly incorporate selection; therefore, the observed universal regularities do not appear to be shaped by selection but rather are emergent properties of gene ensembles.

Although a complete physical theory of evolutionary biology is inconceivable, the universals of genome evolution might qualify as “laws of evolutionary genomics” in the same sense “law” is understood in modern physics.

New Collection: The Roots of Bioinformatics ploscollections.org/article/browse…

rnomics: http://shar.es/HUW2X 確率モデルによるRNA二次構造予測
phylogenomics: Cryptogenomicon ? #RNA secondary structure prediction with probability models... bit.ly/mSGo96 #rnomics-bioinfo #OpenScience

TLでSean Eddy氏のブログcryptogenomiconでのRNA二次構造の確率予測モデルの記事が目に付く一方、#BioHack11 には同開発者によるHMMER3(隠れマルコフモデルを用いた相同性検索ツール)を利用したRDF出力の紹介が

emblebi: EMBL-EBI
Applications are being accepted for the EMBL PhD programme (EMBL sites are in France, Germany, Italy and the UK) - www.embl.org/PhDProgramme

EurekAlertAAAS: 生物が時間として感じる離散的な経験を、一連のイベントとしてシーケンシャル的にエンコードするニューロンのプロセスを発見
'Time cells' bridge the gap in memories of event sequences : http://eurekalert.org/e/44Jb

Bobe: Personal Genome Project seeking 100,000 volunteers for DNA sequencing, wants to forge pathway to personalized medicine. #SciBarSpace

Bobe: Bioweathermap is a global environmental sensing effort using genomic sequencing technologies. #SciBarSpace

ICSB_2011: ICSB 2011 Orga Team
Less than 48h to start of @ICSB_2011 in Mannheim, tomorrow workshops start already in Heidelberg. Excitement is rising... #systemsbiology

AWS Genomics Event, September 22nd, 2011 aws.amazon.com/genomicsevent
Genomics is increasingly becoming a cloud computing play. More and more researchers and practitioners are turning to cloud computing to solve big data challenges, scale, improve time-to-market, and better manage cost efficiencies.

Reasons to attend
・Hear how genome sequencing customers of AWS have successfully built and migrated large scale projects to the cloud.
・Gain a deeper understanding of Amazon Web Services, including best practices for developing, architecting, and securing applications in the cloud. Gain a deeper understanding of doing large scale, big data analysis with AWS.

New Education: Biomedical Cloud Computing With Amazon Web Services dx.plos.org/10.1371/journa…

portablegenomic: Portable Genomics
Interview with Biomedical Pioneer, Dr. Leroy Hood medgadget.com/?p=26371

@chapmanb will be covering his distributed exome sequencing pipeline bcbio.wordpress.com/2011/08/19/dis… at the #AWS genomics workshop aws.amazon.com/genomicsevent/

genetics_blog: Stephen Turner
Estimating Trait Heritability from GWAS Data gettinggeneticsdone.blogspot.com/2011/08/estima…
The basic idea is to use GWAS data to estimate the degree of "genetic sharing" or relatedness among the samples, computing what the authors call a genetic relationship matrix (GRM). The degree of genetic sharing among samples is then related to the amount of phenotypic sharing using restricted maximum likelihood analysis (REML).

portablegenomic: Portable Genomics
Mobile devices and emerging technologies are fueling the creation of a $1.3 billion health care WiFi industry soc.li/QogXZVh

twitterで自然言語処理 research.preferred.jp/2011/08/twitte… みなさんよむべしです!!

Symbiologica: Juliana Mastronunzio
Protection of Arabidopsis thaliana against leaf-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae by Sphingomonas strains in a controlled model system. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=pr…

good comments by Blumberg RT @priti959: Antioxidant vitamins may cut mortality risk: EPIC data nutraingredients-usa.com/Research/Antio… via @NutraUSA

I lk #Google+ > #FB but still lk #Twitter much more, its fast & comprehensive => twttr Just Got the Respect it Deserves tnw.co/onURao

Microfossils of sulphur-metabolizing cells in 3.4-billion-year-old rocks of Western Australia nature.asia/riKzba
ネイチャージオサイエンス掲載論文です。「34億年前の地球最古の化石、火星の生命に期待広がる」国際ニュース : AFPBB News http://t.co/VYksG8b

Last dinosaur before mass extinction discovered bit.ly/paXNzt #science RT @DrSampyRoy

cshperspectives: CSH Perspectives Ed.
"When we dissect the genetic basis of real adaptations, they invariably rest on changes in DNA seq" bit.ly/nHJfjg via @carlzimmer
One often hears the suggestion that the neo-Darwinian view of evolution is on the skids, and that that view will be completely changed?if not overturned?by new biological ideas like modularity, genetic assimilation, evolvability, and epigenetics. Epigenetics in particular (I’ll define it in a moment) has been especially touted as a concept that will revolutionize evolutionary biology.

Numerical-simulation and experimental-validation of the largest Egyptian solar process-heat system http://ow.ly/69kBz #AIP_JRSE

Ultra-portable explosives sensor based on a CMOS fluorescence lifetime analysis micro-system http://ow.ly/69frz #AIP_ADV

□ AIP_Publishing: 人体の熱を利用して発電する着衣式エレクトロニクスの展望。
Wearable electronics self-powered by using human body heat: The state of the art and the perspective http://ow.ly/69fAW #AIP_JRSE

Physicists build first single-photon router tw.physorg.com/233229075

Why Is It So Hard to Find a Suicide Bomber These Days?
【OUP BLOG】自爆テロが少なくなってきたのはなぜか? bit.ly/oE9jGw

University Not the Only Route to Success on.wsj.com/qcPQuk < the impressive team @gosquared #ALevel #resultsday

<br />

Tobacco companies use corporate social responsibility for political purposes: bit.ly/rl27hm

□ PLoSMedicine: PLoS Medicine
This Week in PLoS Medicine: Tobacco’s corporate responsibility; Health policy & systems research; Smoking in films bit.ly/n2OHoa

86% of land species, 91% of ocean species yet to be discovered, says study that pegs number of species on earth at 8.7m bit.ly/kDy0K

Nature Cover Story: 温暖化と紛争のホットスポット:国内紛争とエルニーニョとの結びつき nature.asia/oH158d

New genetic variant for osteoarthritis found without DNA sequencing - the power of 1000 Genomes Project data bit.ly/ppxopN

Early under-nutrition may increase heart disease risk in later life. http://j.mp/pXJyNR

CERN clears the sky on CLOUD formation http://ow.ly/6dta2 #AIP_PT

We've started our Media Tracking Project | EveryONE bit.ly/n7FHmE

Advance of the Data Civilization.

2011-08-20 21:35:18 | Science
(Historical Timeline of systematic data and computable knowledge wolfram|alpha)

□ Advance of the Data Civilization: A Timeline

>> http://t.co/3LJJ4U7

If anything, there are even more dramatic survival bias effects here than in the data+knowledge timeline. But if there is a significance to the difference between the timelines, perhaps it reflects the fact that the systematization of data and knowledge provides core infrastructure for the world?and grows more slowly and steadily, gradually making possible all those other innovations.

digitalsci: 人類の扱う『データ』の進化を示す年表と、地理的拡散のグラフ。ウルフラム氏の手前味噌というか、最後にWolfram|alphaが鎮座してるw
Advance of the Data Civilization , in timeline form, dating back to 20,000 BCE. bit.ly/o2CXTX (HT @timoreilly)

"The assumption, however, was that the key innovation would be “artificial intelligence”?an automation of human intelligence. And as the years went by, and artificial intelligence languished, so too did progress in making knowledge broadly computable."

この前も同じことを言ったかもしれないけれど、Semantic TechnologyとArtificial Intelligenceは相補的な関係にあり、実はユーザとデマンドのレスポンスを高度に突き詰めれば突き詰めるほど、プロセスは異なれど見分けがつかなくなるのでは、と仮説してみる。

Tim O'Reilly comments on the PLoS/Mendeley Binary Battle "let's solve the hard problem of making science go faster" tinyurl.com/TimO-ReillyBin…

AIP_Publishing: ガラス結晶メモリによるデータストレージ
Glass memory crystals could provide long-term data storage http://ow.ly/65ksm #AIP_PT

NCBI to cease archiving TCGA sequencing data. For more information please see: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/About/news/17A…

dbcls: ライフサイエンス統合データベースセンター
明日10時よりBioHackathon2011公開シンポジウムをUstream配信します bit.ly/oi0r9G #biohack11

BioHackathon Symposium 2011   8/21 10:00-

Archiving #BioHack11 tweets here twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/BioHac… (giving up on #bh11 for #BioHackathon 2011), see 2011.BioHackathon.org

chapmanb: Brad Chapman
Distributed exome analysis pipeline with CloudBioLinux and CloudMan is.gd/gJiICg #ngs #aws

radar: O'Reilly Radar
Data Visualization Contest: Make your data work for a chance to win a free trip to #Strata NYC. oreil.ly/q0cqpJ

Statistical Inference for Multi-Pathogen Systems ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3…


The RFC Universe peterkrantz.com/v11n/rfc/ by Peter Krantz. RFCの参照関係を視覚化。Gephi、Python、Seadragon使用とのこと。via G+

NPG Asia Materials - DNA readers: Cracking the epigenetic code nature.asia/pp7Wex (Osaka University, Konkuk University)

Evolution of wood: sciencemag.org/content/333/60…

Plant science - the UK's hidden science strength? Sign up to the Hidden Science Map and show how crucial we are: bit.ly/nxRtfc

"EDGE", an alternative to RNA-seq RT @joe_pickrell: RNA sequencing in cheetah spots bit.ly/pQc5a2

quantumlah: CQT
Is the second law a meta-theorem? CQT researchers blog about their new aXiv paper on @FQXi bit.ly/n7yU7z
熱力学第二法則はメタ定理たり得るか? 量子ビットの初期状態に関するデータ損失とエントロピー状態の統計的絡み合い・確率論的解釈。
In our paper we find that this phenomenon of data becoming useless is indeed quite independent of the details of the underlying theory. We think of classical theory and quantum theory as examples of a wider class of probabilistic theories. In this way of thinking systems are treated as black boxes with inputs (choices of experimental settings) and outputs (measurement outcomes), and the theory specifies the joint statistics of these things. By formulating matters in this way one may create hypothetical and nearly arbitrary theories.

It is in this set of theories that we ask whether this data-becoming-useless version of the second law holds universally. We find that we have to add some additional restrictions on the set of theories to make the question well-defined, but given those restrictions, the answer is yes: it holds in all such theories.

>> http://www.fqxi.org/home

FQXiコミュニティのボードでも議論が白熱しています。John Merryman氏の決定論的見方は私と最も近いのだけど…
"So the input is indeterministic, but the results are deterministic.(『入力は決定不能であり、結果は決定論的である。』)"

FQXi: FQXi Physics
Today's Google doodle too small to contain full proof of Fermat's Last Theorem guardian.co.uk bit.ly/pUYSBM

□ 海栗の発達から得られる神経系パターンの形成の知見 / The evolution of nervous system patterning: insights from sea urchin development http://t.co/dKqbUCW

PLoS Currents: Disasters is now accepting submissions! Please visit currents.plos.org/disasters/ for more information.

Science in Africa, Africa's First On-Line Science Magazine, Home Page - now this I love, a whole publication... fb.me/14AiOMwfb

Moving towards universal health coverage in India and South Africa? Rhona MacDonald on problems and potential solutions bit.ly/pNamdd

FDA plans ahead for personalised and genomic medicine bit.ly/pclCy2
The Strategic Plan for Regulatory Science is intended to allow the regulator to ‘make science based decisions resulting in sound regulatory policy’ and foster innovation, by improving the processes by which new products from research in areas including genomics, personalised medicine, cellular and gene therapies.

This includes developing new ways of assessing novel therapies and technologies, drawing on multi-disciplinary expertise, as well as facilitating the development of treatments for ‘special populations’ such as patients with rare or neglected diseases.

EuroStemCell Interview with Doug Sipp, Manager at RIKEN CDB, Kobe, Japan bit.ly/ruV62X

Reading:Academics are turning to #Twitter as an outlets for frustration #onlinetherapy #OA

タンパク質表面で別のタンパク質と相互作用する部位を予測する方法、BindMLを開発しました。相互作用部位に特徴的なミューテーションのパターンを検出します。 論文がProteinsでアクセプトされました。 サーバー、プログラム使ってみてください: bit.ly/q1QhpM

cc_jp: CreativeCommonsJapan
ニュージーランド政府は少し前にオープン性&透明性に関する宣言というのを出しているんですね。価値の高いデータを公開して商業利用・コミュニティ利用を促進する、とか、政府は国民のためにデータを預かっている、とか。 (渡辺) bit.ly/n9IbcH

ω にあらゆる意味において定義不可能な部分集合があると本当に認めねばならんか、そんなことないんじゃないか、と問い究めていけば、自然にL-階層というものにたどり着きそうな気がする。


クールなキングペンギンのヒナ (Nature Communications): NPG Nature Asia-Pacific nature.asia/q1R3o7

China condones tiger extinction by legalizing skin trade, then refuses to answer for it bit.ly/q6xrus welcome @RachelNuwer's new blog



□ Art.

ウィトゲンシュタインファンの方必見! OUPのトップ哲学ジャーナルから出版されたウィトゲンシュタインの論文を集めました。 oxford.ly/ntS4qf #Wittgenstein

□ Åke Parmerud's- 'Les objets obscurs' with analysis of time-fields and dynamic form.

This movie example is accompanying the article 'Form-Building Patterns and Metaphorical Meaning' by Lasse Thoresen with the assistance of Andreas Hedman.


□ "Sounds & Silence": Travels With Manfred Eiche [Blu-ray]

ECMレーベルのドキュメンタリー・フィルム、"Sounds & Silence"が、Blu-rayとサントラで遂にリリース。

Release Date: 13/09/2011
Label: ECM
Format: Blu-ray


□ "Hysteria" Trailer

明晩放送の『セクレタリー』のマギー・ギレンホール。最新作『Hysteria』が来月のトロント映画祭で上映。ビクトリア朝ロンドンで世界最初のバイブレーター…(・。・;を発明した医師(ヒュー・ダンシー)とのロマンチックコメディだそうです。予告編→ http://ow.ly/655ZZ

<embed id=VideoPlayback src=http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=5532401365374875945&hl=en&fs=true style=width:350px;height:285px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash> </embed>

□ Jan Svankmajerの"Alice"がBlu-ray化。フィルム映像の粒の粗い味は残して欲しい作風だけど。。でもティーカップの茶渋とか壁の沁みを高解像度で見ることが出来るのは楽しみかも。 / アリス 【HDニューマスター/チェコ語完全版】 [Blu-ray] ヤン・シュヴァンクマイエル http://t.co/Oq7h5HZ

因にJan Svankmajer作品で一番好きなのは、短編では『部屋での静かな一週間』、長編では『FAUST』。「日常の観測の崩壊」を匂わせる趣旨が好き。

rubbish talk_16.

2011-07-02 14:49:42 | Science
□ 量子力学におけるコペンハーゲン解釈と多世界解釈の差異は、確率支配下にある、あらゆる事象の可能性の決定論的分岐を、波動関数の収束の前に置くか、その後ろに置くかという問題でしかない。



□ 主観というパースペクティブにおいて、無限遠にあるものは全ての中心へと収束していく。重力とは、それらに分け入っていく対象を包含して相互作用し、存在の影響を伝播する現象に他ならない。

□ 生命の意識、とりわけ「知性」という対象は、「我々が何者であるか」という真性への、忘却の地平に立脚しているものだ。そして「恋」という感情もまた、生命事象としての己の真性を求め、生化学反応によって構築される高度な記号体系に突き動かされる、「複雑事象の可能性」たる生命個体の確率機械としての一平面を為している。


□ 地球上の大部分の生命体は、その代謝エネルギーの供給源を太陽に依存しているが、言い換えれば地球上で手に入る殆どの自然エネルギーとは、搾取体としての人類の活性も含めて、太陽に由来するものなのである。

Controllability of complex networks.

2011-05-16 10:08:06 | Science
(Control robustness)

Controllability of complex networks: 複雑性を手なずける: ネットワーク制御のための数学
? 細胞生物学から携帯電話まで

>> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v473/n7346/pdf/nature10011.pdf
>> http://nature.asia/lWkWmT

The ultimate proof of our understanding of natural or technological systems is reflected in our ability to control them. Although control theory offers mathematical tools for steering engineered and natural systems towards a desired state, a framework to control complex self-organized systems is lacking.

Here we develop analytical tools to study the controllability of an arbitrary complex directed network, identifying the set of driver nodes with time-dependent control that can guide the system’s entire dynamics.




□ 2011 Sage Bionetworks Commons Congress videos now on iTunes

>> http://bit.ly/jJJsg5 (iTunes)

Sage Bionetworks video podcasts feature the plenary talks from the April 2011 Commons Congress in San Francisco. The Keynote and project update video posts are in reverse chronological order; the full agenda is available at www.sagecongress.org.

There are also several excellent podcasts from the January 2011 Symposium on Human Data Interoperability. Upcoming posts will feature presentations and interviews on network biology, genomics, healthcare and open science.

□ アメリカ遺伝学会が、ゲノム研究の出版・評価・データセットを多角的に扱うオープンアクセス・ジャーナル『G3』を発表。

G3 by the Genetics Society of America: Genes|Genomes|Genetics, a new peer-reviewed/peer-edited/fully open access journal g3journal.org/

・Emphasis on data quality and utility, rather than on detailed mechanistic insight or subjective assessment of immediate impact;
・Rapid publication of high-quality, large-scale datasets;
・Emphasis on creating and maintaining links between the data and the associated articles, to enable future access and analyses;
・Fully open access, with a Creative Commons Attribution License.

DailyNewsGW: 米政府、過去15年間にヒトゲノム計画に38億ドルの拠出、7960億ドルの経済生産を駆動。
UPDATE: Report Suggests Big Payoff from Human Genome Project: The $3.8 billion investment in the Human Genome Pr... http://bit.ly/kkShGg

The US government's $3.8 billion in spending on the HGP over 15 years has been critical to driving a total of $796 billion in economic output impact through companies in the life sciences using tools and technologies and research funding, the analysis from Battelle Technology Partnership Practice found.

DailyNewsGW: 日本法人との連携も行うカナダ・RB社、第一四半期の売上高が前年比67%上昇。大幅なコスト減。R&D 及びSG&Aは非公開。
Response Biomedical's Q1 Revenues Jump 67 Percent: read more http://bit.ly/j4Asg1

rnomics: 古細菌キメラRNAの構造的進化と機能。
Archaeal-Bacterial Chimeric RNAse P RNAs: Towards Understanding RNA's Architecture, Function and... http://bit.ly/kcKBwz

Special issue of Genetica: Genetics & Origin of Species, not #OA xcpt 4 a couple articles http://bit.ly/m9eAd9

AIP_Publishing: グローバル安定性と三角格子反強磁性体の幾何学的フラストレーションの磁気相図
Global stability and the magnetic phase diagram of a geometrically frustrated triangular lattice antiferromagnet http://ow.ly/4SXro

AIP_Publishing: 線形-非線形組み合わせ回路の温度推定・逆問題
An inverse problem of temperature estimation for the combination of the linear and nonlinear resistances http://ow.ly/4SfsI

BLAST DB changes: Transcriptome Shotgun Assembly sequences in "NT" db have been moved to a new "TSA" db. More info: http://1.usa.gov/1zl6qe

bioperl: BioPerl Project
GMOD is now on Github github.com/gmod/ see GBrowse and Bio-Graphics /jason

tri_iro: Lost Melody Theorem とは:

wakuteka: 牧場の朝
5月14日(土)14時~17時 みんな来てね!(明日かよ / Japanese Society for Bioinformatics - JSBi :: 5大学大学院研究室合同説明会 ─お台場の連携大学院CBRCで学ぶバイオインフォマティクス http://htn.to/FBPRcF



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: The Biology of Genomes 2011.

>> http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/genome11.shtml
>> lens.align,: The Biology of Genomes 2011. (Day-1)

kbradnam: CSHL "Biology of Genomes" トーキングセッション概要。
Copy of my CSHL #bg2011 talk is available as a PDF with notes: korflab.ucdavis.edu/Datasets/Assem…

bmahersciwriter: 三大ゲノムアセンブリ評価プロジェクト
Good questions about @assemblathon's use of synthetic data. For more assembly competitions see http://bit.ly/iILFbw #bg2011

KB: Which assembly was best? Everyone is a winner, but SOAPdenovo, ALLPATHS and SGA were more winners than most #BG2011

#bg2011 MS: 'The curse of deep sequencing' ? higher coverage leads to discovery of more systematic errors

#bg2011 MS: at 7x coverage SysCall correctly calls SNPs vs errors ~50% of time. Higher coverages (35x) = ~70% correct

Soodyall: works with National Genographic Project https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com/genographic/index.html . #bg2011

Population Genomic Variation is the morning theme @ #BG2011 w/ archaic humans, admixture, recomb in African Ams,evol of great apes, more

genetics_blog: システム生物学: 異種間Omics-データへの統合的アプローチ
Tip of the hat to @larry_parnell for suggesting refs and examples for systems biology approaches to omics data http://b.qr.ae/iysroe

lukejostins: Luke Jostins
RP-R: Take 70 HapMap individuals, measure DNase1 peaks in 100bp windows, look for chromatin accessibility SNPs (caQTLs) #BG2011


cshperspectives: CSH Perspectives Ed. : DNAシーケシングの顕著な低コスト高効率化傾向。ムーアの法則を打ち破る。
Plummeting costs of DNA sequencing put Moore's Law to shame http://onforb.es/jIkfAy #bg2011

The cost of getting DNA data is dropping faster than the cost of processing data on computers. The potential to change not just medicine but other industries is huge. At the Cold Spring Harbor meeting, there were literally hundreds of genomes or exomes (that’s just the genes, which are small fraction of DNA) presented.

□ Fourth day of Biology of Genomes blogging. #BG2011 Geography and recent human evolution http://bit.ly/lcm5KC

One theme of the day was the complexity of selection in humans; you do not see very many of the clean, classical selective sweeps that you see in Drosophila. Graham Coop has tied this observation to another complexity of human diversity, that of allelic heterogeneity.

#bg2011 TMB discusses a continuum of genomic variation from single substitutions/indels/mobile elements to rearrangements/c'somal variation

cshperspectives: CSH Perspectives Ed.
CSH Genomes meeting creating a buzz on Wall St? $ILMN share price up 4% ($PACB unchanged...) #bg2011

□ CSHで行われたBiology of Genomesミーティングの効果でIllumina社の株価が4%上昇したというウワサだけど、ちょうど開催直前の先週火曜日(日本時間)に、ILMN Genome Networkの大幅な低価格化を発表して以来、NASDAQは右肩上がりだったよね。

Several speakers announced for GB's Beyond The Genome 2011 conference & Genome Informatics Workshop http://ow.ly/4WnYA #genomics #btg2011

The Biology of Genomes 2011. (May 10-14)

2011-05-11 18:41:50 | Science

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: The Biology of Genomes 2011. (Day-1.)

>> http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/genome11.shtml

The 2011 meeting will address DNA sequence variation and its role in molecular evolution, population genetics and complex diseases, comparative genomics, large-scale studies of gene and protein expression, and genomic approaches to ecological systems.

CSHLnews: ColdSpringHarborLab: Biology of Genomes 2011 Meeting
MT: For those following Biology of Genomes 2011 at #bg2011, also keep an eye on @lukejostins at http://bit.ly/lsyYaH

dgmacarthur: 膨大な遺伝子データを保有していても、シーケンスからレベル予測に至れないのは何故か?
Barak Cohen: we know a huge amount about gene expression, but still can't predict levels from sequence. Why not? #bg2011

lukejostins: Luke Jostins
TG: The number of predicted human genes (~50K, with ~20K protein coding ) has been stable for the last two years. #BG2011

Jason Ernst is talking about using ENCODE epigenomic mapping to shed light on GWAS hits #BG2011

Genomics: A guided tour of the genome : ENCODE - Nature http://bit.ly/l2M2ZD


"In essence, science is a perpetual search for an intelligent and integrated comprehension of the world we live in." - Van Neil

((NasdaqGS: ILMN)

portablegenomic: Ilumina社IGN、全ゲノムシーケンスのコスト低減
Illumina Reduces Price of Whole Human Genome Sequencing Through Illumina Genome Network down to $5000 finance.yahoo.com/news/Illumina-… (May 9, 2011, 6:00 am EDT)

Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ:ILMN - News) today announced that it is significantly reducing the price for sequencing whole human genomes through the Illumina Genome Network (IGN). The new list price for the service is $5,000 per genome for projects of ten samples or more, and $4,000 for projects of fifty samples or more.


DailyNewsGW: 米Fluidigm社が第1四半期30%成長を達成。シングルセル研究の高まりとBioMark需要。R&Dは横ばい。
Fluidigm's Q1 Revenues Climb 30 Percent: The firm's product revenues were up 34 percent, while grant and collabo... http://bit.ly/kAOAKF

>> http://www.fluidigm.com/

"We experienced strong interest in single-cell genomics, genotyping consumables, and sample preparation for next-generation sequencing," Fluidigm President and CEO Gajus Worthington said in a statement. "More than half of the BioMark and new BioMark HD Systems sold during Q1 are being used to conduct single-cell research."

Fluidigm finished the quarter with cash and cash equivalents of $55.8 million and available-for-sale securities of $21.9 million.

DailyNewsGW: ライフテクノロジーズ日本、遺伝子解析PCR装置のマーケティング・クリアランス付与
Life Technologies Gets Japan OK for 7500 Fast Dx, 3500 Dx Instruments: read more http://bit.ly/kalKs4


iainh_z: 地域・組織間の医療データ共有バイオグリッド構想
NCRI Informatics Initiative spring newsletter http://bit.ly/mwZTx3 including a feature on data sharing and publication in #bmcresnotes

>> http://www.cancerinformatics.org.uk/

Refresh ?BioGrid Australia and the Australian Cancer Grid
Funded by the Victorian and Austral- ian Governments and led by clinical researchers, BioGrid is a not-for-profit data sharing technology organisation spanning a network of 41 hospitals and research organisations. BioGrid seeks to facilitate the improvement of health outcomes by providing easier access to health and research data across multiple institutions, geographic regions and dis- eases through the secure and ethical inte- gration of data.

eurogene: ゲノムワイド関連解析の表現型データサンプルサイズ縮小。
obesity as a trait in GWAS - use of extreme phenotypes enables small(ish) sample sizes say authors result http://1.usa.gov/m6Z5eA

sciam: Scientific American: 人間の『目』に隠された概日リズムと感情制御組織
Hidden Organ In Our Eyes Found to Control Circadian Rhythms and Emotions (preview) http://bit.ly/l204le


DebbieKennett: DNA解析によると、1万4千年前の北アメリカ人口は70人に満たなかった。
DNA research suggests that North America was populated by no more than 70 people 14,000 years ago: http://tinyurl.com/6ctslz8

oatp: OA Tracking Project
BioMed Central's 5th Annual Research Awards, and the winners are...: ""The winners of our [BioMed Central's] 5th... http://bit.ly/kAMzeF

PLoS:  情報:『フリー』であることと『オープン』であることの違い。
Understanding the difference between Free and Open Access http://tinyurl.com/freevsopen

openmeti_e: 東日本大震災対応アプリケーション開発プロジェクト
Open Government Laboratory to launch the “Apps for Japan” Project http://openlabs.go.jp/apps4japan/ #opengovjp #gov20 #opengov

As a first step, METI is cooperating with “Tasukeai Japan”. We are calling for the development of websites and apps that will make available the volunteering information provided by this organization.

In addition, we are presently considering options for projects aimed at addressing the expected rise in electricity demand during the summer. As with previous apps aimed at addressing the electricity situation, information on these projects will be provided through Twitter.

scholarlykitchn: 市場原理: ソーシャルメディアはツールであって戦略ではない。
Rely on marketing principles -- not trendy ideas. Social media is a tool, and a tool is not a strategy. http://ow.ly/4Re03 via @DUKEpress

Web Tools for Searching the Biomedical Literature ? part I blogs.plos.org/mfenner/2011/0…

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Lu/search/

The author describes 28 tools developed specifically for the biomedical domain. The tools are grouped based on their most important features into

1. Ranking search results
2. Clustering results into topics
3. Extracting and displaying semantics and relations
4. Improving search interface and retrieval experience


a systematic search within the archives of six major US and UK tobacco companies (American Tobacco, Philip Morris, RJ Reynolds, Lorillard, Brown & Williamson and British American Tobacco) that were Defendants in tobacco litigation settled in 1998.

Findings are dated from 1949 to 1999. Results: The documents revealed the strategies planned and used by the industry to enhance effects of smoking on weight and appetite, mostly by chemical modifications of cigarettes contents. Appetite-suppressant molecules, such as tartaric acid and 2-acetylpyridine were added to some cigarettes.




2011-05-06 14:21:49 | Science
(Royalty Free Image by Vesilvio @Dreamstime)

"In the eye of storm you'll see a lonely dove, the experience of survival is the key, to the gravity of love." -ENIGMA

□ 事象の説明に際してのステージは「仕組み」と「理由」とに分けられる。「意味」は説明に付随する副次的なアノテーションに過ぎない。


□ P&Gの誤発注(真相は謎)によるダウ工業平均の「メルトダウン」から丁度一年。今年はテロ情勢による株価変動リスクが黒点の如くやって来た。二年連続の連休キャンセルで「魔の五月」ジンクスが定着しつつある(; ̄O ̄)

□ 富・資本の分布に依存する集団の為の道徳が「平衡状態」になることはない。

□ science.

AIP_Publishing: 『グラヴィティ・プローブB』によるアインシュタイン時空の証明概要
Gravity Probe B proves Einstein right http://ow.ly/4O8gn

appliedgenomics: 人間と機械の『差異』
RT @NatNet - can you tell the difference between a human and a machine? http://bit.ly/kwZcsm #brain

Artificial intelligence vs. human stupidity
The question Turing considered initially was that of "machine thought": can machines think? And if so, how can we tell that they are thinking, that they have some sort of intelligence?

But rather than meandering into philosophical thought experiments, Turing proposed his test as a practical way of evaluating the intelligence of a machine. "If a machine acts as intelligently as a human being, then it is as intelligent as a human being,"

the_Node: セントラルドグマの開発。胚発生のコントロール。
An After Thought to Evolution: Exceptional ways of Controlling Gene “Expression” (by Linda) http://fb.me/PRWZuICv

PLoSCompBiol: 遺伝子情報科学:最小情報シミュレーション実験プロジェクト
Minimum Information About a Simulation Experiment (MIASE)

genomicslawyer: バイオ技術へのファンディングと医療開発規制
GLR Post: News Roundup: Biotech Funding & LDT Regulation: http://bit.ly/jYTzWz

Still,biotechnology innovation is neither easy nor cheap, leading venture firms to explore new product development and financing models. Large pharmaceutical companies, meanwhile, are also seeking to reinvent how they develop products in the face of a looming “patent cliff”.

fisherinvpress: FisherInvestmentsFIP 投資家Ken Fisherのフォーブス誌対談
Check this video out -- Ken Fisher On Winners In Tech (Intelligent Investing With Steve Forbes)
>> youtube.com/watch?v=8eO-sQ…

InsideScience: 衛星パイオニアが観測する異常値と天体物理への理論的な影響
http://bit.ly/mSMggR -Mystery Force May Be Due To Mirrors- 40-year old probes excite astronomy field by ID'ing mystery 'anomaly'

Until now, theorists speculated that this "Pioneer anomaly," -- affecting NASA's Pioneer 10 and 11 -- is caused by unseen matter in space, the gravity of an unknown planet, or even new principles of physics: beyond even Einstein's theory of general relativity.

This anomaly is one of a long line of mysterious motions in our solar system, many of which were resolved when investigators discovered new objects or physical effects.

OpenLink: OpenLink Software
Dr Dobb's Journal on 'World's Largest DBMS: The Web of Data' LOD cloud: http://bit.ly/iCknVR #linkeddata #bigdata #nosql

In addition to the US and UK portals, national libraries in countries such as Germany and Hungary have started publishing linked data sets. By September 2010, the Linked Open Data cloud had grown to 203 linked datasets, 25 billion RDF triples, and 395 million RDF links.

Appeals Court Says Embryonic Stem-Cell Research Can Proceed ...: The direction of stem-cell research has been un... http://bit.ly/jSnoRK

GenomeResearch: Prioritizing candidate disease genes by network-based boosting of genome-wide association data [... http://bit.ly/mhhVkA

eurostemcell: 胚細胞研究の特許問題
Stem cell patent case could have far-reaching impact on European research: http://bit.ly/iXrrI0

Company of Biologists, publishers of Development, announces launch of new online only open access journal: Biology Open http://bit.ly/jNj9D2

In USA today - Defense Department responds to Guantanamo medicine charges http://usat.ly/kSVRoa

nutsci: Colby Vorland
PLoS Genetics: Adaptations to climate-mediated selective pressures in humans. http://j.mp/iXpOZM (Di Rienzo)

アメリカの植物フィールドガイドiPhoneアプリLeafsnapがすごすぎる。各植物の各部写真に解説、自分の写真のアルバム機能、これで無料はおかしい。専門家がこういうのを作ってしまうんだなあ。 http://leafsnap.com/