書籍之海 漂流記


Dominic Lieven 『Russia Against Napoleon』

2010年07月02日 | 西洋史
 副題「The True Story of the Campaigns of War and Peace」。
 『The Economist』の書評を見て買って読んだのだが、このレビュー以上に付け加えることなし。

  The central point made by Mr Lieven’s witty and impeccably scholarly book is that Russia owed its victory not to the courage of its national spirit or to the coldness of the 1812 winter, as some French sources have argued, but to its military excellence, superior cavalry, the high standards of Russia’s diplomatic and intelligence services and the quality of its European elite. Thanks to the intelligence he obtained, Alexander was able to outwit Napoleon, anticipating his invasion.  (『The Economist』Apr 15th 2010 「How Russia really won」)

  Russia’s subsequent two-year-long campaign in the heart of Europe, which included the battle of Leipzig and ended in Paris, was of little interest to Tolstoy whose concern was national consciousness not imperial glory.  (同)


(Viking, USA, Apr. 2010)

「Why Did Moscow Admit the Spy Suspects...」 から

2010年07月02日 | 抜き書き
▲「」Thursday, Jul. 01, 2010, By Carl Schreck / Moscow「Why Did Moscow Admit the Spy Suspects Are Russian?」 (部分)

  By claiming the suspects as Russians, Gordievsky〔Oleg, the former deputy head of the KGB in London〕says, Moscow is trying to downplay the significance of the purported spy network. "Russia is trying to show that their activities were very modest and didn't damage the interests of the United States," he says.


  The alleged Russian operatives have not been accused of espionage. Instead they are facing charges of conspiring to act as unregistered agents for a foreign government, a crime punishable by up to five years in prison, according to an FBI affidavit. Nine of the suspects face charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering, punishable by a maximum of 20 years in prison.


「カメレオン女優M・ストリープ、次はサッチャー元英首相に?」 から

2010年07月02日 | 抜き書き
▲「AFPBB News」2010年07月02日 09:29 発信地:ロサンゼルス/米国。(部分)

 【7月2日 AFP】オスカー女優メリル・ストリープ(Meryl Streep、61)が、「鉄の女」と呼ばれたマーガレット・サッチャー(Margaret Thatcher)元英首相の半生を描いた映画に主演するかもしれない。出演に向けた交渉に入っていると米芸能情報紙ハリウッド・レポーター(Hollywood Reporter)が1日、報じた。
