●“コスモポリタニズム”(思想の科学研究会編『増補改訂 哲学・論理用語辞典』)
人間の本質は理性にあり、理性において人間は平等であるから、人間は同一の権利義務をもつべきものであるという考え方。 (要約)
● "cosmopolitanism" from Encyclopædia Britannica
"The earlier Greeks had felt that it was a dictate of nature itself (or the providence of Zeus) that humanity had been divided into Greeks and barbarians. The Stoic argued, on the contrary, that all people share one common reason and are subject to the one divine logos; therefore, the true Stoic sage is not a citizen of any one state but of the whole world." (部分)
They say: "all people share one common reason and are subject to the one divine logos."
I would say: "all people can share one common reason and need to be subject to the one divine logos."
(講談社 2008年1月)
●“コスモポリタニズム”(思想の科学研究会編『増補改訂 哲学・論理用語辞典』)
人間の本質は理性にあり、理性において人間は平等であるから、人間は同一の権利義務をもつべきものであるという考え方。 (要約)
● "cosmopolitanism" from Encyclopædia Britannica
"The earlier Greeks had felt that it was a dictate of nature itself (or the providence of Zeus) that humanity had been divided into Greeks and barbarians. The Stoic argued, on the contrary, that all people share one common reason and are subject to the one divine logos; therefore, the true Stoic sage is not a citizen of any one state but of the whole world." (部分)
They say: "all people share one common reason and are subject to the one divine logos."
I would say: "all people can share one common reason and need to be subject to the one divine logos."
(講談社 2008年1月)