Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

秋さんぽ (A autumn walk)

2020-10-21 12:29:07 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, I'm writing this article on Saturday, Oct. 17th and we actually got the first snow of the year in the area where we live yesterday, Friday, 16th.

It was a short period time in the morning, but the sprinkle of snow was enough to make me feel, "Oh..., it's here again." I try to be mentally prepared to MN winter every year, but I'm a freezy person anyways.

There were still some beautiful red leaves on the maple tree in front of the house, so the contrast of the autumn and the winter beauties made the wonderful view.

This little girl will never mind the coldness just like her daddy doesn't. She was amazed by the first snow.

I just shared the early winter atmosphere here MN, but today want to share another beautiful autumn day that May-chan and I enjoyed the other day.

I took May-chan to my favorite park near our house again.

She loved walking on the leaves making the sounds, crisp! crisp!

She suddenly started running! (In the garden, there's no car or bike traffic, so I like it that I can let her move freely as she likes.)

She dashed to the spot like a Greek shrine and...

sat down on the steps. (I kind of like to watch her from a little distance like this.)

Sitting on a bench like this is one of May-chan's favorite things to do at parks.

The lake twinkled and it was a wonderful view. I assumed that everybody was enjoying the last chance for boat-riding in the season.

We also enjoyed the last chance for a long-time outdoor play in the season as well.

Okay, I have a quiz for you. What will May-chan do in the next moment after this?? Hehe

Here's the answer! I don't know why, but she often lies down on the ground all of sudden like this lately.

Anyways, we had such a nice autumn walk that day.

This garden is actually open only from May 1st to October 15th every year, so it's going to be May next year when May-chan and I can play there next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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ユニクロ、無料裾直し始めたってよ。(Uniqlo USA started free pants/Jeans alteration online)

2020-10-19 11:58:18 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

I started having pollen allergy symptoms from a couple of days ago. I always get the symptoms in spring and autumn and need to deal with my runny and sneezy nose.

I'm not sure which kind of tree I'm allergic to, but it always lasts about 1-2weeks and then goes away. So, I'll just wait and see for another week or so this time again.

Okay, just as today's title, I found that Uniqlo USA started free pants/jeans alteration when I was browsing their website the other day. It's super exciting news to me!

ユニクロ Uniqlo画像拝借元

I've lived in MN for 10 years and still have a hard time to find my size for pants/jeans here.


ミネソタでジーンズを買うの巻。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ミネソタでジーンズを買うの巻。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


こちら、ミネソタに来て1年ちょっとの時に書いた記事なんですが、この時も自分に合うジーンズを探すのにいくつもお店を梯子して、結果的にGAP Kidsのジーンズを買ってました。
I actually wrote about it here 9 years ago or so, and on the article, I was saying that I had to check at several different shops just to find jeans to fit me and ended up getting a couple of pairs at Gap Kids. Haha.

In Japan, most of the clothing shops offer free alteration at the locations when you purchase pants/jeans, but as far as I know, there are some shops here who would do alteration for free here too, but those are usually very fancy and their products are pricy too or you have to become a member of the shop. So, it's kind of difficult for me to expect the same convenience here.

First off, I'm a quarter inch short of 5 feet and have a challenge to find jeans which would make my body line look good first before the alteration problem.

Just like I wrote on the article above, it was relatively easy for me to find some pairs of jeans in kids size which waist fit me well, but the styles really made me look like a kid.

So, it became one of my must-do things to buy a couple of jeans for sure whenever I got a chance to go to Japan.

なので、Uniqlo USAで無料裾直しをしかもオンラインでやってくれるという情報を知った時に、めちゃくちゃテンションが上がったんですねぇ。
That is why I was super excited when I saw the sigh saying, "Free pants/jeans alteration" on Uniqlo USA online shop.

Just in case, here's the details of their service.

$0-$5 alteration fee for products over $20.

$5-$10 for products below $20.

They'd do 4 styles of stich, but depending on the products, the available styles would differ.

Anyways, I tried to order a pair of jeans with the free alteration service to see what it'd be like.

Thorough making an order, I found one disappointing thing. I don't know why, but they offer the alteration service itself with certain styles of pants/jeans. I have no idea about the difference between the products available for the alteration and ones not.

This is the pair that I ordered this time. They cut the hems as long as exactly I ordered, so that was nice!

Though, the jeans size itself was a little bit bigger on me, so the butt part is much looser than I like. They're still a skinny style, Haha.

It's kind of hard to decide clothing sizes without trying them on after all, right?

Hit-chanの場合、今持っているジーンズのウエストがが少しきつく感じられるようになっていたんですが、日本で買ったものがほとんどなので、今回Uniqlo USAで注文する時に、今持っているジーンズのサイズより大きいサイズを買うのか、同じサイズを買うのかで悩みました。
In my case, some pairs of the jeans in my closet were getting tighter on me, but most of them were the ones that I bought in Japan. So, I debated if I should have chosen the one bigger or the same size at a shop in the US. (Generally, American sizes are bigger than Japanese sizes. For example, small sizes in the US are bigger than small sizes in Japan.)

I ended up choosing the same waist size, 28 inch, as most of the jeans that I already had. Though, as you can tell it in the picture above, the ones that I ordered at Uniqlo USA were a little bigger than my perfect size.

The website says that you can still return the product altered at the time, but I decided to keep them because they're still wearable to me.

Anyways, this is all for today. I'll be more careful to choose a size and a style when I want to buy another pair of jeans next!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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Andyっちの手作りスパイスラック (Andy's Handmade Spick Rack)

2020-10-17 11:53:50 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you today?

Mine is spoiling me still.

Today I want to share another Andy's handmade work, spice rack, just as the title says. He made a spice rack to put in the pantry the other day.

Until he made the rack, we stored all the back-up spices in plastic boxes as they came in the plastic bags like this.

Andy and I both often cook, but I don't use many spices in my cooking (or I just can't.) and Andy's the one who utilizes many kinds of spices to make delicious foods such as smoked ribs or pasta sauce.

So, most of the spices stored in our pantry are Andy's.

One day he thought that he would like to store his spices in more air-sealed containers and decided to make a rack for the wish.

Like this!

Andy was originally saying, "I might want to varnish the woods. It'll take more time though." and asked me if I would think that he should have done it or not. So, I answered, "We'll keep the rack in the pantry, which means nobody would see it. So, I think you can skip it." since I'm a person who prefers more functional aspect than the good-looking.

To be honest with you, Andy always wants to make his works as perfect as possible if he has a chance, so it'd take a long time if he wants to make something what he really expects.

I mentioned this on the article about his front door repaint project, but he always has tons of things on his to-do list and he admits it. So, whenever he asks me an advice or my opinion, I try to lead him to choose an easier option.

Once he made the rack finished, he transferred all the spices from the plastic bags to the glass jars.

In fact, the most challenging part of this rearrangement is to find and buy those glass jars.

I guess, maybe due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have tried to stay home and used those glass jars store foods or something. Every time Andy went to a store which would sell glass jars like them, he checked if they're available, but at most of the places, they're out of stock. We also checked them online, but they're sold for ridiculous prices which were around 3 times more expensive than the original prices.

Even though, Andy kept checking at different stores whenever he had a chance and bought some by some. Then, he finally could collect enough number of jars for his spice rearrangement project.

For some kinds with a little amount, he put them in shorter jars like this.

And for ones with more amount, he used the taller jars.


Maybe, I even don't have to say this, but the rack perfectly fit on the shelve because Andy correctly measured it.

Anyways, this is about another Andy's handmade work and it looks great to me.

When I was taking some pics of the rack and said, "I'm gonna write about this rack on my blog." to Andy, he said, "Oh, do you wanna show this crappy job to everybody?" Though, it's decent enough, isn't it?

Anyways, I'm very lucky to have such a handy man in the house. Lucky, lucky!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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2回目、自家製うどんを作ってみた。(The 2nd Time, Homemade Udon noodles)

2020-10-15 12:38:15 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing very well.

So, I wrote here that I tried to make homemade Udon noodles for the first time and thought, "The way to become a Udon noodles master is tremendously long...." after my first try.


自家製うどんを作ってみた。(Homemade Udon noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


自家製うどんを作ってみた。(Homemade Udon noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Though, Rome was not built in a day. I tried to take another shot to get closer to my dream, "I wanna make delicious Udon noodles at home!!"

From my first experience and for an experiment, I tried to make the noodles just with All-purpose flour and made sure to take more time to step on the dough this time.

I used my bread maker to knead the dough for the first 15 mins.

Then, the very important process, stepping on the dough. Just like the last time, I got attacked by this little monster while I was stepping on the dough, but the difference from the last time was that I didn't give up!

What's surprising to me was that even though I was right on the dough, May-chan opened the Ziploc bag and pinched a piece of dough and ate it!!! And she said, "Oishi! (Yummy!)" LOL

Her unexpected steal surprised me a lot, but it makes sense to tell that she's half American because American people love to eat cookie dough before they bake it!
(Andy actually likes munching raw pot sticker skins when I prep pot stickers, so May-chan definitely takes the habit over from her daddy.)

I started the stepping process with the same size Ziploc bag (1Gallon) from the last time, but I switched it to a bigger size since the bag started getting ripped off and I got a great advice from one from my blog readers to use bigger-size Ziploc bags for this procedure. (Thanks!)

After I made the dough a ball and let it sit for a couple of hours, it looked like this. (Already at the point, I could tell that the dough was way firmer than the last time, which made me expect that the noodles would turn out to be chewier this time.)

Then, I rolled out the dough. On the last time, I split the dough in half and rolled them out, which ended up making short noodles. So, I rolled out the one big chunk of dough at one this time.

Actually, this procedure went really well, and I could make the think square shape just as I wanted it to. (I bought a longer rolling pin for this on Amazon too.)

Then, I folded the thin dough like this and...

then started the cutting process. This time, I used one of Andy's knives which had a longer and thinner blade.

I tried to cut the dough into thinner strings than the last time, but I could have cut them thinner.

I cut the noodles thicker than a wanted to, to I boiled them for a little bit longer, 15mins, to make sure they're surely cooked.


Well, again, I didn't use the Udon noodles for dinner that night and froze them once. (It was a part of my experiment too.)

A few days after, here's Udon noodles dinner.

I put extra Wakame (seaweed) in my soup.

May-chan actually loved my homemade Udon noodles a lot last time too, but she even ate more that night. She actually ate more than Daddy or Mommy did. (I'd say that she ate more than 1 adult serving. Wow!)

So, as for the essential part of my experiment, our honest feelings about the flavor, both Andy and I thought, "The noodles got better than the last time for sure and had more chewiness."

Still, the road to master of Udon noodles is long and tough.

As a huge fan of Udon noodles, my 2nd time homemade Udon noodles were still lack of chewiness for sure. Besides that, I didn't like how I cut the noodles and that they didn't go down through your throat well either. My noodles didn't have the sense, "The more you chew them, the more you taste the Umami.", which very delicious Udon noodles generally had.

So, my 2nd time homemade Udon noodles even didn't reach the level of the pricy frozen Udon noodles that you can get at an Asian grocery store here.

Don't get me wrong. The frozen Udon noodles are very decent and delicious nowadays, and it'd be awesome if I can make Udon noodles like them at home.

For my next homemade Udon noodle challenge, I'd love to switch back to the combination of all-purpose flour and bread flour, not only all-purpose flour.

And then, I want to cut the noodles thinner and more evenly. (Andy actually has a pasta maker, so maybe I can use it just for the cutting procedure.)

BTW, this is off the topic, but during the fun dinner, our little monster acted interference of happy family dinner time by keeping kicking the dining table even after Daddy and Mommy told her, "Stop it." several times and ended up getting a time-out.

Then, she refused to simply say, "Sorry." even after Daddy and Mommy gave her this smart advice, "If you say sorry, it's over." So, we ended up having to do a 25min battle of patience and of course, Daddy and Mommy won in the end and the little monster apologized.

After the long and tiring battle, this little monster enjoyed the rest of the noodles. (She's super stubborn!)

Anyways, my 2nd challenge to make delicious homemade Udon noodles turned out be better than the 1st time, but there's still much room to be better. I'll still keep trying until I can make delicious Udon noodles at home!!!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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オートミールクッキーを作ってみたよ。(Homemade Oatmeal Cookies)

2020-10-13 14:09:42 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Here in MN, the autumn is here and you can see such beautiful views of lakes and red leaves at a lot of places now.

Personally, I think that now would be the most beautiful season in MN. (Of course, each season has its own beauty in it.)

So, I talked about that my friend Marie and I tried to make shortbread cookies before here on my blog.


ショートブレッドクッキーを作ってみたよ。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


ショートブレッドクッキーを作ってみたよ。 - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Since then, I've constantly made the cookies before we completely run out of them in a jar because I'm not only one who loves them but also May-chan does too.

I even got this item to draw/write alphabets on the cookies, I bought this on Amazon. I found some similar products, but I chose this Japanese product. I assume that they're sold at dollar shops in Japan, but you know, they quality of Japanese dollar-shop items is actually decent. (The source of the image

Though, one day I thought, "Well, if she loves the cookies so much like this, why don't I make something a little bit healthier for her??" and decided to try to make oatmeal cookies.

Again, I did a quick research online and found this recipe below.


とまらない!オートミールクッキー* by pumママ



This recipe uses walnuts and chocolate, but I used raisins and dried cranberries instead.

In fact, it's super easy to make the cookies and basically all you need to do is mix all the ingredients in a bowl and just bake it.

Mixing, mixing.

Mixing, mixing.

Making the shape is also a piece of cake! You just scoop it with a spoon and put them on a cookie sheet like this.

You bake them in the oven and done!

Wow! They turned out to look delicious!

Of course, I asked this judge if she would like them. (This judge is famous for the strict rating. She even spits out the first bite if she doesn't like it. Haha)

Oh! She's eating! She even gave me "Yummy!" sign after this.

I also tried them and loved them!

To be honest with you, I was not a huge fan of oatmeal cookies in general and had never chosen them when I could picked up one kind of some options.

Though, I don't know why, but maybe my body needed oatmeal in nutrition. Once I took the first bite of the homemade oatmeal cookies, I got to want them more and more like, "Wow!! This is so good!! One more!" and I ended up eating several cookies at once. LOL

In May-chan's cookie ranking, the shortbread cookies are still #1, and she always takes them not oatmeal cookies if I let her choose. Still, she also likes eating the oatmeal cookies too, so I want to bake them sometimes for her too.

I actually want to share one lesson that I learned through baking the oatmeal cookies. I put raisins and dried cranberries in the dough as they were this time, but they turned out to be very chewy since they got drier in the oven.

So, I researched about it online again and found out that you can soak dried fruits like them in warm water for 10 mins or so before you add them to the dough. So, I'll try to do that way next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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