Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2回目、自家製うどんを作ってみた。(The 2nd Time, Homemade Udon noodles)

2020-10-15 12:38:15 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hi everyone!

How are you doing today?

I'm doing very well.

So, I wrote here that I tried to make homemade Udon noodles for the first time and thought, "The way to become a Udon noodles master is tremendously long...." after my first try.


自家製うどんを作ってみた。(Homemade Udon noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


自家製うどんを作ってみた。(Homemade Udon noodles) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


Though, Rome was not built in a day. I tried to take another shot to get closer to my dream, "I wanna make delicious Udon noodles at home!!"

From my first experience and for an experiment, I tried to make the noodles just with All-purpose flour and made sure to take more time to step on the dough this time.

I used my bread maker to knead the dough for the first 15 mins.

Then, the very important process, stepping on the dough. Just like the last time, I got attacked by this little monster while I was stepping on the dough, but the difference from the last time was that I didn't give up!

What's surprising to me was that even though I was right on the dough, May-chan opened the Ziploc bag and pinched a piece of dough and ate it!!! And she said, "Oishi! (Yummy!)" LOL

Her unexpected steal surprised me a lot, but it makes sense to tell that she's half American because American people love to eat cookie dough before they bake it!
(Andy actually likes munching raw pot sticker skins when I prep pot stickers, so May-chan definitely takes the habit over from her daddy.)

I started the stepping process with the same size Ziploc bag (1Gallon) from the last time, but I switched it to a bigger size since the bag started getting ripped off and I got a great advice from one from my blog readers to use bigger-size Ziploc bags for this procedure. (Thanks!)

After I made the dough a ball and let it sit for a couple of hours, it looked like this. (Already at the point, I could tell that the dough was way firmer than the last time, which made me expect that the noodles would turn out to be chewier this time.)

Then, I rolled out the dough. On the last time, I split the dough in half and rolled them out, which ended up making short noodles. So, I rolled out the one big chunk of dough at one this time.

Actually, this procedure went really well, and I could make the think square shape just as I wanted it to. (I bought a longer rolling pin for this on Amazon too.)

Then, I folded the thin dough like this and...

then started the cutting process. This time, I used one of Andy's knives which had a longer and thinner blade.

I tried to cut the dough into thinner strings than the last time, but I could have cut them thinner.

I cut the noodles thicker than a wanted to, to I boiled them for a little bit longer, 15mins, to make sure they're surely cooked.


Well, again, I didn't use the Udon noodles for dinner that night and froze them once. (It was a part of my experiment too.)

A few days after, here's Udon noodles dinner.

I put extra Wakame (seaweed) in my soup.

May-chan actually loved my homemade Udon noodles a lot last time too, but she even ate more that night. She actually ate more than Daddy or Mommy did. (I'd say that she ate more than 1 adult serving. Wow!)

So, as for the essential part of my experiment, our honest feelings about the flavor, both Andy and I thought, "The noodles got better than the last time for sure and had more chewiness."

Still, the road to master of Udon noodles is long and tough.

As a huge fan of Udon noodles, my 2nd time homemade Udon noodles were still lack of chewiness for sure. Besides that, I didn't like how I cut the noodles and that they didn't go down through your throat well either. My noodles didn't have the sense, "The more you chew them, the more you taste the Umami.", which very delicious Udon noodles generally had.

So, my 2nd time homemade Udon noodles even didn't reach the level of the pricy frozen Udon noodles that you can get at an Asian grocery store here.

Don't get me wrong. The frozen Udon noodles are very decent and delicious nowadays, and it'd be awesome if I can make Udon noodles like them at home.

For my next homemade Udon noodle challenge, I'd love to switch back to the combination of all-purpose flour and bread flour, not only all-purpose flour.

And then, I want to cut the noodles thinner and more evenly. (Andy actually has a pasta maker, so maybe I can use it just for the cutting procedure.)

BTW, this is off the topic, but during the fun dinner, our little monster acted interference of happy family dinner time by keeping kicking the dining table even after Daddy and Mommy told her, "Stop it." several times and ended up getting a time-out.

Then, she refused to simply say, "Sorry." even after Daddy and Mommy gave her this smart advice, "If you say sorry, it's over." So, we ended up having to do a 25min battle of patience and of course, Daddy and Mommy won in the end and the little monster apologized.

After the long and tiring battle, this little monster enjoyed the rest of the noodles. (She's super stubborn!)

Anyways, my 2nd challenge to make delicious homemade Udon noodles turned out be better than the 1st time, but there's still much room to be better. I'll still keep trying until I can make delicious Udon noodles at home!!!

Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!

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