Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!


2020-04-03 13:49:53 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

So, I talked that my friend, Marie, May-chan and I do a girl's day at my house on Wednesdays from the beginning of this year.

前回の記事はこちら。水曜日はガールズデー (Wednesday is our girl's day)
Here's the article about our first girl's day. 水曜日はガールズデー (Wednesday is our girl's day)

Since the first girl's day, we've continued to enjoy our time together every week.

Though, COVID-19 became a huge deal and ended up forcing us to stay home in the beginning of March, so we haven't been able to gather since then. This is about what we enjoyed before COVID-19 became crucial.

Our girl's day always starts from Marie's Japanese practice. (This was the end of January.)

その間、めいはこうやって社長みたいに座ってマリーが勉強しているのを見ていたり (笑)、Hit-chanと遊んでたりします。
While Marie practices writing Japanese, May-chan usually either watches her like a CEO on the chair or plays with her mommy.

She's been practicing Japanese alphabets (Hiragana & Katakana) and names of month & color.

After she's done studying, we decided to make shortbread cookies together on the day.

I actually had baked some a couple days before, and they turned to be delicious. That's why I wanted to bake some with Marie again.

レシピはこちらの動画を参考にさせてもらいました。「超簡単!ショートブレッドを焼いてみた!🇬🇧(同性カップル #44)」
I used their recipe.

The first step, mixing sugar and butter, was actually the most tiring part. A hand mixer makes this step much easier, but we did it manually, and it was a lot of work. Haha.

We made plain flavor with the half of the dough and mixed peanut butter (no sugar) with the other half. (I'm personally not a huge fan of peanut flavor, but both Andy and May-chan likes it.)

Honestly, we wanted to make some cute shapes with the dough, but it's too firm to play with, and we just cut it with a knife.

We baked them in the oven and they're done!! Oh yeah, we could make a couple of heart-shaped ones at least.

I actually overbaked the cookies when I tried by myself before, so we watched the time more carefully this time and then succeeded!

It was just a random idea to put some peanut paste in some of the dough, but they turned out to be delicious!!

Of course, Marie and I tried one right away and said, "Yay, they're so good!"

I gave one to May-chan and then she gave me "Yummy!" baby sign back.

BTY, there's a reason why I came up with baking homemade shortbread cookies.

M&S (Marks&Spencer)ブランドのショートブレッドクッキー。(画像拝借元
This is it.

Andy has a very sweet co-worker in Scotland, and when he came over to the Minneapolis office before last Christmas, he nicely gave our family some Christmas gifts including the delicious cookies.

Once I tried the first bite, I fell in love with the rich buttery flavor and couldn't resist to enjoy them every night for my after-dinner treat. The tin can had 24 cookies inside, but believe or not, I ate 23 of them by myself and left just one for Andy. LOL

After I emptied the can, I tried to find the same brand cookies online and found out that it's not impossible but quite hard to obtain it.

Of course, I tried a different brand that I could get at a grocery store here, but it's not as good as M&S to me.

That's why I felt like trying to bake shortbread cookies at home. Though my cookies aren't as good as M&S ones, they're still delicious enough to make me happy!

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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