Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 第二子妊活日記、第一の案 (2 Infertility treatment diaries, Plan A)

2020-10-31 11:59:32 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Today I want to share another article of 2nd step series (Our infertility treatment records).

So, Andy and I were starting to try to have our 2nd child in the beginning of this year.

After some discussion between Andy and me, we came to the thought that we want to try another IVF at a clinic here in MN using our frozen embryos which had been stored at the clinic in Japan where we did our first IVF. So, when we didn't get pregnant naturally at the end of August, we started doing some research to see if the idea would be really possible or not.

The first thing that I did was that I asked the clinic in Japan who did our first IVF and had stored our embryos if they would cooperate our most ideal plan.

Needless to say, it's impossible for us to practice the plan without the cooperation from the clinic in Japan.

I probably mentioned this before here when Andy and I did our first IVF with them, but the clinic in Japan was super nice to us. They have such a organized system to communicate among the receptionists, the doctors and the embryologists in the clinic, so they always gave me quick responds with exact answers to what I had asked them.

After the conversation with them via emails, I received the respond saying that they were willing to cooperate the transportation from their clinic to a clinic in MN as far as we would find an agency for medical organism transportations.

At the same time when I was exchanging emails with the clinic in Japan, I also did some research about agencies who would do international embryo transportations from the clinic in Japan to a clinic in MN.

When I entered words like, "International transportation, embryos" or something on a web search, it hit several agencies. So, through the forms on their websites, I directly asked them if they'd be available to our needs and how much it'd cost for that.

As the result of my research, I found out that any of those agencies are available for international transportations.

I just researched about Japanese transportation agencies since our embryos have been stored in the Japanese clinic, but I saw some similar agencies in the US as well. So, depending on your needs, you can choose either a Japanese company or an American company.

According to my research, there are 2 ways to deliver your frozen embryos from Japan to a clinic abroad. One is that a certain person picks up the embryos and carries the package all the way from one clinic to the other which both Andy and I preferred. In this way, a certain individual brings the package onto a flight with him/her too. So, there's less risk to lose or mishandle the package. For the safer option, the cost will be more than the other way. Besides the cost, the agency offering the service said that they'd paused the option due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The other way to deliver your frozen embryos is that they deliver the package as a specified special material. I asked some agencies about their services under COVID-19 pandemic, and they said that they'd been still available and actually done with some transportations already.

So far, I found that we could get cooperation from the clinic in Japan and also there's a way to transport our frozen embryos from the clinic to here even under the COVID-19 pandemic circumstances though it's not the way we preferred. Everything seemed very well for us to do our first plan at the point.

Then, Andy and I also had to make sure another most important thing to practice our first plan. We needed to ask any clinics here in MN if they would accept our frozen embryos from Japan and do an IVF for us.

Basically, I make all the research and contacts with everybody on Japanese side and Andy does the same thing on the US side. So, Andy made some phone calls and sent emails to some clinics in MN.

So, this is how Andy and I started getting things prepared to try to have our 2nd child.

This story is going be so long, so I'd like to end this article here today.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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