Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

1 第二子妊活日記、二つの案 (1 Infertility treatment diaries, Two ideas)

2020-10-23 12:50:07 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hi there!

How's your life treating you??

So, I shared pretty much everything about how Andy and I could have May-chan here on my blog, but if I rephrase it here in short words again, we did 7 inseminations in MN and then did 1 IVF in Japan. Thankfully, the first IVF brought us the wonderful daughter, May-chan, and I gave birth to her at a hospital in MN.

May-chan was super tiny!!!

Even before May-chan was born, Andy and I were talking that we wanted 2 kids ideally. And then after May-chan was born, I started feeling like having another child more even though parenting itself had been a lot of work both mentally and physically because I started wanting May-chan have a brother or a sister in her life for sure.

After all, May-chan has given us enough happiness as her parents without a doubt, but for May-chan, Andy and I both think that it's helpful and worth for her to have somebody who she can share things with other than us. Especially in case that she wants to complain about us, we think that a sibling would be perfect for her to do it with.

I personally grew up with 4 siblings and appreciate my brothers and sisters for helping and being so nice to me every time I go back to Japan. Andy also has Brad in his life. Brad is definitely one of Andy's best friends and he's always there for me too.

This is the picture taken in the year that I moved to MN. Everybody was 10 years younger than now!

My twin sisters. They're now so reliable and help me in a lot of ways. What a good old memory!

Anyways, Andy and I decided to try to have another child in the natural way from the beginning of this year to the end of August.

Though, from our past experiences that we took 7 years for total to have May-chan after 7 inseminations, neither Andy nor I expected so much to be able to get pregnant in the natural way. It was like a winning lottery for us to get pregnant naturally, so...just as we imagined, I didn't get pregnant by the end of August.

If I didn't get pregnant naturally, Andy and I were thinking about 2 brief ideas for the next step.

The first idea is that we're going to do another IVF here in MN using our embryos stored in the clinic in Japan.

The second idea is that we're going to do another IVF at the clinic in Japan where we did the last one.

In our case, we did the first IVF in Japan and they grew 4 embryos in very good qualities there. We luckily got pregnant on the 1st try and had May-chan, so they still have 3 frozen embryos in very good shapes at the clinic.

Here are our embryos. May-chan was the one on the lower right. (Yeah, it's very weird, isn't it?)

So, if we would do another IVF, we'd like to use those very-good-quality embryos.

The only difference between the first idea and the second idea is the location where we want to do the next IVF, here in MN or in Japan.

So, Andy and I discussed it and reached the conclusion which we'd do some research if the first idea would be possible or not since the second idea, doing another IVF in Japan, seemed more challenging both in our personal situation, having May-chan now, and the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Okay, I assume that this series will continue with more articles, so I'll end this one here for today.

At the point when I'm updating this article, Andy and I still don't know how we want to do for having our 2nd child yet. So, I want to keep recording here about how we will do our 2nd-time infertility treatment from now as Second Step series. I hope that this will be a help for somebody somewhere.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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