Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

産後3ヶ月の体調 (My Condition 3months after the Labor)

2019-03-18 15:31:06 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How's everything going?

I checked my camera the other day and found this beautiful picture taken by Andy.

So pretty! I don't like the coldness in winter, but I feel that the air is more clear, which makes sunrise or sunset more beautiful.

I wrote how May-chan is doing at 3months here the other day.

Today, I want to write how I've been doing for the last 3months since the labor.

First off, my weight at this point is about 6.6LB more than before I was pregnant.

I assume if you breastfeed more often, you can lose your weight more easily, but I'm doing mostly with formula lately, so I don't think that I can take the benefit.

Once, I tried to eat extra sicne I could prodce more milk by that, but I just ended up gaining some weight and got my usual diet back.

In the point of finance, you don't have to spend much money on buying formula if you can suply enough milk for your baby, but I've been doing well with cloth diaper so far, so I think it's well balanced.

In the first month after the labor, the toughest thing was that I had to deal with my stiched up vagina.

Probably, in the case of baby coming down slowly, the baby's head can gradually spread the part and make the skin or the mustle flexible enough.

In my case, the placenta got peeled off first, which made the labor super quickly, and it didn't give my body enough time to be flexible. So, it was ripped so bad.

Of course, my doctor stiched up the part after the labor, but my life went a little bit tough for a while.

One of the hard things was that I couldn't sit still on a chair for a long time.

So, I used a nursing pillow like this. (Yeah, the same solution as hemorrhoid.)

A bathroom time was much work as well, and I always needed to fill warm water in a bottle like the picture so that I could rinse the stiched part.

I had to have such an inconvenient life for a month or so after the labor and gradually started getting my normal life back.

What I liked is that they recommended me to take a bath to heal the stiched part.

Without a question, I enjoyed bathing a couple of times a day jsut as I used to before the labor.

You might think that the stiched part hurts if you take a bath, but it was totally a relaxing time for me without any pain.

I was actually wearing a diaper for a month or so after the labor and I often put an ice pad in it besides taking advil for the pain relief.

I talked about this here before, but my fingers started getting stiff from the 3trimester.

At this pont when 3 months passed after the labor, my fingers still get stiff especially in morning, but they're becoming better.

Still, it's not too bad enough to bother my life.

Speaking of breastfeeding, I mostly do it only when May-chan is half-asleep late at night or in early morning.

I pump too, so I give her some of my breast milk though it's way less than formula.

If you want to raise your baby just with your breast milk, I hear that you have to make your baby keep sucking your nipples very often no matter how hard it is. I personally don't mind using both milk, so I want to stick to this way.

Oh, I got a menstrual period back 2 months after the labor.

I was a little surprised that it came back pretty early, but I heard that one of my friends got a preod back in the next month after her labor, so I didn't get in panic thanks to her sharing the experience with me.

Oh yeah, one more thing, I've started losing a lot of hair!

When my friend Mika-chan cut my hair the other day, she asked me, "Are you losing hair a lot?" and I answered "No change at all!", but I started losing my hair more right after that.

BTW, wasn't it a perfect timing to cut my hair?? Haha.

Though, it's a little bit annoying to have to clean extra hair every time I wash my hair.

Well, it's one of the most common things that women go through in postartum time.

So, overall, the hardest part of my after-labor life was until the stiched vagina got healed.

When I lose some more weight and my stiff fingers return to normal, my condition completely goes back to what it was before I was pregnant.

In the end of this article, I want to share a couple of my baby-time pictures which I found the other day.

The resolution is not good, but I can tell that May-chan takes a lot over from me.

Like the amout of hair. Haha.

It's 3months passed from when May-chan was born, but I still feel it somehow wierd that a little human-being who resembles me a lot exists just in front of me.

Anyways, I need more excercise for sure, but I'm doing very good now 3months after the labor! Thanks for reading again!!

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デートナイト!後編 (A Date Night! vol.2)

2019-03-16 17:05:17 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)

How are you doing?

Okay, I want to write about the rest of our date night today.

Thanks to mom (May-chan's grandma) for babysitting May-chan, Andy and I could have a date for the first time after a while.

After we both enjoyed 5games of bowling, we walked to the restrant just by the bowling place.

こちらがそのレストラン。Hazellewood Grill and Tap
This is the restaurant.

I didn't see anyone around, so...


I remember that we ate at the restaurant with Dad&Mom a long time ago, but I didn't remember what I had at the time.

We ordered calamari for appetizer.

Andy had a rib eye.

I had a fillet mignon.

We both ordered steak, but mine was better.

Thank you for always working so hard!

I debated between watching a movie or bowling for this date and thought that I did a right choice since we'd just individually focus on the screen if it's a movie, and I'd rather do something together with Andy.

Even when we spend a lot of time together in the same house, we haven't had as many chances to talk as we did before. So, I was really happy that we could just chat and have a fun time together at the restaurant too.

Just in case, we were telling mom to call us if something happened, but thankfully we didn't get any call from her until the end of the date.

When we got back home...

May-chan was peacefully sleeping in mom's arms.

Mom also said, "She was doing very good." which made me relieved too.

So, this is all about our date night the other day. Again, thanks to mom, we had a wonderful time!

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デートナイト!前編(A Date Night! vol.1)

2019-03-15 14:34:51 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How's everything going in your life?

So, I assume that many of parents who has a baby don't have as many chances to go out as they did before the baby's born. We are not an exception.

3 of us still go out shopping on weekend together, but it's literally like thie TV show called "Guy's Grocery Games", and Andy and I just need to grab things on our shopping list as quickly as possible.

Guy's Grocery GamesっていうTV番組みたいにせかせかと買い物してます。(笑) (画像拝借元

The other day, we could ask mom(May-chan's grandma) to babysit May-chan so that we could have a fun date night.

From some days before the date night, Andy asked me what I would want to do for the night. I'd think about playing golf if it's warmer, but now in winter, so I decided to do bowling together after I debated it between movie and bowling.

This is our local bowling place, and it was our first time to play there.

The place only has 12 lanes, but there were a lot of teenagers playing that day, Wednesday afternoon.

We ordered beer for Andy and soda for me first and startef playing bowling!

We both hadn't played for more than 5 years.

My memorable first throw went in the gutter. Yay!

ANdy's first throw made 9 pins down which was pretty good.

What's good about us is that we're almost in the same level in bowling. Hehe.

I forgot to take a pic of the first game score, but it was Hit-chan 102 and Andy 106. (See? We're almost tied!)

We ended up playing 5 games for total and the scores were...

WHat a surprise! I made my best score in the 2nd game!

Then, I got back to my normal, and my score was dropped to 2 digits.

In the 4th game, Andy played pretty good.

We both got tired in the 5th game and scored neither too good nor too bad.

Of course, my right arma and back got sore on the next day as you'd expect. Haha.

After we both had a very fun time with playing bowling together, we walked to this restaurant in the same strip mall since we had a reservation for dinner.

Okay, it's going to be a little bit longer than I thought, so I want to write the rest on the next article.

Thanks for reading again!!! Bye for now!

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フォトアルバム探しのその後とか (Photo Album Hunt and etc...)

2019-03-13 12:20:33 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

The other day, I wrote that I was looking for a photo album and went to Target, but they only had one kind and I didn't but it after all.

そしたらね、やっぱりブログやってると良い事あるよね、はなのこさんがコメントでJOANN Fabric and Craft Storeってお店を見てみたら?って教えてださいました。ありがとー!
Then, this is one of benefits to do a blog, and I got a very useful comment from Hananoko-san, which said that JOANN Fabric and Craft Store had a big selection of photo album.

JOANN Fabric and Craft Store画像拝借元

You can do online shopping with them, but I found out that there's a retail shop near my house, so I decided to go there just to browse.

One weekend, Andy, I and May-chan went out shopping together.

Besides a photo album, I wanted to get a camera case for my brand new camera and also print out some pictures as well, so the original plan of the day was that we'd go to this camera store for camera case and photo prints first.

そんでもって、その後JOANN Fabric and Crafts storeに行って、フォトアルバムを見る。
Then, we'd swing by JOANN Fabric and Crafts store for photo album.

I made such a perfect shopping plan! So,let's go now!!

We could see the blue sky that day, and it felt super good.

We're here!

National Camera Exchange

Andy purchased my brand new camera from them.

So, they gave us a coupon for free photo prints up to 50. With the coupon, we only paid less than $2 for 54 prints.

They only had 5 kinds of camera case, but I liked one of them which fit my camera too. (They had tons of bigger camera bags.)

It was more reasonable than I expected and about $15. (I prefer more functional to more fashionable.)

They had some photo albums too.

The biggest reason why I wanted to look at photo albums directly in my hands was because I wanted to send May-chan's pics to my dad in Japan.

Nowadays, it'd be way easier just to send photo data via Internet, but my dad's not good at computer stuff and even doesn't own a computer, so I thought that it'd be better to send printed photo to him.

BTW, do you guys know how expensive international shipping is? (Especially, from here to Japan)

I always use USPS since they have cheaper deals, and they have flat rate priority mail.

You can ship things in a priority box up to a certain weight for the flat rates. It has an insurance up to the certain value and a tracking number too.

There are some different size boxes, and I think the smallest size rate is about $23. (International)

If my memory is correct, the smallest size rate use to be like $14 when I moved here 9 years ago, so I assume that they've raised the prices a lot.

Anyways, I thought that it'd be great if I could find a photo album which can fit in a smallest size box, so I wanted to see the size of photo album in my hands.

Well, I could find a couple of ones which fit in the box, but they only could hold 30 photos.

My plan was that I'd send an album with some pictures first and then send just printed photos after that. So, even if I send one which only can hold 32 photos, it'd get full so soon, and I'd have to send another photo album right away.

Of course, you can find a photo album in Japan, but the sizes of printed photos are different between Japan and the US. Plus that, this is a kind of gift from us to him, and I didn't want to bother him by making him to go shopping for it.

So, I ended up giving up to find one which fit in the box and tried to find a bigger one.

Then, when Andy and I were standing in front of the casher counter for the printed photos and the camera case, I took a glance at the sale section on the right side.

Yeah, I found a cute photo album there!

This is it. With 10% off, it was less than $15 or so and can hold 100 photos. Yay!

I really liked the design.

で、お気づきの通り、カメラ屋さんでアルバム買っちゃったんで、はなのこさんに教えていただいたお店、JOANN Fabric and Craftsに行かなくて良くなっちゃいまして、折角教えてもらったのにごめんなさい!
Yeah, as you notice, I found this cute album at the camera store and didn't need to go to JOANN Fabric and Crafts anymore. Sorry, Hananoko-san, about not going to the store!

Though, I didn't know the store until she let me know, so I'd go there when I need some craft things next!

I got everything I wanted to do done at that point and thought that we're going back home, but Andy said that he wanted to swing by Macy's for something. So, we went there too.

So, what did Andy want? Yeah, he wanted to get a cologne.

He used to put cologne in every morning before work but hadn't used it for some years. And now, he thought that he'd like to start using it again.

He was using a particular brand before but wanted to find a new fragrant with me.

We directly headed to the section and asked a sales man about what we'd like. Then, he brought up some different kinds right away.

This is one of the best things thing about Andy and me as a couple, and we like same things in fashion or designs most of the time in general. As well as our usual, we tried to smell about 5 kinds of cologne this time and picked the same one as our favorite, which only took about 8 mins or so. Haha.

This is the one we both liked.

From the next day after the shopping, he's wearing it for work everyday.

On that day, I was super happy that I could get everything I'd wanted.

BTW, I shipped the photo album to my dad some days ago and ended up using a first class mail without any insurance. (It was about $23 for that.)

I hope that he'll receive it sometime soon for sure!

At the end, I put a May-chan's pic.

I really like this sweater which mom(grandma) gave us.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!!

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3ヶ月の記録 (Record at 3 months)

2019-03-11 15:30:34 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

Our precious daughter, May-chan, turned 3month old at the end of Feburary.

Good job, me! I didn't forget to take 3-month anniversary picture. Hehe.

She doesn't have a 3month check-up, so I don't know how much her weight and height have grown up for the last 1 month. Though, I can tell that she's getting bigger and bigger for sure!

Recently, her height seems to get taller and she's grown out of her new born clothes more too.

Well, life with a 3-month-old baby is kind of boring and nothing much happens everyday, but I've still noticed some changes about my baby and want to write them here as my own memorandum.

May-chan's neck is now much more stable which makes it so easier to hold her.

She still loves taking a bath. How relaxed she is!

Again, her neck is stronger now, so she even can sit down in the bathtub by herself. (There's a supporter in the middle of the bathtub which holds her bottom.)

I'm using this infalatable infant pool as her bathtub and as you can see it in the picture, she's getting grown out of it too.

It's big enough to wash her body, but not much to wash her hair lately.

So, I bought this which was recommended by my friend.


This is a baby bath seat and you can put it in a regular bathtub and wash your baby in the seat.

I only used it once and still need to try some different procedures and figure out the most efficient way to bathe my baby with this seat.

This is when she's doing a tummy time. She can keep her head that high for a longer time now.

で、最近急にできるようになって嬉しいのが、Pack and Playで寝てくれるようになった事です。
And what I'm the happiest about lately is that she now can sleep in the pack and play!! Yay!

Pack and playとはこんな感じの簡易ベッドです。(画像拝借元

一応、我が家の地下にはめい用の部屋があるんですが、生まれてから今まで、このPack and playを私たちのベッドルームに置いて同じ部屋で寝ています。
Andy and I prepared one of the bed rooms in the basement as her room, but for now, we put a pack and play in our bedroom so that she can sleep with us in the same room.

でもね、つい最近までこのPack and playの中では寝てくれませんでした。
Though, she didn't sleep in the pack and play at all until a couple of weeks ago.

I first thought that the flat mat might bug her, but it wasn't since she could sleep on carpet floor sometimes.

ただ、Pack and Playのマットレス部分の素材が少し固いし、触るとシャカシャカと音が出るものだったので、それがダメなのかなぁとこんな風にブランケットを敷いたりしてみましたが、それでもダメでした。
Though, the mat is kind of hard and the material makes rustling noise, so I covered the mat with a blanket and it didn't work either.

Well, technically, you don't want to put anything in crib including a blanket.

I don't know about the advice in Japan, but here in the US, they say that you don't want to put anything in a baby crib to get rid of suffocation risk.

なので、Hit-chanがやっている毛布をPack and playの中に入れるのはアメリカ方式では本当はダメなんです。
So, what I did, put blanket in the pack and play, is not what you're supposed to do.
(You could tuck in the ends of blanket under the mat.)

But, I've never heard that people say "Don't put a blanket on a baby!" in Japan.

Also, sleeping with your baby in bed is No-No thing in the US, but I hear that a lot of people sleep together with their baby in Japan.

Rules change in different countries.

So, where had our baby slept?

We put her in the swing or...

in this bouncer.

The swing has vibration mode besides the swing motion and we were using them a lot for the first couple of months because she slept so well.

Though, I personally didn't want to keep her on the vibration for a long time.

One morning after she turned 2months, I found her almost sliding down from the swing and since then, I quit using it for her night sleep.

I could use the seatbelt in the swing, but I took the incident to start using the bouncer instead.

で、スイングやバウンサーで寝かせている時から、昼間でHit-chanの体力がある時などには、Pack and playで寝かせる練習もしていたんです。
Even when I put May-chan in the swing or the bouncer at night, I also tried to make her practice sleeping in the pack and play during day.

Still, she couldn't sleep more than 30mins there for the first 2months and I couldn't use it at night.

なのに、3ヶ月を過ぎた最近、急にPack and playに入れても長時間寝てくれるようになったんです。
And what a surprise! She suddenly started being able to sleep in the pack and play after 3months.

So weird! I guess it's a proof of her growth.

Well, as for other small things, she really loves sucking her right hand now.

We use pacifier too, but she sometimes refueses it and licks her hand.

Basically, she sucks her hand when she's hungry or sleepy.

Her cheeks get dry lately too.

Andy got this for her and it's very helpful.

I think it's all that I can think of for now.

What I surely say is that she's growing up so healthy without any big problem so far.

I do hope that she'll become bigger as she has been from now too.

Mommy and Daddy love you, May-chan!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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