Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

産後3ヶ月の体調 (My Condition 3months after the Labor)

2019-03-18 15:31:06 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How's everything going?

I checked my camera the other day and found this beautiful picture taken by Andy.

So pretty! I don't like the coldness in winter, but I feel that the air is more clear, which makes sunrise or sunset more beautiful.

I wrote how May-chan is doing at 3months here the other day.

Today, I want to write how I've been doing for the last 3months since the labor.

First off, my weight at this point is about 6.6LB more than before I was pregnant.

I assume if you breastfeed more often, you can lose your weight more easily, but I'm doing mostly with formula lately, so I don't think that I can take the benefit.

Once, I tried to eat extra sicne I could prodce more milk by that, but I just ended up gaining some weight and got my usual diet back.

In the point of finance, you don't have to spend much money on buying formula if you can suply enough milk for your baby, but I've been doing well with cloth diaper so far, so I think it's well balanced.

In the first month after the labor, the toughest thing was that I had to deal with my stiched up vagina.

Probably, in the case of baby coming down slowly, the baby's head can gradually spread the part and make the skin or the mustle flexible enough.

In my case, the placenta got peeled off first, which made the labor super quickly, and it didn't give my body enough time to be flexible. So, it was ripped so bad.

Of course, my doctor stiched up the part after the labor, but my life went a little bit tough for a while.

One of the hard things was that I couldn't sit still on a chair for a long time.

So, I used a nursing pillow like this. (Yeah, the same solution as hemorrhoid.)

A bathroom time was much work as well, and I always needed to fill warm water in a bottle like the picture so that I could rinse the stiched part.

I had to have such an inconvenient life for a month or so after the labor and gradually started getting my normal life back.

What I liked is that they recommended me to take a bath to heal the stiched part.

Without a question, I enjoyed bathing a couple of times a day jsut as I used to before the labor.

You might think that the stiched part hurts if you take a bath, but it was totally a relaxing time for me without any pain.

I was actually wearing a diaper for a month or so after the labor and I often put an ice pad in it besides taking advil for the pain relief.

I talked about this here before, but my fingers started getting stiff from the 3trimester.

At this pont when 3 months passed after the labor, my fingers still get stiff especially in morning, but they're becoming better.

Still, it's not too bad enough to bother my life.

Speaking of breastfeeding, I mostly do it only when May-chan is half-asleep late at night or in early morning.

I pump too, so I give her some of my breast milk though it's way less than formula.

If you want to raise your baby just with your breast milk, I hear that you have to make your baby keep sucking your nipples very often no matter how hard it is. I personally don't mind using both milk, so I want to stick to this way.

Oh, I got a menstrual period back 2 months after the labor.

I was a little surprised that it came back pretty early, but I heard that one of my friends got a preod back in the next month after her labor, so I didn't get in panic thanks to her sharing the experience with me.

Oh yeah, one more thing, I've started losing a lot of hair!

When my friend Mika-chan cut my hair the other day, she asked me, "Are you losing hair a lot?" and I answered "No change at all!", but I started losing my hair more right after that.

BTW, wasn't it a perfect timing to cut my hair?? Haha.

Though, it's a little bit annoying to have to clean extra hair every time I wash my hair.

Well, it's one of the most common things that women go through in postartum time.

So, overall, the hardest part of my after-labor life was until the stiched vagina got healed.

When I lose some more weight and my stiff fingers return to normal, my condition completely goes back to what it was before I was pregnant.

In the end of this article, I want to share a couple of my baby-time pictures which I found the other day.

The resolution is not good, but I can tell that May-chan takes a lot over from me.

Like the amout of hair. Haha.

It's 3months passed from when May-chan was born, but I still feel it somehow wierd that a little human-being who resembles me a lot exists just in front of me.

Anyways, I need more excercise for sure, but I'm doing very good now 3months after the labor! Thanks for reading again!!

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