Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

フォトアルバム探しのその後とか (Photo Album Hunt and etc...)

2019-03-13 12:20:33 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi everyone!

How's your life treating you today?

The other day, I wrote that I was looking for a photo album and went to Target, but they only had one kind and I didn't but it after all.

そしたらね、やっぱりブログやってると良い事あるよね、はなのこさんがコメントでJOANN Fabric and Craft Storeってお店を見てみたら?って教えてださいました。ありがとー!
Then, this is one of benefits to do a blog, and I got a very useful comment from Hananoko-san, which said that JOANN Fabric and Craft Store had a big selection of photo album.

JOANN Fabric and Craft Store画像拝借元

You can do online shopping with them, but I found out that there's a retail shop near my house, so I decided to go there just to browse.

One weekend, Andy, I and May-chan went out shopping together.

Besides a photo album, I wanted to get a camera case for my brand new camera and also print out some pictures as well, so the original plan of the day was that we'd go to this camera store for camera case and photo prints first.

そんでもって、その後JOANN Fabric and Crafts storeに行って、フォトアルバムを見る。
Then, we'd swing by JOANN Fabric and Crafts store for photo album.

I made such a perfect shopping plan! So,let's go now!!

We could see the blue sky that day, and it felt super good.

We're here!

National Camera Exchange

Andy purchased my brand new camera from them.

So, they gave us a coupon for free photo prints up to 50. With the coupon, we only paid less than $2 for 54 prints.

They only had 5 kinds of camera case, but I liked one of them which fit my camera too. (They had tons of bigger camera bags.)

It was more reasonable than I expected and about $15. (I prefer more functional to more fashionable.)

They had some photo albums too.

The biggest reason why I wanted to look at photo albums directly in my hands was because I wanted to send May-chan's pics to my dad in Japan.

Nowadays, it'd be way easier just to send photo data via Internet, but my dad's not good at computer stuff and even doesn't own a computer, so I thought that it'd be better to send printed photo to him.

BTW, do you guys know how expensive international shipping is? (Especially, from here to Japan)

I always use USPS since they have cheaper deals, and they have flat rate priority mail.

You can ship things in a priority box up to a certain weight for the flat rates. It has an insurance up to the certain value and a tracking number too.

There are some different size boxes, and I think the smallest size rate is about $23. (International)

If my memory is correct, the smallest size rate use to be like $14 when I moved here 9 years ago, so I assume that they've raised the prices a lot.

Anyways, I thought that it'd be great if I could find a photo album which can fit in a smallest size box, so I wanted to see the size of photo album in my hands.

Well, I could find a couple of ones which fit in the box, but they only could hold 30 photos.

My plan was that I'd send an album with some pictures first and then send just printed photos after that. So, even if I send one which only can hold 32 photos, it'd get full so soon, and I'd have to send another photo album right away.

Of course, you can find a photo album in Japan, but the sizes of printed photos are different between Japan and the US. Plus that, this is a kind of gift from us to him, and I didn't want to bother him by making him to go shopping for it.

So, I ended up giving up to find one which fit in the box and tried to find a bigger one.

Then, when Andy and I were standing in front of the casher counter for the printed photos and the camera case, I took a glance at the sale section on the right side.

Yeah, I found a cute photo album there!

This is it. With 10% off, it was less than $15 or so and can hold 100 photos. Yay!

I really liked the design.

で、お気づきの通り、カメラ屋さんでアルバム買っちゃったんで、はなのこさんに教えていただいたお店、JOANN Fabric and Craftsに行かなくて良くなっちゃいまして、折角教えてもらったのにごめんなさい!
Yeah, as you notice, I found this cute album at the camera store and didn't need to go to JOANN Fabric and Crafts anymore. Sorry, Hananoko-san, about not going to the store!

Though, I didn't know the store until she let me know, so I'd go there when I need some craft things next!

I got everything I wanted to do done at that point and thought that we're going back home, but Andy said that he wanted to swing by Macy's for something. So, we went there too.

So, what did Andy want? Yeah, he wanted to get a cologne.

He used to put cologne in every morning before work but hadn't used it for some years. And now, he thought that he'd like to start using it again.

He was using a particular brand before but wanted to find a new fragrant with me.

We directly headed to the section and asked a sales man about what we'd like. Then, he brought up some different kinds right away.

This is one of the best things thing about Andy and me as a couple, and we like same things in fashion or designs most of the time in general. As well as our usual, we tried to smell about 5 kinds of cologne this time and picked the same one as our favorite, which only took about 8 mins or so. Haha.

This is the one we both liked.

From the next day after the shopping, he's wearing it for work everyday.

On that day, I was super happy that I could get everything I'd wanted.

BTW, I shipped the photo album to my dad some days ago and ended up using a first class mail without any insurance. (It was about $23 for that.)

I hope that he'll receive it sometime soon for sure!

At the end, I put a May-chan's pic.

I really like this sweater which mom(grandma) gave us.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!!

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