Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいちゃんの初日本 vol.18 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 18)

2020-02-23 13:00:08 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So, this is vol.18 of the Japan trip diaries.

In the middle of October when it's about a week before May-chan and I were going to leave Japan, May-chan and I visited my best friend, Aki, again.

Aki and I were actually planning to meet up about a week before originally, but we decided to postpone it since her oldest daughter, Sat-chan, was sick a little bit.

It was on a week day, but Sat-chan didn't have kinder since they had a sports festival on the weekend before, which gave us plenty of time to play togehter.

Aki said that Sat-chan was so excited to have the play date.

Aki's right. Sat-chan was such a sweet and kind big sister for May-chan.

She showed bunch of different fun toys to May-chan...,

she talked to May-chan a lot and tried to understand what May-chan was thinking too.

May-chan at the time was almost starting to walk, so this walker made her so happy.

Sat-chan entertained us by her cute dance which she performed at the sports festival too.

Of course, Aki's 2nd daughter, Nana-chan, was with us and seemed to have much fun to watch the 2 big girls playing though she couldn't do much with them yet.

Aki's always great and kindly got us some delicious bread for our luch at a local bakery on the day too.

Without a doubt, I can tell that Aki's also a super busy mom too, but she generously told me, "I'm gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, so tell me whatever you want me to get for May-chan or anything." So, I asked to get some yogurt and bread for May-chan too. (Though, May-chan didn't eat them much. Grrr!)

Besides thet nice lunch, Aki also got some pretty cake for our snack time too! The lovely Japanese cake was not only cute but also yummy!

On the day, Aki wanted to try to give Nana-chan her first baby food (rice porridge), so...

I tried to capture the memorable moment in my picture!

Again, Sat-chan was a big helper and carrying the spoon to her littl sister's mouth very gently. (Aww!!)

It was the very first time for Nana-chan to try something other than mommy's milk, but she seemed to like it.

しばらくしたら、めい、人ん家のリビングの真ん中で爆睡。(笑) いっぱい遊んでもらって疲れたんでしょね。
After a while, May-chan fell asleep in the center of the living room like this. LOL

I thought that it was a perfect chance to take a picture of all the lovely girls together, so I got this. I know May-chan was sleeping though. Haha.

This is how May-chan and I had a great time at Aki's house.

To be hoenst with you, I wanted to visit them more frequently during the stay, but due to Sat-chan's condition or the weather situation, we ended up being able to have a play date only twice.

Though, the 2 precious times with Aki and her lovely girls were enough to remind me that I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful friend in my life. She always welcomes me and loves to enjoy doing things with me whenever I come back to the home country. It's too bad that I can't easily come to help her when she needs a help, but it's still great that all of us were doing well and could have such fun play dates this time again.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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