Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

22 ひとり帰国日記/地元モールでブラブラ (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.22/A Date with Skutch at Local Mall)

2024-06-18 09:41:18 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello everyone!




How are you doing today? 




Okay, this is another article about my Japan trip. 




On February 13th. 




I had a date with my sister, Skutch at a local mall. She nicely took as much paid time off as possible while I was in Japan.




It's very nice of her to drive us to the mall again. 



At the mall, we just randomly walked around and browsing several shops there. (Yeah, it's sad that I don't remember much already. Haha)





What I remember for sure was that I purchased a cute and formal dress for May-chan. 



When Skutch and I were walking around in the mall, I found a shop selling cute and formal clothes which kids can wear at a graduation ceremory or holiday performance. 



I'd been wanting to get May-chan a formal dress, so it was a perfect timing to find one. 




This is the dress. It's when she tried to put it on for the first time, so the combination of the dress, pants and socks was a little bit weird though. Haha.



The size was a little big on her, but it still looks fine. The price was about $50 and the fabric was and thick and smooth. So, this dress was one of the best things that I bought during this stay. (May-chan was super excited for it too, needless to say.) 




Let me go back to the mall date. We had lunch at the food court. 




What I picked up from several shops there was Takoyaki! (Yup, it's my favorite food again.)



The one upper right was classic one and the bowl in the center was the one for dipping in dashi sauce.  




Their classic style was topped with green onions, which was a little bit unusual. 



I'd never tried their Takoyaki before and also they're a food court shop, so I honestly hadn't expected so much about their Takoyaki. Although, they're surprisingly beyond my expectation. 




I did a quick research about them and found out that the company had the headquarter in Kyoto and ran several shops for food courts mainly in Kyusyu area.







Thank you, Skutch, for eating Takoyaki again with me. She said that she liked the ones with dipping sauce better. 




I, a big Takoyaki lover, usually stick to classic style, but I was also amazed and surprised by their dipping sauce style too. 




It unexpectedly turned out very satisfying lunch. 



Of course, we checked this very popular shop, KALDI. (They sell bunch of miscellaneous food products.) Skutch got some bake-at-home croissants there whcih she'd been craving for. 



On the way back to the parking lot, we're passing by a pawn shop and I surprisingly found this in the disply in front of the shop!




Tada! Japanese vintage whiskey. I took this pic and sent it to Andy in MN. 




20 日本帰国 2022/両親と四条・中編 (20 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with My parents in Shijo 2/3) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


goo blog


Andy's such a big fan of whiskey in general and every time he visits Japan, he makes the rounds of liquor shops for Japanese vintage whiskey. When we returned in 2022, we made a walk around a couple of liquor stores in downtown Kyoto. 




Back in 2022, we had a hard time to just find liquor stores selling Japanese vintage whiskey, so it was a big surprise for me that I saw those rare whiskey at the pawn shop at the very local mall in the rural area. 




I got a response, "How much are they?" from Andy after I got back to my parents' house, but there were no price tags in the display. So, I googled prices of the same bottles online and told him the numbers. 




As we easily imagine, the prices of Japanese vintage whiskey have been drastically increased in the last several years becaused of the economic inflation and popularity of Japanese whiskey in general. So, Andy passed the bottles this time just as he did for the same reason back in 2022. 




Okay, this is all about the mall date with my sister, Skutch. We just randomly hung out there, but it was still precious and much fun. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!



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