Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

20 ひとり帰国日記/移植後たこ焼き食べ歩き (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.20/Takoyaki walk after the egg transfer)

2024-06-03 16:29:51 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello folks!




How's your life treating you today? 




On the last article of this series, I wrote about the day that I did my 3rd egg transfer in Japan. 




After the appointment, I met up with my mom since "Just in case, I'm going to be near the cinic and meet up with you somewhere close after the appointment." she said and kindly came over near the clinic. 
(At the clinic, they ask patients not to bring any attendants unless it's necesarry.)




What's different from the egg transfer that I did in MN was that I didn't have to take any medication for the procedure. So, I didn't get any discomfort from the side effect or something and also the procedure itself didn't cause any big pain either, which meant that I could spend the rest of the day just as my normal day. 
(FYI, in the egg transfer done in MN, I had to take Valium for the procedure which caused a motion-sickness-like feeling lasting for a while after the procedure.) 



So, afte the egg transfer this time, I didn't have any discomfort and was feeling well enough to hang out around Shijo area with my mom. 




I didn't have any specifc plan in the area, but "I googled Takoyaki places around here because it's your favorite and found this place. Do you wanna go there? she kindly had researched for me. "Why not??" I replied, of course. 




On the way to the Takoyaki shop that my mom found, we ran into another Takoyaki shop. 




京都周辺でたこ焼きのテイクアウトなら カリカリ博士 (画像拝借元



You can see the price in the picture above, but 6 pieces of Takoyaki were just 200yen ($2)!!




It wouldn't be any problem to eat 6 pieces of Takoyaki by 2 of us before we went to the other Takoyaki place, so why not? It's my favorite food and I couldn't help trying them. Haha. 




The shop was very tiny and already packed, so we sat down at an open spot by the street. 




I always get excited to eat Takoyaki! If you sign up the menbership of the Takoyaki shop, you can buy their menu with discount. 
(If I lived in the area and their shop was on my commute, I'd definitely sign up the membership and stop by for Takoyaki almost everyday!!)




The price was 200yen ($2), so I thought that they would be smaller, but the size was normal. I assume that the costs of the chopsticks or containers wouldn't be cheap for them, so I was very impressed by their generosity. 



Also, inside the Takoyaki balls, I found a desent size of octopus piece too. The taste was very good too!



The shop name means "Dr. Crispy", so I had assumed that their Takoyaki would be crispy, but actually they're very melty texture, which you would have a hard time to pinch them with chopsticks.  



The prices were awesome, but their customer service was perfect too. The lady at the counter was super nice and made us feel, "Let's come back here again!" 




Their website said that they had Takoyaki shops at about 10 locations in Kansai area. 




After the unexpected discovery of the aweson Takoyaki shop, my mom and I walked to the shop which my mom had googled beforehand.










Kyotopi [キョウトピ] 京都観光情報・旅行・グルメ




The location is in the middle of a touristic spot, Shinkyogoku street, and easy-to-find. They're very busy probably because it was Saturday. 




My mom and I were also pretty much one of the tourists, but we saw a lot of people looking like local regulars too. 




With generous amount of bonito flakes topped on, they looked so yummy!



We luckily got 2 seats right in front of the shop. 



Bon appetite!!




Their Takoyaki was great too. Compared to the ones at the previous shop were super melty, their Takoyaki was slightly harder and more filling. 




They were 2 different types of Takoyaki, but both were very good and it's hard for me to say which one I liked more. 




What made me so happy was that both shops were awesome in the customer service even though they're located righ in a touristic spot. 




I was very impressed by and had much respect in the modest and dedicated spirit for their business, not being bloated or arrogant. 




I really enjoyed the Takoyaki shop crowl which you could do only in Japan. 




I'm very thankful to my mom for coming over to check me after the IVF appointment, googling the awesome Takoyaki shop and enjoying the Takoyaki shop crawl with me. (Big thanks!)




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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