Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

お気に入りのサンドイッチ屋さん (Ham's Sandwich Shop)

2020-02-25 14:17:08 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi everyone!

How's your life treating you?

Well, I assume that you've probably had this experience. You pass by a same store so many times on your commute or something and always think it's interesting but never really steppedn in.

Andy and I actually had one shop like that. Every time we drive on this highway and see this shop, we were saying, "The shop is interesting. Do you think it's good? We should try them sometime soon!" We actually had known the shop about 10 years or so, but never stepped in until now.

そのお店がこちら。Ham's Sandwich Shop(画像拝借元
This is the shop. Ham's Sandwich Shop.

Ham's Sandwich Shop

Our friend, Tom, said "They're pretty good!" and the good comment from Tom pushed our backs to finally step in the shop on the weekend.

We took out a couple of sandwiches at the time and thought...

"Yup, it's really good!"

Both of us really liked their sandwiches.

So, within a couple weeks after we tried their sandwiches for the first time, we grabbed their sandwiches for a weekend lunch again. Haha.

The shop is pretty small, but so many people come and go for a take-out order and make the shop very busy.

This is Andy's meatball sandwich.

This is my customized wrap. (It's pretty much same as my favorite bagel sandwich, and I put ham, lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado, mayo and honey mustard on a tortila.

May-chan was actually taking a nap at the time.

My sandwich at this time was different from one that I got for the first time, but the perfectly customized wrap for me was just "Yummy!!!!!"

I think that Andy ordered the same sandwich as his first time, and without a doubt, he really liked it since he had the same kind twice in a row.

When we first visited the shop, Andy had some time to talk to the owner man, and he said that they started the business from selling the ham. Then, a lot of people loved their ham, so they thought,

"Why don't we start a sandwich shop with this popular ham?" and opened the sandwich shop.

I mentioned that I customized my sandwich order as my favorite bagel sandwich above. I actually sometimes homemade the bagel sandwich, and the key ingredients to make the sandwich just as I like are the honey mustard and the ham. (I do like useing Inglehoffer barnd honey mustard and a sweet honey ham.)

ちなみにHit-chanの大好きなベーグルについてはこちらに詳しく書いています。最近のマイブーム2 (My recent craving 2)
FYI, I wrote more specifically about my favorite bagel sandwich on the article here before. 最近のマイブーム2 (My recent craving 2)

Anyways, their honey ham is just perfect for my favorite sandwich.

Luckily, you can buy just their ham individually too.

So, why not?

They look so delicious, don't they? Yeah they are delicious!

At this point when I'm writing this article, I haven't made my favorite bagel sandwich with their ham yet, but I froze them so that I can make my sandwich anytime I want!

BTW, we actually went to enjoy their sandwiches 3 times in the last couple of months already though we hadn't stepped in the shop for about a decade. Haha.

Okay, I introduced you guys the delicious sandwich shop today! Thanks for reading again!!!

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