Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

21 ひとり帰国日記/父の誕生日 (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.21/My Dad's 70th BD)

2024-06-15 15:51:51 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hello there!



How's your day going today?



My life has been more joyful and hectic since our daughter, May-chan's summer break started. My friend, K-chan, and I do home school during this vacation just as last year, which's kept us busy too. 



Besides the summer home school, I've started taking a 5000-step walk as often as possible for my health, so the new habit has made my day go by quicker. Yeah, that's why I haven't found much time to update my blog lately. 



Still, this blog is such a big part of my life and I want to keep it updated as constantly as possible, so I'll do my best to arrange my time and energy and make it happen for sure. 



So, this is another article of my Japan trip diary. 



During the stay, I luckily could celebrate my dad's birthday with my family, so let me talk about it today. 



On his birthday, February 12th. 



Well, it's already more than 3 months ago and my memories are faded, but I think that my dad was off on the day and we're going to eat out for dinner togheter. 



This is the restaurant that we picked up for his BD dinner. 



焼肉家蔵 松井山手店

焼肉家蔵 松井山手店

八幡・京田辺エリアの焼肉、焼肉家蔵 松井山手店のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

焼肉家蔵 松井山手店

Korean BBQ restaurant



When I was in Japan back in 2022, "They're an awesome Korean BBQ restaurant!!" my family recommended me the place, but we couldn't make it. At the time Andy and May-chan were there too and we didn't have a good transportation for all 6 of us to get there at once because my sister, Skutch's car was a 5-seater.



I heard that the restaurant was very popular and busy, so we'd made a reservation online beforehand.  



The name is "Kagura" by the way. 




We could have a table right away thanks to the reservation and checked the menu. 



They had a menu for specials of the day too. 



Until I did the egg transfer in IVF treatment, I was mostly eating sushi since I knew that I wasn't able to eat raw fish after the transfer, so my mouth got water just by sitting arount the smokey smell and sizzling sound from the hibachi grills. 




Mom and I were so excited before the feast. 



Assorted Kimchi plate. Every kind of them was great and my favorite was the dry squid. 











I wrapped rice, kimchi and of grilled beef, of course, with a leaf of Korean lettuce and that was amazing!! I don't know how many of them I ate. Haha. 



Skutch and I gave our dad a BD present at the time too. 



This was not a BD present, but gift from Andy. My dad's also beer lover, so Andy picked up a couple of MN local beer for him. 



Skutch and I picked up some snacks good with Sake because my dad's a Sake lover as well. 



Oh, by the way, the birthday boy treated us that night. LOL Thank you, dad!



I'm just so glad that I could spend my dad's BD with him in person for the frist time in the last several years.  




Happy 70th birthday, dad!! Please don't drink too much, and live long and healthy!!



Okay, this is all about my dad's 70th birthday. It was a great joy that I could celebrate it with him and my family in person for the first time in the last several years. 




To be honest with you, I'm a little bit overwhelmed how quick time flies by facing the reality that my dad turned 70 years old, but that reminded me how important and precious it is that I spend a fun time with my family as long as possible from now on. 




Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!! Bye for now!




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