Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

Andyっちの手料理 (Andy's Cooking)

2020-06-06 13:58:12 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How's everything going in your life?

So, Andy and I didn't have a habit to eat dinner together at the same table before May-chan was born.

The reason why we didn't do it was because Andy used not to eat dinner in general and I also didn't need a big meal at night often since I worked in the very early morning and tended to eat a big meal in the early afternoon when I worked at Caribou (Coffee shop).

Maybe this is a typical thing for international marriage and Andy and I often want to eat different things, so it became a convenient style for us to individually eat whatever and whenever we wanted to.

Though, we both were saying, "We want to have a family time as having dinner sitting at the same table when we have a child." So, we intentionally made the habit to eat dinner together with 3 of us when May-chan was big enough to sit still.

In my childhood memory, my mom cooked dinner everyday for the entire family and my dad and we kids even didn't think to complain about what she made but appreciated it. With gratitude for the cook and respect in food, we also tried to finish our plate even if there's something we didn't like on it. (Of course, my mom sometimes asked us what we wanted to eat and cooked it too.)

Now, Andy and I tried to decide what to make for dinner together.

I like cooking in general so I totally don't mind thinking about what to make for dinner and cook it everyday, but the reason why I don't do that because I tend to cook Japanese food which I like and Andy tends to make whatever he likes too.

So, I mainly cook for the family, but Andy's also a good cook too and makes us dinner sometimes too.

Andy made Enchiladas for the first time the other day.

Enchilada is a kind of Mexican dishes and it's a wrapped tortilla stuffed with some meat and veggies and covered with a tomato and chili sauce.

I actually didn't know about the dish at all, but Andy said that he'd wanted to try to make it at home for a while, and thanks to him, I got a chance to try it.

This is Andy's homemade Enchilada.

Andy made the filling with chicken, tomato, onion, 2 kinds of pepper (Poblano and Anaheim) and cheese. Then, he wrapped it with tortillas, put some canned Enchilada sauce and cheese on top and cooked them in the oven.

I didn't know about refried beans either, but they're cooked and mashed first and then fried with some oil.

I heard that they commonly use pinto beans to make refried beans, but the canned one that Andy bought this time was made with black beans or some black colored beans instead.
(In my hometown Kyoto, people call beans Omame-san. Omame means beans and San means Mr./Miss in Japanese. So, it's like you call beans "Mr. beans" in English. Haha)

Anyways, Andy's Enchilada had very rich flavor, so the refried beans were very nice to balance out the flavor of the entire dish.

To be honest with you, I actually didn't have much expectation in Enchilada like, "How is it like? Is it good? I'm not a huge fan of strong spices..." I didn't have to worry about it at all. Once I took a bite, "Oh! This is really good!!" and I was the person who ate the most that night. Haha.

May-chan tried just the chicken and liked it. Yup, the sticker on her forehead was smiling too!

According to Andy, it's kind of a lot of work to make Enchilada even when you use a canned Enchilada sauce. Though, if you cook a certain amount of meat or refried beans at once and freeze it, you can save some time from the 2nd time. So, I'm going to ask Andy to make us Enchilada sometime again.

Thanks for introducing the new delicious food to me!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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