Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

フライドチキンを作ってみた。(Homemade Fried Chicken)

2020-05-29 13:16:46 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, today I want to share another cooking report with you guys here.

I like fried chicken in general but I hadn't made fried chicken at home other than Japanese style, Karaage.

The reason why I hadn't made fried chicken at home though I liked them was because the grocery store near our house, Lunds&Byerly's, sold decent fried chicken at the deli counter and they're very reasonable.

So, whenever I was craving for fried chicken, Andy or I got them from Lunds&Byerly's, which let me not cook them at home.

Though, I'd wanted to try to make fried chicken that I like at home for a while, so I decided to do that during this quarantine life.

It was my first time to make fried chicken, so I looked up at some recipes online and picked up one which used less kinds of spices than others.

The reason why I chose the recipe using less kinds of spices was because I'm not familiar with spices in general and I didn't want them with too much flavor for May-chan either. So, my plan was that I would make something most simple for the first time and then add more spices next considering the flavor of the first ones.

According to the simple recipe, all spices that I needed were salt & pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika.

I mixed the spices with some milk.

Then, I marinated the chicken in the milk and put them in the fridge for a while.

I used flour and corn starch for the breading powder.

I powdered the chicken and deep-fried them.

Done! The onion rings on the plate were what we took out from a local bar on the day before. They might look overcooked but actually tasted pretty well.

As for my first homemade fried chicken, Andy and May-chan said that they tasted good enough but to me, something was missing.

I froze some of the chicken after I marinated them, so I added some more kinds of spices when I deep-fried them for the 2nd time.

What I added at the send time was Thyme, Oregano, Celery salt, Basil and Mustard.

Compared to my first challenge, I was a little bit worried how they would turn out to be since I added several different kinds of spices at once. Though, the result was closer to my ideal fried chicken than the first-time ones.

I picked the certain kinds of spices up for the 2nd time in reference of a recipe that I found online, so I'm thinking to follow the recipe from scratch when I make homemade fried chicken next.

Okay, this is all about my homemade fried chicken experiment!
(I took this pic on May 5th. Yeah, she's bundled up because it was chilly that day! Haha)

Okay, talk to you on the next article! Thank you for reading again!!!

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