Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

久しぶりにパパママ来訪 (Dad&Mom's Visit)

2020-06-24 13:19:09 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going today?

So, my family still continues the quarantined life, but here in MN, they have started gradually reopening businesses under certain conditions from June, which allows that you can have a gathering with a limited number of people.

A couple days after they released the announcement, Dad&Mom came over our house.

Dda&Mom are temporarily renting a house up north where's about 3 hour drive from our house and working on building a cabin there. They are hiring a builder for the project, but still trying to do wherever they can do on their own.

Most of their belongings are stored in a storage near their old house, Brad's or our house now.

So, when they need something from the belongings, they have to take 3 hours driving down here to pick it up.

Mom still works full time though is going to retire this summer and has worked from home since the quarantined order was placed. Though, she still needs to go in her office which is in St. Paul every other week.

So, every time they need to come down to the twin city area for something, they stay over in our house.

May-chan remembered her Grandpa&Grandma even after a long time not seeing them and asked them for a hug right away.

Andy, May-chan and I usually have dinner together at the same table, but May-chan was eating by herself that day. (I don't remember why Andy and I didn't eat with her. Haha)

Thoguh, May-chan had great companies for her dinner. She looked happy to be with Grandpa&Grandma.

Look at her smile! She's super excited to see someone other than Daddy or Mommy. She's spreading her happy energy everywhere.

Grandpa kindly played making a funny face with her too. It's fun, isn't it?

May-chan fully used the privilege of an only child and had Grandpa hold her as much as she wanted to as well. LOL

Dad&Mom (Grandpa&Grandma) stayed over in our house that night, so we could have some calm and relaxing time to chat together in the living room.

Me personally, I hadn't talked to anybody other than Andy or Brad in the quarantined life, so I could feel that the fun conversation with Dad&Mom stimulated my English brain which had been in s sleep mode for a long time.

BTW, it's a lot of work moving itself in general, but building a house from scratch besides moving?? I can't imagine how much time and energy you need to do it.

Dad&Mom are trying to do whatever they can do on their own to save the cost. Plus that, they have to talk a lot with their builder about the project to make sure that everything is going to be fine. It's also a lot of work just to choose which floor wood, tile, cabinet, window etc...you like to use for your house one by one from countless options according to your budget and likings.

I just hear what's going on the project but almost get tired just to hear how much work they have to go through. All I can do now for them is to hope that everything about the project will go smoothly and they can have a calm and relaxing retired life as soon as possible.

Okay, this is all for today. I'm glad that we could have a fun time with them for the first time after a long time!!!

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