Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

ホテル生活 2日目、そして奇跡が起こる (Hotel Life Day 2 and Miracle happened)

2022-05-31 14:28:36 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)

Hello there!

How's your day going today?

So, I want to give you an update about the storm aftermath at our house today.

On May 11th, a big thunder storm and tornado hit a big area around Twin cities in MN including our house and a big tree in the back yard fell and cut the electric wire connected straight to our house.

We use well water, which means we lose water supply at the same time we lose power, so on the next day we decided to evacuate to a hotel room to stay until we got power back.

The hotel life was pretty comfortable and May-chan really enjoyed it.

Our family had been self-quarantined for a reason at that point, but it's kind of boring just sitting in the room all day long, so May-chan and I took a quick walk around the hotel.

When I say, "Smile!!", she says "Smile!" and makes a smile, but she always looks at a wrong direction from my camera. LOL

The roads around the hotel were very busy, but there's luckily a sidewalk, so we just walked there.

It's dandelion blooming season now, so May-chan enjoyed picking them up every time she found one.

As for the power outage, in our case, the wire was only connected to our house, which means that we're the only one who got an impact from that.

Due to the big thunder storm, a lot of people lost power at the same time, so we assumed that crews from the electric company were probably working on the cute wires giving more households an impact first.

We booked the hotel room from Thursday through Saturday, but as of Friday, "We still don't know how much longer it will take to get the power back, so we might as well ask the hotel if we can extend our stay." we thought and thankfully they said yes.

On Thursday, Andy was standing in front of our house just to chill out and then one of our neighbors came to him and kindly said, "If there's anything I can do for you, please feel free to tell me so."

At the same time, a wife of our family friends in the neighborhood was coming home from work and stopped and talked to Andy because she was surprised by the fallen tree in our yard.

Actually, her husband is a high voltage electric engineer and works for the electric company supplying power in our area. Of course, he was out to work on repair all the electric problems from the thunderstorm.

So, the wife, Miss J, kindly told Andy, "I don't know when he can check his phone now, but I'll text him anyways!"

Of course, they're friends of us, so Andy knew that Mr T was a high voltage electric engineer, but he could easily imagine that Mr T would be super busy working on all the repairs around the cities and didn't want to bug him at all.

Anyways, after that, I was just chilling out and watching YouTube in the hotel room on Friday. I still kept an eye on the electric company website and checked what our repair status was like even though I was thinking that nothing would happen soon. Though, all of sudden, the status sign changed and said, "The crews are working on the site. The repair estimate is 12:30pm"

This is the outage map around the time when I saw the sign saying that the crews are working on our house. As you can see, there's a lot of households still out of power at that point.

I personally assume that Mr. T did something for us, but he wouldn't admit it anyways. Whatever it is, I really appreciate everything for working out to make this miracle happen.

Honestly speaking, the hotel life wasn't that bad and we wouldn't have minded staying there for a week or so, but we actually had a certain reason to want to return home at that point, so the quick repair meant so much to us.
(I almost got teary eyes when I saw the sign saying "The crews are on your site." )

The repair itself was for temporary and they'd still need to fix it more later, but it's a tremendous life savor for us to get power back at such an early point.

May-chan and I once returned home to doublecheck if the power was really back Friday afternoon, and we checked out the hotel Saturday morning.

Thanks to such a nice and sweet neighbor, we could end the hotel life and come home just in a couple of days, which was really like winning a lottery.

We still have to take care of the fallen tree or insurance stuff, but this is the miracle ending of our family's tornado story.

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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