Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

Andyっち、また車替えたってよ。(Andy replaced his car again.)

2020-04-09 13:07:14 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?


So, my loving hubby, Andy's a huge fan of car just as I have mentioned it several times here.

One of his hobbies is car race, and his brother, Brad and he are so into it.

Such a car lover, Andy's car is a red Mazdaspeed3.

As you can see it in the pic, Dad and Brad own the same type car too.

They have installed some optional parts on their own to enjoy driving their cars more loudly, and Andy fell in love with his car. He loves his car so much and frequently tells me, "I love my car!"

Though, his favorite car doesn't fit winter driving.

Yeah, here in MN, we get a lot of snow and icy roads in winter, and they sprinkle tons of salt to prevent the roads from getting slippery.

Just as you can easily assume, the snow salt generally is made of sodium chloride or calcium chloride.

So, if you don't wash your car frequently enough, the body gets rusty.

Besides that, Andy installs different types of tires depending on the season and has to replace the normal tires to the snow tires in the beginning of winter and vice versa in the beginning of spring.

For those reasons, Andy had been saying, "I want a winter car." for a while so that he could keep his favorite car for a long time.

Then, he purchased this car last year.

It's BMW.

この車についてもう少し詳しく書いた記事がこちら。6月最初の日曜日 (The first Sunday of June)
Here's the article that I wrote about the car more. 6月最初の日曜日 (The first Sunday of June)

So, in short, we ended up owning this BMW about for 8months or so. Dang!

We bought the car since Andy considered that it's in a pretty good condition for a used car, but it was unfortunately not right. We actually kept finding some issues with the car one after another and had to pay more time and money to fixt them then we had originally expected.

Around the end of February, Andy came to me and asked, "I found a really good car. I'm debating if I should keep the BMW or sell the BMW and buy this car. What do you think?"

After I asked some questions back to Andy and got the answers from him, I simply told him, "If you're excited to do it, then do it." following my life motto.

Then, what he chose was...,

Yup, it's Mercedes Benz!!

Of course, it's a used car. We traded the BMW in and added 2 year warranty to the default 1.5 year as an option.

Oh my, it's a super fancy car. It makes me feel that I have to get dressed up to drive it. Yeah, I can't drive it in my pajamas. LOL

What's good about the car for me? It's automatic, which means I can drive it too!! Yay!! I pretended to drive it to take this pic on my driveway. Haha.

My car is a SUV, so I felt being in a quite low position when I drove it for the first time. I guess that I'll need some more time to get used driving it. (I've only driven it twice so far though.)

So, in conclusion, I believe that it was a right decision that we sold the BMW and bought the Benz.

Needless to say, this purchase was more expensive than keeping the BMW. (Though, the BMW had a high probability having more issues, and we'd have to spend more money in the case.)

Even if the decision costed more. the level of Andy's happiness was quite different.

He loves the comfortable driving first, and what's better is that he really loves the amazing dealership service!!

To be honest, Andy had a stressful time with Mazda or BMW dealerships when he needed to fix something with our cars since they didn't understand mechanical things when Andy tried to explain exactly what the issues were. (Yeah, even though they're professional service advisors or mechanics.)

Though, the Benz dealership people were different and real professional!! When Andy first talked to them, he could tell, "Oh, they really understand what I'm talking about!!" right away.

After he purchased the Benz, he ran into several moments which made him fee, "Oh, they really treat us just like a VIP customer." Every time Andy tells me how awesome they are, I feel their strong pride as a luxury brand.

I know that this article is getting longer than I originally planned, but let me write some more. As you can imagine, I believe that the percentage of the cost for car stuff in our house budget is probably more than the average of other households. (Like car version of Engel’s coefficient)

Andy always talks to me and want my opinion when he thinks to buy a car, but my opinion is basically same, "If you're excited to do it, then you should do it."

I believe that he deserves whatever makes him excited and happy because he works very hard for the family everyday and can afford it.
(Yeah, there's no problem that he buys what he wants with his money anyways.)

I just remembered this funny thing when he decided to buy the BMW. I don't know why, but I used to have this very tiny wish in the edge of my head since I was in Japan, which was "I kind of wanna own a Benz someday if I could."

So, thanks to Andy, my tiny dream came true without trying at all. This is exactly how my life motto, "Follow what makes you excited", works. Haha

BTW, Andy confessed this to me when he purchased the Benz.

"Well, I actually wasn't excited when I first test-drove the BMW."

So, I told him,

"Then, why did you buy it!! I always tell you that you shouldn't do it if you don't get excited!!!"

He gave me a smile back. LOL

As for this little person, she's already enjoyed such a fancy car at the age of 1! What a spoiled girl!! (Taken at the Benz dealership)

Anyways, this article became much longer than I originally planned, but this is all about "Andy replaced his car again, but we both are very happy about the new car."

Thanks for reading again!!!

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