Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

幼児クラス7回目 (7th Toddler Class)

2020-04-29 13:01:05 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How's everything going in you life?

Okay, today I want to share the last report of May-chan's toddler class. The course was supposed to be until the 2nd week of May, but as you already know, it's cancelled due to COVID-19 and the last class was on the 2nd week of March.

They refunded the cancelled classes, but what's so nice of them was that they still make a list of activities for quarantine life or a vide of circle time (sing and play time) and share it with us online every week.

Anyways, here's the report of the last class held on March 9th.

May-chan started from drawing on the day.

In the previous class, she was in such a bad mood and cried a lot, but she was back in her normal happy mood that day. Yay!

The next was puzzle. She was always interested in puzzles in the class, so we purchased one for her so that she could play at home too.

She found Daniel Tiger that day again and played with train toys as usual.

She also held this a little creepy-looking baby doll too. Haha.

By watching other kids in the class, I noticed that they don't play together so much, They were doing whatever they wanted to do individually.

Good news is that May-chan recently started being more curious about books.

Thus far, she considered books as something to chew on more than something to read. Even when she wanted me to read books, she had fun with turning the pages rather than enjoying the story itself. Now, she's more entertained by the story or the drawings, which made me happier to do story telling for her.

Of course, she still attempts to chew or eat books sometimes, so I still have to keep my eye on her playing with books. Haha.

One more new thing in the class was that she could play on her own at a little distance from me. Of course, I was in her view.

She enjoyed her favorite circle time in the last class too.

After that, we had a snack time and a separation time as always. May-chan didn't want to leave mommy after the snack time, which was her default, so I held her during the entire meeting with other moms again.

Okay, this is all about the last class before the governor declared the shelter-in-place.

Again, May-chan and I both love the toddler class, and we could keep our life rhythm and have a refreshing time by participating the class every week. I just do wish that everything will go back to normal and they can restart the wonderful classes the soonest.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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