Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

幼児クラス6回目 (6th Toddler Class)

2020-04-25 12:05:02 | めいちゃん (May-chan)
Hi you!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay, this is another report about May-chan's toddler class.

It's about 6th class held on March 2nd, which was before they closed school due to COVID-19.

May-chan usually loves going to the class and walks from my car to the building on her own. She always gets nervous or overwhelmed when entering the room, but usually gets distracted by all the different toys in the class room and forgets that she was nervous right away.

Though, for some reason, she was very in a cautious and shy mood on the day and didn't want to enter the room at all. Then, she started crying hard in front of the door.

I pulled her hand and encouraged her to enter the room once, but she wanted to leave the room right away.

One of the sweet teachers gave May-chan a toy which she loved playing with in the previous week, and she received it. Though, it didn't fix her mood either. What happened??

Later, I encouraged her to enter the room again and play with the puzzles sitting near the room entrance.

It was very unusual for May-chan to be in such a teary mood, so another teacher came to her and nicely spoke to her, "What's wrong with you today??"

Needless to say, May-chan can't speak her feelings yet, but the teacher nicely talked to me, "I actually read this on an article or something, but kids also have bad days like "I don't wanna do anything today." We have those days too, right? Kids do too. So, today might be one of those days to May."

Though it's still not the best, May-chan somehow recovered her mood good enough to enjoy drawing together with her friend who had the same baby class last year.

In the circle time, she didn't go in high spirits like usual, but still enjoyed the time.

She's super clinging on the day, but could leave me and get a couple of blocks like this too.

Her favorite song even didn't make her feel like doing her butt shake dance, but she still liked it pretty much.

After the circle time, we washed our hands and the kids had a snack time. While the kids were having the snacks, the moms went into the next room for a casual meeting, but May-chan turned back to be super clinging and spent the rest of the time in my arms. Well, that's her usual way to spend the separation time anyways.

Anyways, it was not May-chan's day in the 6th class, but she still enjoyed the time with her friends on the day too.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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