Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

出産後の為に作り置き (Prepping food for the Postpartum)

2018-11-29 13:30:52 | MN生活(9年目) (MN2018-19)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Like what I talked about here yesterday, Andy and I are going to the hospital and start induced labor at 7pm tonight.

We've already got a to-go bag or other things ready by now, but I still feel like missing something even though we know exactly when my labor happens.

Andy's working as usual since we still have time until the appointment time and when he walked into his cube this morning, he saw this.

Yup, a big pile of gifts from his boss and co-workers.

Without a doubt, people in Andy's company has given us a big support from when we tried to do IVF and even now, they're still helping us like this.

Not only us, but also our baby is the luckiest to be born being celebrated by so many people.

Okay, I want to post the article that I wrote before today.

先日Andyっちと一緒にアジアンスーパー、United Noodlesに行きました。
So, the other day, Andy and I went to the biggest Asian grocery store in MN, United Noodles.

最近はTokyo Centralというオンラインショップで買う事も多いのですが、やはり生鮮食品はUnited Noodlesで買います。
Recently, I do grocery shopping for Japanese food product at this online store called Tokyo Central, but I still get fresh food like some veggies, tofu, Natto...at United Noodles.

We were actually going to go there with my mom, but she couldn't make it here, so we went there just with 2 of us as usual.

Yup, it's winter for sure.

We're here! It's soon after they opened and not busy at all.

I always try not to buy too many things, but it's super hard!

On that time, I tried to get something like Natto or Instant ramen noodles so that I can cook and eat easily after our baby is born.

Also, I usually don't get this stuff at all, but I got packed precooked rice for when I'm at the hospital for labor. Though, it was so expensive!

It was a 3pack set and $7.99!! I was debating if I really should have got it or not, but Andy said,

"Just buy it!"

So, I got it.

で、United Noodlesの向かいにあるお魚屋さんにも寄りました。
After the shopping at United Noodles, we also stopped by this seafood shop right across the street.

We spent a lot of money here as well. Andy got some crab legs and foie gras and I got octopus!

Then, some days after the shopping...,

Yup, I cooked my most favorite food in the world, Takoyaki!

Well, I was also planning to make them when my mom's over here, but unfortunately it didn't happen, so I cooked them by myself anyways.

BTW, I homemade the pickeled ginger and tempra crumbles.

I usually use powder type fish and kelp stock for the batter, but this time, I had this stock packs with real ingredient which my best friend, Aki, gave me. So, I made real stock with them this time.

Oh well, I'd say that I kept cooking about for 3 hours all by myself and made about 200 Takoyaki balls. LOL

Yup, it's about 3 times of this cookie sheet for total.

Of course, freshly-made Takoyaki is the bset and I ate some that day, but I froze the rest so that I can eat them anytime I want to.

I just used my same old recipe for the batter, but it ended up being more salty than usual.

I told that to Andy and then he said, "It's probably becuase the sald we're using now is more coarse than the usual one."

Yeah, so I'm going to reduce the salt amount whenever I make Takoyaki next which is after I finish all the 200 Takoyaki balls. LOL

Besides this huge Takoyaki stock, I also made lots of pot stickers (Pork and Shrimp) and also egg rolls (Pork and Shrimp) as well. So, hopefully, they would become a big help after our baby's born!

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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