Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

38週目でのエコー検査 (Ultrasound at 38th Week)

2018-11-26 13:29:17 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How are you doing today?

It's only 4days to my due date and we had another appointment this morning, but our baby seems to still want to hang out in my belly.

So, I wrote about this on the last maternity article, but when we had the appointment almost at the 38th week, our doctor said,

"You are small, so I don't expect a big baby, but let's do an ultrasound to ckeck the baby's growth."

So, we made an ealiest appointment which was 4 days after.


On the day, we had a female ultrasound technician and she measured the baby's head, thigh bone and belly to estimate her weight and also checked her kidneys and heart as well.

Oh yeah, she was so kind and tried hard to capture the baby's profile too. She also gave us an image of the baby's face too.

We're told that our baby doesn't have any problem with her kidneys or heart and her heartbeat was normal.
(We got the reviews from a physician, not the ultrasound technician.)

So, what I was most worried about was the baby's weight and the estimated weight was 5lb and 3oz at the point of 38weeks and 3days.

Mmm..., it was smaller than I expected.

They also checked the umbillical chord and saw that it's carrying a certain amount of blood through it for sure, so our baby's getting nutrition for sure.

We only had an appintment for the ultrasound check on that day, but they sent us to our nurst to do NST for getting more information of the baby's condition.

That was my first NST and they put 2 pads on my belly to check the baby's heartbeat and my uterus's contractions.

What is NST?

After about 10min monitoring, they saw that the baby's heart rate got increased every time she moved, which meant normal.

Our doctor was not present at the clinic on the day, so they said that our nurse was going to talk to our doctor and give us a call and tell us what our doctor thinks we should do next.

So, on the next day, we got a call from our nurse and she said that they want us to do ultrasound twice a week and NST once a week to check how the baby's doing.

As her mother, I don't have much things to do, but I've been trying to eat more so that I can send her extra nutirition since I got the ultrasound result.

Hey baby, please grow more! Mommy is eating more too!!!

BTW, when I was born, I was only 5.5lb. So, I hope that our baby will be as heavy as when I was born at least.

At last, the ultrasound technician lady tried hard to take an image of our baby's profile, so I want to share it here.

Here it is. To be honest, I wasn't sure what was which part until the lady explained it to us. Haha.

The baby's mouth is toward the top. In the ultrasound room, we could see her opening her mouth and it was super cute!

I'm a little worried that our baby's small, but Andy's worried so much more than I am.

He was very nervous in the meantime before we did the ultrasound and he still can't be relieved.

He says, "I don't like not knowing."

Oh well, everything has been going so well with our baby thus far and all I can do is eating a lot and all both of Andy and I can do is praying that our baby's going to be born healthy. So, we want to do that for sure.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading!!!

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