Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

34週目検診と体重変化など (Check-up at 34th week and My weight change)

2018-11-03 11:28:43 | 妊娠記録 (Maternity Diary)

How's everything going in your life?

So, Andy and I had another appointment at the clinic the other day.

On that week, we had a meeting with our doctor.

Just as always, they checked my weight and blood pressure first and then measured my uterus size and heard the baby's heartbeat. After the usual routine, we also had a time to ask questions to our doctor.

I guess it's becuase this is my first pregnancy, but my belly has been so smaller than other pregant women. So, every time my doctor measures my uterus, I feel worried if it's a right size for sure. Though, she said, "33.5cm at the 34th week is exactlly a right size." and "Your belly seems small, but it's totally fine."

On this appointment, I asked our doctor about vaccination we're supposed to take since my blog friend and a nurse in the US, Eiya-san, taught me about the importance of vaccination before a baby was born.

On the last appointment, I had a tetanus shot and wrote about it here, but Eiya-san told me, "Your husband or people who's going to take care of your baby for the first couple of months whould take t-dap vaccine too." So, I wanted to make sure if Andy would need the vaccine as well or not.

Then, our doctor checked Andy's medical record on the hospital computer and then found out that he took the vaccine 7 years ago, so she said "It's less than 10 years, so you're fine."

That's all we talked about with our doctor on the day. Yeah, it's pretty quick and simple.

By the way, they haven't done ultrasound since the 20th week, so I'm not sure how big our baby is or in what position she is at this point. Haha.

My Japanese friend who did the labor at the same hospital said that they're going to tell you about the baby's position soon when they start internal exam again.

I assume that they do ultrasound way more often and give you more information in Japan. Haha.

Okay, I also want to write about some changes of my body in the 3rd trimester for my record.

1、体重変化 (Weight Gain)

In the 1st to 2nd trimester, I didn't gain that much weight and my nurse told me, "You can go to Dairy Queen!!" Though, after that, I've gradually gained weight 1lb by 1lb.

This is my weight chart in kg. My weight gain mostly has matched the average weight gain of Japanese pregnant women. The purple line on the top is the goal which my doctor told me to reach.

My weight chart in lb.

I hear that a lot of women explosievly gain the appetite during the pregnancy, so I've been wondering, "When is it coming??" Though, my appetite has been mostly same as before I got pregnant.

At the time that I start the 35th week, I've gained about 17lb so far which is perfect in Japanese standard, but there's still about 6lb to the goal in the US standard.

Though, my doctor or nurse hasn't mentioned much about my weight lately, so I think that I'm doing well.

2、胸の痛み (Breast Pain)

From the 1st to 2nd trimester, my breast got swollen and bigger which caused a big pain. I struggled with the pain just by walking up and down on stairs. Though, the pain disappeared around the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

Now, my breast sometimes gets swollen in the morning when I wake up, but it's pretty much same as the time when I had my periods, so it doesn't bug me a lot.

3、胸やけ (Heart Burn)

I think that I wrote this here the other day, but heartburn or too much gastric acid has got worse around the 34th week.

It happens 100% when I drink pop, so I haven't drunk pop since I found it one of the causes.

I think that it's relating to my weight gain, but when my stomach gets empty, more gastric acid is produced and it's very uncomfortable. So, I've been tryin to munch something before it happens lately.

Even if I say that it happens when my stomach is empty, it's a different feeling from when I'm hungry. So, I feel like, "I want to put something in my stomach though I'm not hungry." which is similar to air hunger that I had in the 1st trimester.

4、耳が詰まる (Popped Ears)

Actually, I haven't got this problem for a while especially since I left work.

I guess, it's related to how much stress you have or the weather, but I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with the uncomfortable issue anymore.

4、夢 (Dream)

I don't clearly remember when it started, but apparently, I have more dreams than before I got pregnant.

Maybe, I still had dreams even before I got pregnant, but I didn't remeber what I dreamed in the morning. Though, I remember what I dreamed more clearly in the next morning now.

I used to have a lot of dreams when I was young, but from a certain point, I don't dream not that many as I used to.

Though, I started having dreams again after I got pregnant.

I don't know why, but it might be related to all the hormons or something?

Or simply because I sleep more? Haha.

It's very interesting to me, so I wanted to write it here.

Okay, this is all that I wanted to record here. Thanks for reading again!!!

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