


2021年03月10日 | ヤスさん日記
This morning the clock in my workshop was stoping.
I looked the clock to think for 10 years ago of March 10.
I was catching a bad cold that I crawled for drinking water from second floor to first floor.
Next day 14:16 we got a big shock.
My sick was vanish at the time.
Few after day,my fellow of environment activist colled to contry of japan for support of Tohoku.
They pass through Niigata,So I went to Sendai and Ishinomaki and Onagawa that put blankets and casset stob, milk powder among other thing in the bus. with they.

My something time has stopped from that time.
So I keep on the activity of Kazefess.
But if that time start moving again,that may be scary.
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