豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-12-20 23:48:47 | 豪州国内旅行





Annex sugar factory to rum distillery
Sat. December 20 : fine

Most important thing about harvested sugar canes is their freshness. They are conveyed to the sugar factory to be squeezed on the same day. There are a lot of sugar factories in sugar cane producing areas in QLD. The sugar factory in Bundaberg has an annex rum distillery and you can inspect it with $14 entrance fee. It includes 2 glasses of tasting and 30% discount of take away. We went down to south 450km to get to Gold Coast and met again with Mr. Katsumata who used to work on Friday Island. Turtles land on Friday Island, too, but the transportation at night is too inconvenient there to see egg-laying.

only rum distillery in Australia

Friday Island

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