豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-12-13 00:55:40 | 住まい

十和田では6LDK、330㎡に住んでいたので、現在の4LDK ,220㎡は特に広くはない。だけど昔はいくつかの企業を経営し、近所付き合いや公職も多かった。楽器やダンスをしたり、乗馬、ボクシング、水泳、テニス、スキーなどの団体の役員をしたりで、来客を想定したそれなりの広い家が必要だった。今は活動範囲が狭くなったので小さな住まいでいいのでしょう。ソファーベッドのあるこの娯楽室も無用の長物かな?



Rural house has nothing special but its amplitude
Sat. December 13 : fine

Since we lived in the 6LDK house of 330㎡, present 4LDK house of 220㎡ isn’t very big. I used to have several firms, a lot of neighborly ties, and public posts. I enjoyed playing music and dancing. I was a board member of several clubs such as horse riding, boxing, swimming, tennis, skiing, and some others. So I needed a big house to entertain my guests. But because I have so shallow field of activity now a small house is enough for me, I guess. This rumpus room with a sofa bed might be useless for me.


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