lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Max Richter – Beethoven - Opus 2020

2020-12-31 23:22:33 | art music

□ Max Richter – Beethoven - Opus 2020

>> https://www.maxrichtermusic.com

Max Richter - Beethoven - Opus 2020:
Beethoven Orchestra Bonn
Elisabeth Brauß – Piano
Dirk Kaftan – Conductor / General Music Director Beethoven Orchestra Bonn

Max Richter pays homage to Beethoven by releasing world premiere recording of Beethoven – Opus 2020 on 250th anniversary of iconic composer’s birthday.

His new orchestral work was commissioned by the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, which will host the world premiere performance on the eve of the anniversary.

Richter’s creative contemporary dialogue with Beethoven also embraces Opus 1970 – an earlier tribute from visionary 20th-century composer Stockhausen.

