lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2013-09-21 09:39:57 | music13

SuperCollider + Clojure = Overtone, an open source collaborative music environment http://overtone.github.io/ (via @skry) #makemusic

>> http://overtone.github.io/

an open source audio environment designed to explore new musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding and collaborative jamming. We combine the powerful SuperCollider audio engine, with Clojure, a state of-the-art lisp, to create an intoxicating interactive sonic experience.

A blog on experiments in #SuperCollider and #Processing


sig=Array.fill(16,{|n| [SinOsc.ar(f[n]+SinOsc.ar(f[n]*10,0,d),0,a),VarSaw.ar(f[n]+SinOsc.ar(f[n]*10,0,d),0,0.5,a),LFTri.ar(f[n]+SinOsc.ar(f[n]*10,0,d),0,a),WhiteNoise.ar(0.001)].wchoose([0.33,0.33,0.33,0.01])});

Cyclotone [intro] from Paul Prudence on Vimeo.

□ Cyclotone [intro] by Paul Prudence: sound/video material to create multi-modalities using a variety of algorithmic strategies:

>> http://www.paulprudence.com/?p=337

Cyclotone cross-wires sound and video material to create multi-modalities using a variety of algorithmic strategies, further synergies are created by employing associative, metaphorical and perceptual bindings between the visual and sonic domains. The work takes conceptual cues from cyclotrons and particle accelerators and is inspired to commemorate the first wave of Russian cosmonauts who conquered space physically as well as the artists of the Constructivist movement who conquered space conceptually.

□ 意識や精神の作用が、脳神経の同期発火に拠るものだとは当たりついているけれど、体組織そのものが細胞群、生体分子、更に量子的な信号のロバストな交換で成り立つコロニーであることまで遡ると、自己と非自己の境界は「集中性」にあることと予想出来る。対象の存在自体がbehaviorの実在である。


□ 再生核ヒルベルト空間が代替手段になるかどうか別として、そもそも統計的推論というのは、純粋な数学的手法で導かれることにこしたことはないわけで、その意味で搦め手ばかりの「データサイエンス」がクソというのはわかる気がする。

Montreal Protocol contributed to climate warming hiatus | Nature Geoscience http://nature.asia/19caayG #climate #greenhousegase


□ Combining Banking with Private Equity Investing: The Volcker Rule / Dodd-Frank Act:

>> http://rfs.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/9/2139.full

[金融データ解析] 銀行業と未公開株の投資との結びつき … via @OUPAcJapan

Bank-affiliated groups are large players in the private equity market: Between1983 and 2009, they were involved in 2,759 deals totaling over $730 billion in transaction value, whereas stand-alone groups took part in 7,247 deals totaling $1,849 Bn in transaction value. By either measure, bank-affiliated groups account for nearly 30% of the overall private equity market. (LPC's DealScan data & Capital IQ)

□ A 'time crystal' could be a physically plausible sort of perpetual motion machine ? though one that does not consume or produce energy ? but physicists disagree on whether one could be actually built.

>> http://www.nature.com/news/can-matter-cycle-through-shapes-eternally-1.13657


□ Theoretical physics: The origins of space and time:

>> http://www.nature.com/news/theoretical-physics-the-origins-of-space-and-time-1.13613

時間と空間の起源 - ホログラフィック原理、統計熱力学による重力、ループ量子、因果的ダイナミック単体分割など、宇宙論の最前線を総括

Many researchers believe that physics will not be complete until it can explain not just the behaviour of space and time, but where these entities come from.

In 2010, Van Raamsdonk, discovered that if every particle entanglement between two separate regions of the boundary is steadily reduced to zero, so that the quantum links between the two disappear, the three-dimensional space responds by gradually dividing itself like a splitting cell, until the last, thin connection between the two halves snaps.

Repeating that process will subdivide the three-dimensional space again and again, while the two-dimensional boundary stays connected. So, in effect, Van Raamsdonk concluded, the three-dimensional universe is being held together by quantum entanglement on the boundary ? which means that in some sense, quantum entanglement and space-time are the same thing.

□ Casual dynamical triangulation

CDT理論 "Causal dynamical triangulation" (因果的動的単体分割)は特に新しい仮説で、時間と空間面からなる2次元の三角形分割模型の確率過程量子化を扱い、プランクスケールで定数時間のフラクタル構造を示す

Behind the Horizon in AdS/CFT http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.1137 by @erikverlinde and Herman Verlinde

□ Holy Logic: Computer Scientists Proving God's Existence with a MacBook: http://m.spiegel.de/international/germany/a-928668.html

□ BT Talks Music Tech and The Future of Rhythmic Programming:

>> http://www.askaudiomag.com/articles/interview-bt-talks-music-tech-and-the-future-of-rhythmic-programming

BTが語る未来の音楽プログラミング。 イラン・エチオピア音楽からの影響も。Logic pro Xなど機材もレビュー …

RideThePlanet: Georgia from Konstantin Galat on Vimeo.

The Road Less Traveled: A Tour Through the Eastern Neighbourhood via @eastbook_en http://eastbook.eu/en/2013/08/country-en/moldova-en/the-road-less-traveled-a-tour-through-the-eastern-neighbourhood/ … #Georgia #Armenia #Azerbaijan

“Tbilisi brims with history and has a dramatic setting on hillsides either side of the swift Mtkvari River. Its Old Town, at the narrowest part of the valley, is still redolent of an ancient Eurasian crossroads, with narrow, winding alleys, handsome religious buildings, and old balconied houses and caravanserais (travellers inns).”

□ Martian soup may have been tasty to early life

>> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn24135-martian-soup-may-have-been-tasty-to-early-life.html

Martian minerals dissolved in groundwater are much more likely to yield a key building block for life ? phosphate ? than dissolved minerals on Earth. At least, that's the finding of a lab-based physical simulation designed to work out the habitability of ancient environments on the Red Planet.


New paper online: Genotype-Environment Interactions Reveal Causal Pathways That Mediate Genetic Effects on Phenotype http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003803

Surprisingly, although the effects of genotype on fitness depended strongly on environment, causal intermediates could be most reliably predicted from genetic effects on expression present in all environments. Our results indicate a mechanism explaining this apparent paradox, whereby immediate molecular consequences of genetic variation are shared across environments, and environment-dependent phenotypic effects result from downstream integration of environmental signals.


□ SBML Qualitative Models: a model representation format and infrastructure to foster interactions between qualitative modelling formalisms and tools

>> http://arxiv.org/pdf/1309.1910v1.pdf

System Biology Markup Language (SBML) Qualitative Models Package ("qual"), an extension of the SBML Level 3 standard designed for computer representation of qualitative models of biological networks. We demonstrate the interoperability of models via SBML qual through the analysis of a specific signalling network by three independent software tools. Furthermore, the cooperative development of the SBML qual format paved the way for the development of LogicalModel, an open-source model library, which will facilitate the adoption of the format as well as the collaborative development of algorithms to analyze qualitative models.
SMBL QUAL: System Biology Markup Language qual: システムバイオロジー・マークアップ言語の標準化レベル3、定性モデル相互運用性の実証。GINsim, CellNOptの実行。包括的な開発に


the central role of the LogicalModel library and main current model exchange capabilities of popular software tools, covering logical models as well as additional related qualitative modelling frameworks. Included are importers that have been recently developed to generate (non parameterized) qualitative models from pathway databases: KEGGtranslator [73] and Path2Models project [74].

□ 11th International Conference on Computability / Complexity in Analysis: 解析学における計算可能性と複雑性: Jul.21-24, 2014 Darmstadt http://cca-net.de/cca2014/

□ Semantic measures library & toolkit: fast computation of semantic similarity, relatedness using biomedical ontologies http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/11/07/bioinformatics.btt581.short

SML-Toolkit is highly tunable generic software incl. Gene Ontology, MeSH, SNOMED-CT, OBO ontologies or RDF(S) graphs http://www.semantic-measures-library.org/sml/

Mixing strategy groupwise measures relying on a pairwise measure to compute annotations similarity/relatedness to then aggregate the scores


□ GeneProf data: a resource of curated, integrated & reusable high-throughput genomics (RNA-seq/ChIP-seq) experiments: http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/10/29/nar.gkt966.full

Multiple enhancer variant hypothesis: a new paradigm by which noncoding variants confer susceptibility to common traits...

Large-scale assessment of transcriptome analysis software: papers by Paul Bertone and colleagues in @naturemethods - http://bit.ly/1fcTLQb

□ MBCluster.seq: Model-Based Clustering for RNASeq: better results than such as K-means,not based on probability models http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/11/04/bioinformatics.btt632.short

a model-based hybrid-hierarchical clustering method to generate a tree structure that allows visualization of relationships among clusters as well as flexibility of choosing the number of clusters.

□ Open system genomics: The RainDrop PCR system as "Bluetooth of the Lab", manipulate up 10,000,000 droplets per sample http://finance.fortune.cnn.com/2013/11/05/open-system-genomics-taking-a-page-from-techs-playbook/

□ Joint modeling of ChIP-seq data via a Markov random field model:

□ The database of genomic variants: a curated collection of structural variation: archival SV dbVar (NCBI) & DGVa (EBI) http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/10/29/nar.gkt958.full

DGV includes 55 studies representing >2.5 million structural variants corresponding to 202 431 variant regions, which incl. 1149 inversions

Next-generation #DNA sequencing to solve mysteries about Poland's past: //http://shrd.by/AHBOkF

Linked TCGA http://tcga.deri.ie/ LD版The Cancer Genome Atlas:10データセットのSPARQL EP、200億トリプルのRDFダンプ。SWチャレンジ=ビッグデータ部門賞。cf http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-lod/2013Nov/0001.html

□ NewBook: "Statistical Methods for QTL Mapping" covers bayesian, incl models with/without epistatic effects & MCMC...

>> http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781439868300

□ CSHL Genome Informatics 2013

>> http://meetings.cshl.edu/meetings/2013/info13.shtml

□ bcbio-nextgen: Updated comparison of variant detection methods: Ensemble, FreeBayes, minimal BAM preparation pipelines http://bcbio.wordpress.com/2013/10/21/updated-comparison-of-variant-detection-methods-ensemble-freebayes-and-minimal-bam-preparation-pipelines/

OH: Recommending the use of BWA-MEM over Novoalign and touting the recent improvements to the Marth Lab FreeBayes variant caller. #GI2013

The first large-scale read data set in the CRAM format has been submitted to ENA and made public: http://bit.ly/1f3Tqz0

ENA sequence data in CRAM format consumes 80% of the disk space or network bandwidth for download required for its gzipped FASTQ equivalent.

□ Qiagen Acquires CLC bio: キアゲンがCLC Bioを買収

>> http://blog.allseq.com/2-uncategorised/3-qiagenacquiresclcbio

Illumina to Acquire NextBio, Integrate Firm into Enterprise Informatics Business http://bit.ly/1aB6ye6

□ STAR: integrated solution to management/visualization of sequencing data: desktop-like interface in-browser analysis: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/10/23/bioinformatics.btt558.short



Welcome to ASHG! Oxford Nanopore will be opening registration for MinION Access Programme in late November.