lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2012-04-04 07:25:40 | music12

Plonked Spectral Video from the "RiSP-CD" 2012 from Richard Devine on Vimeo.

□ Richard Devine / "RiSP-CD" 2012 Plonked Spectral Video

>> http://detroitunderground.net/blog/2012/03/28/richard-devine-?-risp-?-cd/

RISP is Richard Devine's algorithm-based exploration of generative time structures for analog synths. Animation by dmas3
With the release of RISP on CD expect to breathe air on distant planets as chaotic, broken machines speak harmonious mutant languages via RD’s human/alien™ sound design and audio activist remixes.

ディヴァイン新譜のlong Video。やばい!!五感が震撼した。重厚かつ鋭利な刃のような構造性ジェネレートミュージック。公式にはリリース日が何処にも明示されてないけど、4月30日らしい(HMV)。ダウンロード版にはBalkansky(= Ivan Shopov)らのリミックスがあるとのことで悩ましい。。

□ Shocking BMW i8 Spyder Concept Hybrid Premiere

>> http://t.co/xMqPeW1b

おお、走ってるw マジでデザインやばい…今世に出ているスポーツカーで最もカッコ良いんじゃないだろうか。値段はIon Proton(次世代シーケンサー)換算で1.5台分かw

(Example layouts for the HPRD network. (A) yFiles Organic layout (ORL). (B) Cytoscape’s Spring-embedded layout (SEL). (C) Cytoscape’s Force-directed layout (FDL). (D) Multilevel layout with the clustering option (MLL-C))

Generating network graphs for large datasets http://ow.ly/9TPKG research from #BioDataMining #biology #DataMining

>> http://www.biodatamining.org/content/pdf/1756-0381-5-2.pdf

A multilevel layout algorithm for visualizing physical and genetic interaction networks, with emphasis on their modular organization
The multilevel approach provided both biologically relevant and visually pleasant layout solutions in most network types, hence complementing the layout options available in Cytoscape. In particular, it could improve drawing of large-scale networks of yeast genetic interactions and human physical interactions. In more general terms, the biological evaluation framework developed here enables one to assess the layout solutions from any existing or future graph drawing algorithm as well as to optimize their performance for a given network type or structure.


"Semantic similarity in the genetic networks"の項目が興味深い。大規模遺伝子相互作用ネットワークにおける性能評価で、FDLアルゴリズムは物理的遺伝的インタラクションの両方に意味的類似を示す 。


Case Study: Sage Bionetworks and Amazon SWF - http://goo.gl/5Ml37 - Amazon Simple Workflow Service

>> http://synapse.sagebase.org/

Sage Bionetworks built an on-line environment, called Synapse. Synapse hosts clinical-genomic datasets and provides researchers with a platform for collaborative analyses. Amazon Simple Workflow Service (Amazon SWF) is a key technology leveraged in Synapse. Synapse relies on Amazon SWF to orchestrate complex, heterogeneous scientific workflows.

Open Integrated Workspace
Synapse is different from, and complementary to, other ongoing efforts. It is distinct from the data warehouses (e.g. NCBI, EBI) in that it goes beyond the repository database model to incentivize the creation of active community-based analysis and modeling groups. Synapse will incorporate existing tools such as, GenePattern, Taverna, Galaxy, and geWorkbench.

□ iPlant: Data Store

>> http://www.iplantcollaborative.org/discover/data-store

The iPlant Data Store is accessible by several means. These include iPlant's Discovery Environment, a dedicated web interface called DAVIS, a stand-alone application, command-line tools, and a couple of different application programming interfaces (for those who program).

Sequencing plant RNA - a tutorial from iPlant Collective, via RNA-Seq Blog http://bit.ly/GRcymK

iPlant Collaborative is a community of researchers, educators, and students working to enrich all plant sciences through the development of cyberinfrastructure ? the physical computing resources, collaborative environment, virtual machine resources, and interoperable analysis software and data services? that are essential components of modern biology.


□ Fast and Robust Characterization of Time-Heterogeneous Sequence Evolutionary Processes Using Substitution Mapping

>> http://t.co/HZeJfaVi

Genes and genomes do not evolve similarly in all branches of the tree of life. Detecting and characterizing the heterogeneity in time, and between lineages, of the nucleotide (or amino acid) substitution process is an important goal of current molecular evolutionary research. Consequently, we show that the new approach is essentially as efficient as and extremely faster than (up to 25 000 times) existing methods, thus paving the way for a systematic survey of substitution process heterogeneity across genes and lineages.

Two improved mapping methods have been proposed: Bayesian Mutational Mapping (BMM, [9]) and Probabilistic Substitution Mapping (PSM). They both use Markov chains to model the substitution process and account for the uncertainty in the ancestral states.

Bayesian Mutational MappingとProbabilistic Substitution Mapping


□ The Elements of Bioinformatics

>> eagle genomics


World's Largest Dataset on Human Genetic Variation Goes Public http://bit.ly/HyU3xS

>> http://aws.amazon.com/jp/1000genomes/

The White House, for its part, sees the 1000 Genomes Project on cloud as one example of the kind of solutions it is proposing through its Big Data Research and Development Initiative [pdf]. The Office of Science and Technology Policy announced today that more than $200 million will be doled out to six federal agencies in an effort to make the most of the mountains of data being created for scientific discovery, environmental and biomedical research, education, and national security.

News: 1000 Genomes Project data available on Amazon Cloud http://1.usa.gov/HnuYbk
The world's largest set of data on human genetic variation ? produced by the international 1000 Genomes Project ? is now publicly available on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, the National Institutes of Health and AWS jointly announced today.>

Obama administration seeking input on human genome sequence data http://bit.ly/HpYBYh. What's your recommendation?


>> http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/big_data_press_release_final_2.pdf

Aiming to make the most of the fast-growing volume of digital data, the Obama Administration today announced a “Big Data Research and Development Initiative.” By improving our ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data, the initiative promises to help solve some the Nation’s most pressing challenges.

NIHは上述の1,000 Genome ProjectのAWSにおける運用。

Department of Defense ? Data to Decisions:
National Institutes of Health ? 1000 Genomes Project Data Available on Cloud:
Department of Energy ? Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing:
US Geological Survey ? Big Data for Earth System Science:

NSF-NIH Interagency Initiative: Core Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Big Data Science and Engineering http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-GM-12-109.html

The US Government plans to open up their data sets to help advance big data research. http://bit.ly/HazwRY

Reading: The impact of funding agency #openaccess policies http://bit.ly/HF6PKN #OA #repositories #NIH

□ Roche Raises Bid to Acquire Illumina to $6.6B: an increase of 15%: trade on the Nasdaq, shares of Illumina $52.01 http://t.co/xoBu7lNj

□ Ion AmpliSeq: Highest multiplexed PCR-based solution delivers the fastest and simplest sequencing workflow for analyzing hundreds of genes, with only 10 ng of input DNA

>> http://t.co/kqx6Iyb6

Life Technologies Launches Ion AmpliSeq(TM) Custom Panels, Unlocking Thousands of Disease-Related Research Samples for Analysis


Introduction à la reconstruction automatique de réseaux métaboliques http://bioinfo-fr.net/reconstruction-automatique-de-reseaux-metaboliques #bioinformatique

Cet article n’est bien évidemment qu’une introduction à la reconstruction automatique de réseaux métaboliques. Pour une vue plus ? globale ? du travail de reconstruction on peut se référer à l’excellent article d’Ines Thiele et Bernhard Ø Palsson qui fait le tour à la fois de la reconstruction initiale mais également des méthodes pour une amélioration ultérieure du réseau. On pourra notamment y découvrir que d’autres outils que Pathway tools existent pour effectuer le type de reconstruction présenté dans l’article. On peut par exemple citer les logiciels metaSHARK ou AUTOGRAPH mais cette liste est, vous vous en doutez, loin d’être exhaustive.


"How to Make Epidemiological Training Infectious" in PLoS Biology Education #MMED: http://bit.ly/HcH8qJ

□ miRDeep, miRanalyzer & DSAP:

>> http://t.co/xdYWu1PC

Detecting miRNAs in deep-sequencing data: a software performance comparison and evaluation


Meta-analysis identifies nine new loci associated with rheumatoid arthritis = #GWAS alive and well in Japan! #awesome @ http://bit.ly/HaVfx3

Inference of modules associated to eQTLs - #awesome permutation of SNP and gene expression data & topological context @ http://bit.ly/HaVVT1

□ Analysis of insertion?deletion from deep-sequencing data:
- software evaluation for optimal detection

>> http://t.co/Pr0eU7Hj


□ Viral and Epidemiological Determinants of the Invasion Dynamics of Novel Dengue Genotypes
- effect of selection on the extrinsic incubation period of viruses.

>> http://shar.es/pAeBk

□ [氷河期と遺伝変異] Resequencing Data Provide No Evidence for a Human Bottleneck in Africa during the Penultimate Glacial Period

>> http://t.co/cI63IaJy


GenomeResearch: RIPchipSRM, a new combinatorial large scale approach identifies a set of translationally regulat... http://bit.ly/Hc3uTh

Myriad Developing Companion Diagnostic for Cephalon: http://bit.ly/HhvztL
Myriad Genetics and Cephalon have signed an agreement to conduct BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation testing on patients to be enrolled in a Phase I/II clinical study, Myriad announced after the close of the market Wednesday.

ミリアド・ジェネティクスとセファロン社がBRCAの変異試験を実施。最近、分子診断企業の遺伝学的臨床試験(Genetics/Clinical Trial)の締結が活発な気がする。ミリアドと提携してBRACAnalsysを行う企業は4社目

New Version of CellNOptR 1.2 available in Bioconductor with significant improvements http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CellNOptR.html

□ DEXSeq: Detecting differential usage of exons from RNA-Seq data. an R package had more significant hits than cuffdiff. http://www.r-bloggers.com/rna-seq-methods-march-twitter-roundup/


NAR: SAVoR: a server for sequencing annotation and visualization of RNA structures: RNA secondary structure is r... http://bit.ly/HKk64t

Semantic Web meets Integrative Biology: a survey http://bit.ly/Hp4jKU #semweb

□ BioQ: tracing experimental origins in public genomic databases using a novel data provenance model http://bit.ly/HlpMmJ #semweb #genomics


Systems vaccinology: learning to compute the behavior of vaccine induced immunity http://wires.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WiresArticle/wisId-WSBM163.html

□ BIO-Quantum PHYSICS: DNA/RNA As an Information Energy Catalyst in Life Systems http://www.wbabin.net/science/manzelli.pdf

□ Big Data Counting: How to count a billion distinct objects using only 1.5KB of Memory http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/4/5/big-data-counting-how-to-count-a-billion-distinct-objects-us.html


Dynamic Models of Complex Traits are Containers of Missing Heritability http://is.gd/Nzx9tA #genetics #complexity #bioinformatics

[World Report] UK announces strategy for regenerative medicine http://bit.ly/HzqFXJ

First targeted nanomedicine to enter human clinical studies. http://eurekalert.org/e/4h8Q #SciTM

New in dbVar: browse multiple studies at once using the dbVar genome browser, for example: http://1.usa.gov/HgCCbv . #bioinformatics

A new analytical tool in biocatalysis http://bit.ly/Hd0Eni #BMCBiotechnology #Catalysis #Chemical engineering
Dual-lifetime referencing (DLR): a powerful method for on-line measurement of internal pH in carrier-bound immobilized biocatalysts

An sRNA pathway controls megasporogenesis to megagametogenesis transition in female gamete development of Arabidopsis. http://ow.ly/9Ltf4

Record attendance! 2000+ genetics/genomics professionals registered for #ACMG2012 Annual Meeting in Charlotte. http://www.acmgmeeting.net

David Dimmock: to analyze an exome, need 700 hrs to get data - 17,000 variants, 7,000 non-synomymous. And then the work begins! #ACMG2012

□ Wikipedia’s Next Big Thing: >> http://t.co/tVdQBH0X
Wikidata, A Machine-Readable, User-Editable Database Funded By Google, Paul Allen And Others

□ Bigger data, better intelligence for government: OSTP, NSF, NIH, DoE, DoD, DARPA & USGS outline of Big Data research http://t.co/h6ceg4jG

>> http://live.science360.gov/bigdata/

Excellent #openaccess resource from @EIFLnet http://bit.ly/GXaDef #OA #repositories #opendata

□ Luminex mRNA quantification

>> http://t.co/psQli7ah

Affymetrix gave a talk at our institution today and mentioned that they bought a company called Panomics, which had developed a bead-based test performed on a Luminex instrument for quantifying RNA from crude samples without RNA extraction. They claim sensitivity comparable to qPCR. Has anyone tried this technology? Is it worth the investment?


Catch views of NCBI’s RefSeq, Gene, GEO, CCDS and SNP resources in the PBS’s NOVA episode ‘Cracking Your Genetic Code’: http://to.pbs.org/w6YeRI

□ Appistry-powered big-data analysis could help create disease-resistant plants to feed the world's hungry.

>> http://t.co/rajVBDLd

SpringerがAyrris BIOのソリューションを利用、大規模データ解析からデザインした耐性植物で飢餓問題を解決する計画。

Biomedical #textmining enhanced by lemmatization tool http://ow.ly/a18Ep research from Journal of Biomedical Semantics

>> http://www.jbiomedsem.com/content/3/1/3/abstract

BioLemmatizer: a lemmatization tool for morphological processing of biomedical text
An innovative aspect of the BioLemmatizer is the use of a hierarchical strategy for searching the lexicon, which enables the discovery of the correct lemma even if the input Part-of-Speech information is inaccurate. The BioLemmatizer achieves an accuracy of 97.5% in lemmatizing an evaluation set prepared from the CRAFT corpus, a collection of full-text biomedical articles, and an accuracy of 97.6% on the LLL05 corpus.

PLoS Comp Bio wikification. the article (fixed): http://bit.ly/H4lxND ; The wiki version: http://bit.ly/H4ljWB @ploscompbiol

Dynamical Modeling of Collective Behavior from Pigeon Flight Data: Flock Cohesion and Dispersion http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002449

New Cell Press Discussion on ecological neutral theory: useful model or statement of ignorance? http://news.cell.com/discussions/

BioMedCentral: Microbiome is now accepting submissions! http://ow.ly/a1Kak #openaccess #oa


【情報理論】なぜ一部のミームだけが急速に広まるのか (Scientific Reports)http://nature.asia/HzfOSH
The wide adoption of social media has increased the competition among ideas for our finite attention. We employ a parsimonious agent-based model to study whether such a competition may affect the popularity of different memes, the diversity of information we are exposed to, and the fading of our collective interests for specific topics.

Agents share messages on a social network but can only pay attention to a portion of the information they receive. In the emerging dynamics of information diffusion, a few memes go viral while most do not. The predictions of our model are consistent with empirical data from Twitter, a popular microblogging platform. Surprisingly, we can explain the massive heterogeneity in the popularity and persistence of memes as deriving from a combination of the competition for our limited attention and the structure of the social network, without the need to assume different intrinsic values among ideas.


□ Spinor representation for loop quantum gravity

>> http://t.co/N9qB4kVf

"a framework to describe the behavior of gravitational dynamics at the Planck scale."
a quantization of the loop gravity phase space purely in terms of spinorial variables, which have recently been shown to provide a direct link between spin network states and simplicial geometries. The natural Hilbert space to represent these spinors is the Bargmann space of holomorphic square-integrable functions over complex numbers.

We show the unitary equivalence between the resulting generalized Bargmann space and the standard loop quantum gravity Hilbert space by explicitly constructing the unitary map. The latter maps SU(2)-holonomies, when written as a function of spinors, to their holomorphic part. We analyze the properties of this map in detail. We show that the subspace of gauge invariant states can be characterized particularly easy in this representation of loop gravity. Furthermore, this map provides a tool to efficiently calculate physical quantities since integrals over the group are exchanged for straightforward integrals over the complex plane.

Opposition to biotech giant #Monsanto growing worldwide, new report shows - http://bit.ly/HmoKs6 if confirmed, important

Remembering Adrienne Rich: poet, activist and supporter of Palestinian liberation | @bangpound on @intifada http://ow.ly/9Y5St

□ Sex Tech: http://t.co/1oF8UOiN
Egyptian Porn Censorship, UK Filesharing Travesty, Wikipedia Sex Wars: "All happens where tech meets sex."

Amazing visualisation of ocean currents http://youtu.be/xusdWPuWAoU
This visualization was produced using NASA/JPL's computational model called Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II or ECCO2.


Does calling the climate controversy a "war" accelerate civic polarization? http://ow.ly/9SEnD #AIP_PT



Climate change speeding up & = drought, famine, war in Mideast, Africa http://t.co/VmXO2sBH
In 1951-1980, it was only at most 0.2 percent of the globe’s land area that you had extremely hot summers. Now it is ten percent of global land area. And the change will be costly, even in North America. In 2011, the US was struck by 14 extreme weather events that caused more than $1 billion each in damages. That just isn’t normal, the paper argues.



「人為も自然だから何しても良いんじゃね」という虚無主義的な気候変動否定論さえいるけれど、人為とは「己の為す」ことで、コントローラブルな事象を指すのだから、人為を捨てたそれはもはや人為じゃねーよw お前は自然の中の石ころじゃないだろ、とw

4/19 からの Sage Bionetworks の Commons Congress がおもしろそう http://sagecongress.org/WP/2012agenda/ George Church, David Haussler, Lessig らがキーノート

@jyasuda1 配列情報と長さや数などの測定値は価値が違うってことでしょうか?生物学が一種のリバースエンジニアリングであるという考え方は納得できるので、ボトムアップで理論を作って行くのが難しいというのはもっともだと考えています。


“お家でできるMac Bookでやる次世代シーケンスデータ解析(科学・テクノロジー) - iPadZine(電子書籍)” http://t.co/smdfZPlT

#bioinfo velvet assemblerで、read量、1read長さ、推定ゲノムサイズ等を入力するとお勧めk-mer length設定を教えてくれるchi velvet advisor http://dna.med.monash.edu.au/~torsten/velvet_advisor/

Biocuration2012は17の国から300人以上. うちわけは, 53の大学, 51の研究所, 11の企業. #isb2012

□ Speed and Retention ? Are e-Readers Slower and More Forgetful? http://t.co/6DpqlN3f


□ rubbish_talk.

□ ヒトは考えても考えなくても、作為的にしても無為的にしても、考えてないし、考えている。無為にして、作為である。

□ アインシュタインは「真実は経験に耐えうるもの」と言ったけれど、これを転じれば「経験が真実を炙り出す」のだ。そして「時の歩みは悠遠なれど、いずれ眞実なるものは現れいでる」とはヘルダーリンの詩。経験は時として過つ。嘘を吐く。遠回りする。だけど真実は、何万光年も超えて輝く夜空の星なのだ。

□ 批判や言及の対象って、「同じ言葉」を指向していても、Mentionする主観と対象の間にある集合の内包・外在関係で力学的作用が全く異なってくる。それは論理的に正しいとか誤謬があるとか、そういう次元で白黒のつく問題じゃない。


