lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.


2012-02-19 11:02:26 | art music
<object width="350" height="347"><param name="movie" value="http://www.kcrw.com/music/programs/mb/mb120207johann_johannsson/embed-video"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.kcrw.com/music/programs/mb/mb120207johann_johannsson/embed-video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="350" height="347"></embed></object>

□ Johann Johannsson [KCRW Live & Interview]

>> http://t.co/NTbnovIx

Icelandic pianist Jóhann Jóhannsson composes a range of elegant music from minimalist to baroque with cinematic overtones. We're excited to broadcast a live session in which he's joined by a string quartet on Morning Becomes Eclectic

Johann Johannssonのセッションがオンエア。『科学史三部作』の最終作はウィニペグ音楽祭の委嘱曲"A Prayer to the Dynamo"


□ Guy Laramee

書籍の彫刻。書籍タイトルとアートのテーマがマッチしていて芸が細かいです。  ow.ly/8W5m1

>> http://japan.digitaldj-network.com/archives/51950751.html

Everything is a Remix Part 4 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

□ Everything is a Remix Part 4: System Failure & Social Evolution

Our system of law doesn't acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity. Instead, ideas are regarded as property, as unique and original lots with distinct boundaries. But ideas aren't so tidy. They're layered, they’re interwoven, they're tangled. And when the system conflicts with the reality... the system starts to fail.

<iframe src='http://theverge.vid.io/v/bb35bb7c-5085-11e1-9a7b-123139255418' data-vidio-id='bb35bb7c-5085-11e1-9a7b-123139255418' width='350' height='197' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe><script src='http://assets.theverge.vid.io/player/src/vidio-bootstrap.js'></script>

□ Wolfram Alpha Pro democratizes data analysis: could this shape the future of SaaS?

>> http://t.co/DwhvNlFe

Regular users may not have had much reason to dig into the service before now, but the ability to bring the entire brunt of Wolfram Alpha's computational engine on any arbitrary piece of data democratizes the idea of statistical analysis.


RT @nopiedra: Linking Earth & Climate Science #Semantic Search Supporting Investigation of #ClimateChange vsb.li/FgmhH2 #linkeddata

>> http://t.co/xIsgBv8s [PDF]

Linking Earth and Climate Science: Semantic Search Supporting Investigation of Climate Change

In this paper, we focus on the data in Earth and Climate Sciences and on the use of ontologies to facilitate search and integration of this data. Mercury, developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is a tool for distributed metadata harvesting, search and retrieval. Mercury currently provides uniform access to more than 100,000 metadata records; 30,000 scientists use it each month.

We augmented search in Mercury with ontologies, such as the ontologies in the Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET) collection. We use BioPortal, developed at Stanford University, as an infrastructure to store and access ontologies. We use BioPortal REST services to enable faceted search based on the structure of the ontologies, and to improve the accuracy of user queries.


□ Obama's FY 2013: Fund for NIH remained flat at $31 billion

>> http://t.co/QPHUMKLD (Washington Watch)

Obama Budget: No Big Dollars for Health
Funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) remained flat at $31 billion. NIH director Francis Collins, MD, said the administration's decision not to cut NIH funding significantly reflects its "priority for biomedical research as an investment that promises to deliver better health and drive economic growth."

The budget request will enable NIH to support 9,415 new and competing research project grants, an 8% increase over the number of grants the agency is expected to award in fiscal 2012, Collins said in a statement.


DNAnexus Developing NGS Workflows with Geisinger, UCSF: bit.ly/A427aH
As part of the deals, laboratories at Geisinger and UCSF will leverage DNAnexus' cloud-based software platform to upload, store, and analyze sequencing data. Additionally, in conjunction with the Geisinger Clinical Program for Whole Genome Sequencing, Geisinger will be able to access DNAnexus' genomic data management capabilities, such as visualization, analysis, and storage.


Life Technologies weighs in on Roche ? Illumina Deal: Last week an... bit.ly/AejuV0 #News #illumina #life_technologies #RNA-seq
Life Technologies社がロシュ社のイルミナ買収問題に対することで、顧客に懸念を表明するようなメールを送ってるらしい。

□ Illumina Array Customers 'Apprehensive' of Possible Roche Takeover, Fear Platform 'Stagnation'

>> http://t.co/hRt2fPdX

"Overall I think an acquisition of Illumina by Roche would be a very bad thing," said one such core lab director."They took over NimbleGen and ultimately hurt them ? our representation went from bad to worse," the director said of Roche."They took over 454 and have done nothing to push the platform along," the director said.

"Right now the Illumina management seems to have a good strategy," the director continued."They've made their share of decisions that have messed us up ? they are constantly discontinuing array products ? but overall Illumina seems to have good direction," the director said.

コアラボ・ディレクターの市場観を代弁する一言 "Illumina became the leaders in this space without Roche and would like to see them remain on their own."

Life Programming Software - need for a virtual world for testing? My vote.... ... anyone that relies on someone else… plus.google.com/10684110936075…

Interesting study from Singapore investigates the epigenome using Next-generation sequencing 1.usa.gov/yad1o4 /via @NEBioLabs
The recent developments of third generation sequencing technologies have shown promising results of directly sequencing methylated nucleotides and having the ability to differentiate between 5-methylcytosine and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine.


□ ART: a next-generation sequencing read simulator

>> http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/resources/software/art/
>> http://t.co/HzXtGDtD

ART is a set of simulation tools that generate synthetic next-generation sequencing reads. ART generates simulated sequencing reads by emulating the sequencing process with built-in, technology-specific read error models and base quality value profiles parameterized empirically in large sequencing datasets. We currently support all three major commercial next-generation sequencing platforms: Roche's 454, Illumina's Solexa and Applied Biosystems' SOLiD. ART also allows the flexibility to use customized read error model parameters and quality profiles.

□ NONCODE v3.0: integrative annotation of long noncoding RNAs

>> http://www.noncode.org/NONCODERv3/

we have updated the NONCODE database (http://www.noncode.org) to version 3.0 to include the first integrated collection of expression and functional lncRNA data obtained from re-annotated microarray studies in a single database. NONCODE has a user-friendly interface with a variety of search or browse options, a local Genome Browser for visualization and a BLAST server for sequence-alignment search. In addition, NONCODE provides a platform for the ongoing collation of ncRNAs reported in the literature. All data in NONCODE are open to users, and can be downloaded through the website or obtained through the SOAP API and DAS services.

Mytoe: Automatic analysis of mitochondrial dynamics.: Publication Date: 2012 Feb 9 PMID: 22321700Authors: Lihava..

>> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22321700?dopt=Abstract

We present Mytoe, a tool for analyzing mitochondrial morphology and dynamics from fluorescence microscope images. The tool provides automated quantitative analysis of mitochondrial motion by optical flow estimation and of morphology by segmentation of individual branches of the network-like structure of the organelles. Mytoe quantifies several features of individual branches, such as length, tortuosity, and speed, and of the macroscopic structure, such as mitochondrial area and degree of clustering.

Fwd: BridgeDB and Semantic Web for the Life Sciences bit.ly/zcGpyX

>> http://www.bridgedb.org/

BridgeDB was recently published (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-5) and is a combination of Open Source, a web services, and Creative Commons-licensed mapping data, that links many bio- and cheminformatics related databases.



Unobserved phenotypes: low fitness or developmental constraint? Lovely article on this (even if I do say so myself! Ed) bit.ly/yFvykd
From an adaptation perspective, unoccupied patches of morphological space are inferred to be empty because they are of low fitness and selected against. These inferences hinge on venturesome assumptions, because emptiness is explained by low fitness and low fitness is inferred from emptiness. Moreover, non-adaptive factors, such as developmental constraint, could also plausibly account for empty morphospace.

Our slides from the Database Workshop at #PAGXX, the Plant and Animal Genome conference, are now available.

>> www.ebi.ac.uk/training/online/

Train online (www.ebi.ac.uk/training/online/) is a free, web-based learning resource for life scientists. Train online helps you make the most of the huge amount of biological data that EMBL-EBI makes publicly available for the research community. Using a combination of tutorials, guided examples, exercises and quizzes, Train online guides you towards becoming a confident user of open-access data resources. This training portal is there for you to learn in your own time and at your own pace, anywhere in the world. You do not need previous experience in bioinformatics to benefit from our courses.

This translational research agreement is with @MayoClinic‘s Ctr. for Individualized Medicine. Info about the Ctr: bit.ly/yStyJK

Complete Genomics' Shares Soar on Mayo Clinic Sequencing Contract: bit.ly/xTxx2J

Pardon the press release, but this interesting - Mayo Clinic to outsource whole genome sequencing to Complete Genomics: bit.ly/wvi9N9

As a result of the deal, researchers at Mayo will now be able to use Complete Genomics' sequencing service for some large-scale whole genome sequencing projects. Mayo's center operates a comprehensive sequencing laboratory in its own Medical Genome Facility, but decided that Complete Genomics could supplement its offerings, the Mountain View, Calif.-based company said.

Getting started in text mining ploscompbiol.org/article/info:d…
At the other end of the spectrum, a rule-based system might use sophisticated linguistic and semantic analyses to recognize a wide range of possible ways of making assertions about those classes of things. It is worth noting that useful systems have been built using technologies at both ends of the spectrum, and at many points in between. In contrast, statistical or machine-learning?based systems operate by building classifiers that may operate on any level, from labelling part of speech to choosing syntactic parse trees to classifying full sentences or documents.

For evaluation of suitability for internal use, the best paradigm might not be the publishing-oriented corpus-based one, but rather a test suite built on the principles of software engineering and structured software testing.


Call For Abstracts | 8th ISCB Student Council Symposium 2012 fb.me/1BmnQYsTN

Pacific upgrades PacBio RS DNA sequencing system chemistry and software - Pharmaceutical Business Review bit.ly/yI83hU


□ Paradoxical Evidence Integration in Rapid Decision Processes

>> http://bit.ly/wysT7o

Here, we show that one-stage models cannot explain psychophysical experiments on feature fusion, where two visual stimuli are presented in rapid succession. Paradoxically, the second stimulus biases decisions more strongly than the first one, contrary to predictions of one-stage models and intuition. We present a two-stage model where sensory information is integrated and buffered before it is fed into a drift diffusion process. The model is tested in a series of psychophysical experiments and explains both accuracy and reaction time distributions.


□ Leveraging in Statistical Analysis of RNA-Seq

>> http://bit.ly/x4KIbd

In this talk, I will present some statistical analysis for bias correction in RNA-Seq short-read counts. Since the sample size is over tens of millions, routine statistical computing is infeasible. Our statistical computing is conducted using a subsampling method called leveraging. I will present some statistical properties of the leveraging algorithm. Real RNA-Seq examples will also be presented to demonstrate the empirical performance of our method.

Classifying Breast Cancer as Benign or Malignant Using RTextTools rtexttools.com/1/post/2012/02…

Book of the Day: Engineering Long-Lasting Software: An Agile Approach Using SaaS and Cloud Computing, Alpha Edition... amzn.to/xq5WLX

Do more tweets mean higher citations? bit.ly/z5uqRj


□ 2012 AGBT Meeting.

>> http://agbt.org/

Now in its 13th year, the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) meeting will be held in Marco Island, Florida, from February 15-18, 2012. This annual gathering is now fully entrenched within the genomics research community, representing the most complete scientific forum for acquiring information about the latest advances in DNA sequencing technologies and their myriad applications.

>> https://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23AGBT #AGBT

omespeak: Analysis of Oxford Nanopore
Speculations on the science behind Oxford Nanopore's sequencing technology to be announced at #AGBT : bit.ly/AjfKfi
On Oxford Nanopore’s ‘disruptive’technology
Given the promise of nanopore sequencing,and the relatively teasing nature of ONT’s press release,there has been much speculation on the interwebs about the nature of their device,its costs,performance parameters etc. The most comprehensive discussion on this topic is at Dr. Keith Robison’s blog (highly recommended read). While I agree with much of his conjectures,his post is looking at the device mainly from the point of view of genomics applications. Over here,I would like to cover some of the more basic science,and methodology aspects,outlining the challenges of nanopore sequencing and how ONT might be tackling them.

Nabsys to present first single-molecule, solid-state re-sequencing data @ #AGBT & EMBL Omics & Personalized Health Conf prn.to/xW3fx6
In contrast to other approaches referred to as "nanopore sequencing," positional sequencing does not attempt to discriminate individual nucleotide bases passing through an electrical detector. Instead, the Nabsys approach involves hybridization of short oligonucleotide probes to very long DNA templates, passage of probe-bound templates through solid-state nanodetectors, and electronic detection of the locations of hybridized probes.

#AGBT の一つの注目点は、次世代シーケンサーの酵素利用技術の欠点を克服するプラットフォーム、"Nanopore Seq" vs. "Solid-State Seq"の双璧。Oxford nanoporeにはIlluminaのサポート。NabsysはNHGRIから"$1000ゲノム"賞をで受賞した最初の会社。


□ GridION & MinION: Electronic, scalable platform for real time nanopore analyses

>> http://www.nanoporetech.com/

Miniaturising the GridION system: - The MinION
Nanopore technology and the GridION system are well suited to miniaturisation of the sensing device. The MinION is a small., portable, single-molecule analysis device that is compatible with Oxford Nanopore's DNA sequencing and protein analysis techniques.

USBでGridION!Oxford Nanopore はじまりすぎワロタw

Oxford nanoporeのminION、USBポートと電源があれば、フィールドワークでサンプルをシーケンス出来るから、世界各地のバイオレポジトリ構築に革命的な動きがありそう。アフリカでのバイオレポジトリは欧州に集約される方針だけど、将来的には僻地医療で現地シーケンスとか胸熱。

先陣はOxford Nanoporeだったけど、NABsysのSolid-State(6塩基単位の配列プログラム)とNoblegenのOptipore SequencingにminION並みの隠し球があるかというと容易じゃないと思う。GridIONのアドバンテージは大きかった。

Illumina株も一時的に下落してるけど、Oxford nanoporeの戦略提携企業でナノポア事業の利益共有社だからね。NABsys社が何をコメントしたのか気になる。EMBLはNABsysのSolid-State推しだった気がする

そういえばNASAが昨年、Vomit Cometで無重力下のPCR駆動テストやってたが、minIONは仕様上、宇宙旅行中の過酷な環境に耐えうるんだろうか。

会議中AGBT監視してて、Oxford Nanopore minION始まり過ぎワロタって発言したら、お偉いさんから「取り敢えず何処の株を買えばいいんだ」って聞かれてワロタw 「PacBio(暴落中)を買い叩いときましょうかw」 (半分嫌がらせ)

errr correction, on yesterday's close. RT @dudek Wow, them markets don't snooze. $ILMN $LIFE $PACB all down 5-6% in last hour. #agbt

Impact of @nanopore's #minIon announcement on rest of sequencing market is pretty telling: bit.ly/zMJzYe #AGBT

We just launched the new @nanopore website in a #Apple Keynote style whirlwind for #AGBT So exciting! Congrats to them! nanoporetech.com

しっかし、順調に大本命がIon ProtonとMinIon/GridIonに変わったなぁ。次々とでてくる新型シーケンサーがあっさり旧型に取って代わるあたりが戦国時代だ。まぁMinIon/GridIonに関してはデータ見てみるまでなんともだけれど。
例えば、今結構安めのところで、グライナーのシーケンシングサービスが、36runで6万円。http://bit.ly/xUaiv7 MinIonは今のドル円レートだと、$900=約7万2千円で、1kbpが100runできる計算になる。しかもそれぞれx512。エラーとかありえない。

TRADE NEWS Agilent Technologies Extends TargetEnrichment Platform to Desktop Sequencers: AGBTAgilent Technologie... bit.ly/wDa2DU
(AGBT)--Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE:A) today expanded its SureSelect target-enrichment system with the HaloPlex target enrichment system for desktop sequencers.
“The combined application of HaloPlex enrichment technology with Ion Torrent semiconductor sequencing provides a versatile and rapid setup for high-throughput, small-footprint target gene resequencing.”

Keane @sangerinstitute : #NGS storage challenges, expect 2K Tb sequence in 2012. New file formats needed - CRAM. #AGBT

#AGBT Matt Blow from jgi shows that pacbio + Illumina improves assemblies vs just illumina, but did not show pacbio data alone as control.

RT @illumina: HiSeq 2500 "Genome in a Day" data viewable in BaseSpace: ow.ly/964yF #AGBT
From the beginning, we designed BaseSpace to be a place where things moved quickly. We did this largely so that our customers and partners could easily deploy their own apps on the platform (more to come on that in a later post), but we also did it out of necessity to keep pace with the breakneck innovation from our sequencing systems.


BibSoup API, fun: require(RJSONIO) fromJSON("http://bibsoup.net/query?q=ecology")

□ 『情報ダイナミクスの定量生物学』

>> http://symposium.crmind.net/infodynamics2012/Home.html

JSBi 第5回応用システムバイオロジー研究会


鶴岡の温泉からメタゲで世界最小微生物の発見ての面白そうよね http://t.co/PWbuKoLV

Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 bit.ly/A3RJ6o ウェブ上で流通する画像、動画、音声などのメタデータ記述語彙をRDF/OWLで定義し、DC、ExifからYouTubeに至る既存語彙とのマッピング表も用意。W3C勧告に

iBooks authorを使ってマルチタッチテキストブック「AlgalSex ー藻類の有性生殖ー」を作成しました。生物系iBooksとしては日本語初なんじゃないでしょうかw。iBooksストアで配信できないのでßをつけています。bit.ly/AkYMgg

□ rubbish_talk.







