lens, align.

Lang ist Die Zeit, es ereignet sich aber Das Wahre.

Sentence Tree.

2011-11-19 19:03:06 | Science News

Sentence Tree from Andy Wallace on Vimeo.

Sentence Tree by Andy Wallace vimeo.com/32092287 / download Mac/Source #openframeworks
This app creates a tree as the user writes. Letters are placed around a word node, which itself is situated around a sentence node. All sentence nodes are connected at the center. I guess I could have gone for paragraphs, but that seems like it would be pushing it. The particles all repel each other, so even if several sentences wind up on top of one another, they tend to untangle themselves. The mouse has some repulsion force too, so that can be used if they get really caught.


RT @hirano_2475 RT @leeswijzer: [欹耳袋]戦略的な論文投稿のための国際会議マップ confmap.k4no.info ※計算機科学業界における国際会議の相互関係とネットワーク可視化.


Range, depth & complexity of the human transcriptome far from fully characterized: Targeted RNA sequencing reveals it bit.ly/sdSKrN


Collective Animal Behavior from Bayesian Estimation and Probability Matching dx.plos.org/10.1371/journa…
Here we show that patterns of collective decisions can be derived from the basic ability of animals to make probabilistic estimations in the presence of uncertainty. We build a decision-making model with two stages: Bayesian estimation and probabilistic matching.

MT @egonwillighagen: lots of open source bioinformatics software on this Dutch host: ur1.ca/5xmbu #nbic

Bioinformatics誌がNGS関連の論文だけを集めたVirtual Special Issue出してますね。bit.ly/bawtir #ngsfield

New Variation Reporter Tool: upload your experimental variant calls to find detailed info about known variants. 1.usa.gov/s9XyM1

#deepseq Deepseq Reveals Isotype-Specific Variability in Mussel Antimicrobial Peptide Transcripts = plosone.org/article/info:d…

New in DATABASE: a Biomart virtual issue: 1 editorial and 13 articles on #biomart bit.ly/swnaTJ #bioinformatics

BGI Releases Updated Bioinformatics Software and Datasets bio-itworld.com/news/11/14/11/…
The newly updated SOAP suite includes SOAP3 -- a GPU-accelerated short read alignment tool; SOAPindel -- an indel finder; SOAPfusion -- a gene fusion detector; SOAPsplice -- a splice-junction detector; SOAPdenovo-Trans -- a de novo transcriptome assembler; and Metacluster 4.0 -- a binning solving tool for metagenomics data.

The SOAP toolkit is freely available at http://soap.genomics.org.cn.

ayrrisbio: http://www.ayrrisbio.com/
Cloud computing in the life sciences--our co-founder @Msgroner interviewed! bit.ly/s5EeCp
The Utility of Cloud Computing

Appistry’s new Ayrris Bio offering is poised to make a big impact on life sciences organizations

Appistry is harnessing its experience in clouds, high-performance computing and analytics?FedEx is one of its biggest customers?with its new life sciences offering called Ayrris Bio. Appistry offers its own public service based on its cloud on a per usage basis, including exome, RNA-seq and whole-genome analysis.

But the cloud still raises doubts and concerns. A major issue, discussed below, surrounds security and regulation. Another is whether the cloud can truly handle the masses of next-gen data that is being generated.

ayrris bioは、FedEx等とも提携している大手クラウド・アプリケーションプラットフォームのAppistryが運営する、cloud-baseの遺伝子解析/シーケシング・サービスだけど、実際向こうでも相当のインパクトを期待されてるのか

70% of sequencers sold to smaller labs with less technical/informatics capacity. #lifescicloud11

New blog post: "VCF annotation" with the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (JAX-WS): bit.ly/sw6QWr

The results are in! PLoS/@mendeley_com Binary Battle Finalists Announced bit.ly/sqa6Ku

Doing research on a smart phone? Company of Biologists launched their mobile-friendly sites: biologists.com/mobile.html @Dev_journal

USC researchers discover key aspect of process that activates breast cancer genes sns.mx/Zdedy1

kaztsuda: Cesium-137 deposition and contamination of Japanese soils due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
PNASの全国拡散シミュレーションの論文 pnas.org/content/early/… Open Accessで誰でも無料で読める。福島県の食餌経由の内部被曝の論文 hes.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp/Fukushima/EHPM… はさらにCreative Commons License。スゴい時代だ。

□ 何やら凄い自信。readthrough false signalsとやらの原理をお聞かせ願う RT @engineofentropy: OH MY GOD I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA ON HOW TO IMPROVE NEXT GENERATION DNA SEQUENCING

GenesDev: Genes & Development
NEW ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS: Expanding the Drosophila circadian transcriptome - bit.ly/tIlixU
Drosophila CLOCK target gene characterization: implications for circadian tissue-specific gene expression
CLOCK (CLK) is a master transcriptional regulator of the circadian clock in Drosophila. To identify CLK direct target genes and address circadian transcriptional regulation in Drosophila, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) tiling array assays (ChIP?chip) with a number of circadian proteins.

TogoDoc の発表もあります! 「今時の文献管理ツール」 bit.ly/swtrcb bit.ly/9WUTHZ

>> TogoDoc
Efficient management and smart recommendation of life science literature, for Windows and MacOSX.

次世代文献管理ソフトMendeleyを紹介 ow.ly/7lT1S #mendeley




□ KDDI: ハードウェア完全仮想化 KVM VPS Hosting「CloudCore VPS」 開発者支援制度 http://www.cloudcore.jp/vps/develop/
KVM VPS Hosting

Wiley-Blackwell and The Association of Applied Biologists Launch New Wiley Open Access Journal, Food and Energy ... bit.ly/tpc9P2

New blog post: How is AWS Failing to Service Webscale Applications? is.gd/Wxw6Ve

loveproblems: Klaus Speidel
"Le rôle des intermédiaires dans le crowdsourcing" @hypios @eyeka @99designs @bluenove bit.ly/tWLiDj
Mal utilisées, les méthodes de crowdsourcing en entreprise peuvent rester sans résultat ou poser d'autres problèmes. Une solution est de passer par des acteurs qui font l'intermédiation.

Researchers perform improved version of faster-than-light neutrino experiment and find same result. Update at bit.ly/ngFyPV
OPERA researchers are the first to emphasize it is too early to speculate on the possible implications. Though the OPERA collaboration has performed thorough analysis of their measurements, the researchers acknowledge the possibility of an overlooked or presently unknown error that would skew the results. They said they are presenting their results to the physics community so that others could check their results and try to duplicate their experiments.


□ Linked Open Data Challenge Japan 2011
 - First lecture meeting in Tokyo.

>> http://lod.sfc.keio.ac.jp/challenge2011/index.html

hashtag: #lod2011

#lod2011 Semantic Web。人が読む(理解する)ためのWebから、コンピュータが理解(意味処理)可能なWebへ。意味処理に用いるメタデータを付与。

"LODによる難治疾患データベースの構築"のスライドをSlideShareに公開しました slideshare.net/ogishima/lod-1… @fumi1 #lod2011

BioSPARQL biosparql.org #lod2011

Semantic-JSON の論文 http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/05/26/nar.gkr353.full #lod2011

誰が誰を好きか、なんてセンシティブな問題をグラフを例にするとは…さすがです #lod2011

Europeana http://www.europeana.eu/ #lod2011

Europeana も権利関係が大変みたい。Webのフォームによる検索結果と、RDFの検索結果では出てくるデータがちがったりしてた #lod2011

I/ESWCでも,オントロジーやその他SWの基盤技術を頑張っている人は,そのような方向性研究を進めておられます. “@sa2hi: #lod2011 Linked Open Dataは間違いなくセマンティックWebの理想を実現するための基盤でもあると思うのだが。LODはクラスとか

実用化しないといけないのに評価が学会ベースじゃダメですよね。2番目だと評価されないとか不遇すぎてだれもやらない #lod2011

「オントロジー作りました」って「データベーススキーマ設計しました」ぐらいの意味しかない気がする #lod2011

理研おもしろい.linkdata.jp で,ExcelからRDF/N-Triplesへ #lod2011

#lod2011 NII大向さん 「CiNii API」の講演:書誌情報の構造化自体はもともとできているが、膨大な著者を名寄せしてちゃんとIDを与えるのに苦労。

#lod2011 大向先生:NII著者IDの導入.機械学習によるクラスタリング+ユーザフィードバックで,著者の名寄せを進めている

OpenSearch RSS と Bibliography RDF を NRID(著者ID)でリンク(ということ? #lod2011

□ rubbish_talk.

