Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2021年、明けましておめでとうございます。(Happy New Year 2021!)

2021-01-01 07:02:34 | MN生活(11年目)(MN2020-21)
Hello there!

Happy New Year 2021, everyone!!

I've been writing about our Christmas 2020 in the last couple of days, but I want to put it aside for a moment and send you new year greetings today.

So, I can easily imagine that the last year, 2020, was a very special year to everyone in a way, wasn't it?

Me personally, in the beginning of 2020, I was feeling that the year would be something special to me since it was the 10th anniversary of my moving to Japan, the 10th anniversary of our wedding and also the year of rat (mouse) which was my birth year. It was not the way that I expected, but it became a special year anyways.

In this year, 2021, I'm feeling like to start a new period of time in my life after I went through the first decade in MN. So, I want to spend each day with the fresh mindset that I used to have.

Returning to the fresh and beginner's mindset is my theme and motto in 2021, and I'd like to look back at some old pictures for the start.

This was taken in the first year in MN. I was prepping the octopus to make my favorite food, Takoyaki. It was the kitchen at our old house. I was still wearing the watch that my grandma in Japan gave me. (Yeah, unfortunately the watch was broken too bad to be fixed after.) It's a good old memory.

This was taken in the second year in MN. There was no flat space in the yard at the old house, so Andy and I used to grill on the small spot in front of the house. It was also a sweet old memory.

This was also taken in the second year in MN. I worked at a coffee shop called Caribou coffee for almost 7 years and this was the moment that I was chosen for the employee of the month. Yeah, I was purely happy about those stuff back then.

So, around the end of last year, I actually found something that I want to accomplish in the next 5 years. Even if the effort that I make in a day would be so little, I'm going to keep trying to go forward just as we say, "Rome was not built in a day" or "Small things make a big difference".

I actually kept record about this, but I used make a 5-year plan to accomplish my big goal, "Move to America" and thanks to meeting Andy, the dream ended up coming true in 7 years including the unexpected 2 years that I had to deal with cancer.

In the last 10 years since I married to Andy, I had been wondering, "My big dream already came true. Now why do I want to do in my life??" all the time. The last decade was very happy and full of sweet memories, but I had always been spoiled and helpless in a way.

Even though I had been wondering about a next goal in my life, nothing particular rang the bell in my heart. I was born to like being lazy in everything but something I'm interested in, so I had been spending everyday just by taking care of daily chores. Though, once I got the inspiration about my future picture, I've got the sense of excitement that I used to be feeling when I was purchasing my first big dream, and random dreamy pictures have come to appear in my head very naturally.

According to my personality, I'm not good at working super hard in a short period of time, but I'm very good at sticking to one goal and patiently trying to get closer to it even if it'd take much time. So, I just want to keep trying for the new goal as well as my main role as a mother.

Yeah, I know, you're curious to know, "What is the goal?" but I want to keep the specific information secret just because it'd be so embarrassing if I failed or gave up by halves. So, whenever I get close enough to the goal, I'll share it here.

Yeah, it's still a lot of time ahead, but my new year resolution is that I'll take the first step to accomplish my new dream.

Anyways, I'm wishing the new year will be wonderful to everyone!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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Unknown (mashu)
2021-01-05 16:57:02
mashuさん (Hit-chan)
2021-01-05 23:25:11


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