Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

笑顔の恩返し。(Pay smile forward)

2013-07-11 21:16:15 | Hit-chanが思う事(My Random Thoughts)

How are you doing today?

Oh well, Andy's out of town now and something unusual always happens when he's not home.

The last time when he's in Kansas city on business, we had 2 huge storms and lost power and water supply in MN.

And this time, we had hard rain the other night, but our gutters and well pump didn't work well and couldn't handle to drain all the water out away from our house. So, tons of water came into our basement and the carpets got soaking wet.

The emergency level was way more severe than the last time, so I had no idea how to deal with it at all. Fortunately, Andy's parents and brother came over to my house and worked so hard to fix it.

It was a really really tough experience, but still a nice reminder for me to have such a wonderful family close.

So today, I want to share a website and my thought about it with you.

Actually, I had a really hard to write this article this time, but I hope you will take it easy and enjoy it.

I've already wrote about this girl many times on this blog, but again, Scarlet is my best friend.

She is going to school as working full time now.

It's only one year of her school life left, but she set up a page for her college tuition fund on a website.

This website is for anybody to ask people to fund for their personal goals like "I want to do this, so please fund some money for me."

Anyone can raise money for anything, so those goals are various like from "I've been fighting the disease. Please support me to have this treatment." to "My grandson is far abroad, so please help me to go to see him."

So from now, I want to write about my personal thought.

At one time in my life, I actually wanted to make everybody in this world happy and kept thinking how to do it.

Even though I kept thinking about it over and over, I only ended up concluding that my ability is so limited and even didn't know where to start.

And the answer I reached last was "I'll start making myself stay happy."

The final answer actually came from a question, "How can I make others happy before I can do it to myself?"

Of course, I'm sure that there's a certain way to make others happy first and then yourself, but I felt the the way would fit me better that I'll start making myself happy and try to spread happiness around.

Also, everybody has different definitions of happiness, so I thought it's so hard to make everyone happy by doing one same thing at the same time.

After I reached the thought, I was diagnosed cancer and stayed in a hospital for 4 months and I really had a lot of support from many people.

Luckily I survived, but as gradually getting my energy back, I started having a huge desire in my heart that I hadn't have before.

That is a strong gratitude for people who had supported me and a huge helplessness to myself and I really questioned, "How can I repay everybody's love and support?"

As I got my health and normal life back, I started getting overwhelmed by infinite of unconditional love that I'd received.

In any way that I could think of, it seemed impossible for me to give the love back to every single person who loved me even if I would spend my entire life.

And one day, I confessed the honest feeling to one of my friends, Fuji-san.

"I don't know how to repay all the support that I received because they loved too much for me to give it back to them."

Then, she said,

"You don't have to worry about how to repay it. If you're happy and smile, I think they are happy too.


Actually, she was my co-worker and one of the people who worked hardest for me, so such nice words from her took much pressure off from my shoulders.

Also, those words reminded me of my original thought, "I'll make myself stay happy to make the world happy."

Then, I realized that all the love I'd received was what we call unconditional love and nobody expected me to return anything.

After all, I believe that even when you do something to others, you do it for yourself.

My favorite author, Bashar, also says "You receive what you give out."

Yeah, certainly, I feel extremely happy when I could make someone happy.

So, at the same time I make myself smile, I want to make others smile by doing something in any way that I can do for the rest of my life.

I'm so happy if you also have a lot of smiles and pay it forward in your way.

It's so long today. Thank you for reading again.

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