Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

またハナマ―ケットに行ってきたよ。(Shopping at Hana Market)

2022-02-22 09:56:05 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

So, I mentioned this before here, but Andy and I fell in love with Kimchi since we found a delicious brand at a Japanese grocery store in Chicago. Since then, we've tried not to run out of Kimchi from our fridge. Haha.


美味しいキムチを求めて (Finding Jongga Kimchi) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


美味しいキムチを求めて (Finding Jongga Kimchi) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


The brand that we found on the Chicago trip is called Jongga Kimchi and I heard from a couple of my friends that you can buy them at some Costco stores in MN too. Though, we don't have a Costco membership, so we buy other brands that we found at a family-owned Korean grocery store called Hana Market.

The other day we noticed that our Kimchi stock was getting low and I also wanted to get some Japanese grocery items as well, so we went to Hana Market again.
(We used to go to United Noodles to get Japanese grocery items, but unfortunately the crime rate in the area has become higher and we heard that several car jacks happened 1-2 blocks away from the store. So, it's very sad, but we've avoided going to the store lately.)

It was such a nice day with the blue sky. Still very cold though.

Thank you for driving again!

It'd been a while since we went out somewhere last, so May-chan was super excited for the trip.

We're here! (This picture from a past article.)

The only inconvenience about Hana Market is the limited parking space. The store is in a small strip mall but the parking lot isn't big and comfortable enough for the coming and going busy traffic there.

The store that day was busier than usual too. The inside of the store isn't that big either, so people had to pay a little attention when we passed each other with carts.

Here was my haul of the day!

Yeah, I bought this Korean rice crispy bars again. 2 bags this time. hehe.

May-chan didn't like them last time, but she found the deliciousness this time.

I also got a couple of deep-fried tofu.

Nobody else but me likes this, but I love and keep them in the freezer. Chickuwa (a kind of fish cake)

Of course, we got Kimchi too.

We've only tried 2 different kinds of brands so far though I don't know how many different brands for total Hana Market sells.

1つがこちらの80 Million Foodというブランドの白菜キムチ。
One is called 80 Million Food. We tried their Nappa cabbage.

もう1つがこちらの5000 Years Foodsというブランドのカクテキ。
The other one is called 5000 Years Foods and we tired their Daikon radish.

To be honest with you, neither Andy nor I noticed that those were 2 different brands for while. Their labels look so similar, don't they?

今回はこれを買いました。5000 Years Foods の白菜キムチ。
This time we got this one. 5000 Years Foods Nappa cabbage.

When I first tried those brands, both brands were decent enough, but they didn't taste as good as Jongga Kimchi to me.

Later I learned that it was just because they're still fresh and not fermented enough yet at the time and once it reached to the best point, they turned out super delicious with rich umami flavor.

なので、今回買った5000 Years Foodsの白菜キムチもまだ発酵が浅いですが、この先食べ頃になると美味しいキムチになってくれると思います。
The new jar that we got this time is still young and fresh now, but I bet it's going to be delicious some time soon too.

I also got soy sauce, seaweed and sushi vinegar on this shopping too, but the most exciting thing that day to me was this.

Ta-da!! Frozen udon noodles.

Oh well, I'd wanted to get them for a long time and they're sold out when we shopped at the store last time.

Since we've avoided going to United Noodles due to the combination of the pandemic and public safety, it was so challenging for us to get frozen Udon noodles.


うどん道は続く (Homemade Udon Noodles again) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


うどん道は続く (Homemade Udon Noodles again) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


I leaned myself to make delicious Udon noodles from scratch at home, but it still takes a certain amount of time and energy, so homemade Udon noodles are not convenient or easy enough when I'm tired and craving for them. From that point, frozen Udon noodles meet perfectly my needs.

It was Saturday and it seemed like that they got some products delivered shortly before, so there were a lot of Udon noodle packages in the freezer. So, we luckily got 3 packs.

When we shopped there, the casher was probably the owner man, but that day a lady who's probably the man's wife took care of our payment.

What she surprised me was her Japanese skill!

She friendly started a conversation in Japanese from, "Are these good?" pointing the 3 packs of Udon noodles, so I answered, "Yes! They are!! It's hard to make them at home too." Then, she taught me, "We just got them, but they're usually sold out quickly because a lot of people buy them too."

Hana Market sells Korean and Japanese products mainly, so I imagine that there a certain number of Japanese customers too.

I don't know how she learned Japanese that well, but I was really moved that a Korean lady at a grocery store in the US learned Japanese and tried to offer a great service for her customers.

Her kindness made me so inspired, but the only Korean word that I could give her back was "Thank you." I'll at least say one more word to you next time!!

Okay, this is all about how we enjoyed shopping at Hana Market last time. Besides that I got what I wanted, I could get to know about the wonderful lady this time as well, which made my day!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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