Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

3 The Sixth Step/2回目の診察 (The Sixth Step/The 2nd Appointment)

2024-05-08 15:44:36 | 6thステップ/不妊治療 (Infertility Treatment 5)

Hello everybody!




How are you doing today? 




Okay following the article yesterday, let me talk about my 3rd IVF treatment in Japan again today. 




On my day 2 of my period, I visited the clinic for the first time on the cycle and then I went to the clinic for my 2nd appointment on February 5th. .




During this Japan stay, I was feeling that everything was going so smoothly and that day was one of the times. It was raining on the appointment day, but my sister, Skatch, was off and gave me a ride to the clinic. (Lucky me and thank you, Skatch!)




It was kind of far from my parents' house to the clinic, so it was much easier and quicker to get there by car than by train and bus. 



On this appointment, they checked the thickness of my uterine lining for the next egg transfer. 




The doctor said that if your uterine lining was not thick enough, they couldn't make a transfer. Fortunately, "Okay, it looks good!" he said as doing the ultrasound, so I passed one of the bars to the egg transfer. 




Then, they refilled my medication, Estrogen, too. 




ジュリナ錠 画像拝借元
Estrogen in pills


エストラーナテープ 画像拝借元
Estrogen in patches. 



In the past 2 egg transfers in Japan, I was using the patches to take Estrogen, but my skin was very sensitive to alcohol and got super itchy. 




Then, in the last egg transfer in MN, they gave me Estrogen in pills, not in patches, which was a life-altering difference for me, so I asked my doctor in Japan to prescribe Estrogen in pills instead of patches this time. 




Thanks to the change, I didn't have to deal with the severe itchiness all the time in this cycle and had such comfortable days. It's really worth asking it to my doctor.  




Besides Estrogen, they prescribed Progesteron on this appointment. 






Actually, I was taking Progesterone for the last transfer in MN too, but at the time I had to take it by self-shots and it was intramuscular injection on my butt, so Andy gave me shots everyday.  




The intramuscular shots were literally a big pain in the butt. The pain didn't go away in a day and I took the shots every single day, so my butt was in pain all the time. 




Compared to the painful shots, the suppositories were completely pain-free. I needed to put a pad on my pantie because they got melted and came out a little bit, but other than that, I could have a normal life. 




I passed the check of my uterine lining and took a blood test to check my hormon levels that day too. As far as the blood test result was fine, my transfer day was going to be on Saturaday, February 10th. 




When I paid everything for the appointment at the front counter and was walking out to the door, a lady came to me. She was actually one of the front staff, O-san, who had arranged everything and been the best support for us ever since 2018. 




She's such a sweet lady and not only cared of me but also Andy and May-chan in MN, which made me feel super blessed. 




"Needless to say, we could do our treatments in Japan stress-free thanks to all the doctors and staff of the clinic, but we couldn't have done all the 3 IVF treatments any better without her." Andy and I talked like that many times and really really appreciate her. 




We've said thank you to her via emails some times already, but it was really great that I could say thank you to her in person for both myself and Andy. 




Since we started our infertility journey back in 2014, we've been blessed by a big support and love from so many people both in MN and Japan. 



We'd never be able to come this far without their support and can't describe how much we appreciate that. 




The encounter with O-san reminded me of the blessings in my life and my 3rd transfer in Japan was almost there. 




I'm going to write about the transfer day on the next article of this series. 




Thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!!




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