Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの初日本vol.5 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 5)

2020-01-20 12:14:53 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How's your day going??

I'm persoanlly doing very well, but just as I talked about her here the other day, our daughter, May-chan, is wilder and more fearless recently, which requires me to keep my eye on her all the time. Plus her active and fearless moves, she's getting heavier and heavier, which requires me more physical power to hold her up too. Haha.

Actually, our wild and fearless girl has been kind of sick for 10 days so far and sadly lost some appetite too. Thankfully, she's started eating better from yesterday, and Andy and I are hoping that she'll get fully recovered soon.

Okay, this is the vol.5 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip.

After May-chan and I started staying at my parents' house for a week, we finally could get settled down in a certain schedule and I could have some extra energy saved up enough to get out of the house. So, on September 10th, I went to this mall where we could go directly from my parents' house by bus.

It's the first time to get out of the house after a week!! It's super convenient that there's a bus stop right in front of my parents' house.

Oh, I just remember this, but on the first week of our stay in Japan, the weather was pretty hot.

Yeah, that's one of the biggest reasons why I stayed home with May-chan. (Plus, I didn't have any energy either first.)

On the day, my dad and sister2, Skatch, nicely came along with us. I tried to take a selfie with my Japanese phone, but what a poor shot. Haha.

We;re at the mall!

Everybody tried to let me do what I wanted to do and asked, "Where do you wanna see?" since I wasn't always in Japan, so I could do my shopping as I liked.

Though, all I planned to see at the mall was 100yen($1) shop, and I got 10 soft&fluffy towels which I had decided to buy like, "I'm gonna get more of this when I go to Japan next!" even from before this trip. LOL

It's a microfiber towel made with 100% polyester, and you could buy a similar one in the US too, but it's not same.

I got this type of microfiber towels before and really liked them, so I'd used them not only for wiping May-chan's drool or milk since she was born but also for wiping my runny nose in the allargy season. The towel is so soft and doesn't make your skin sore even if you rub it with this towel over and over.
(Of course, I understand that some people don't want to use a handkerchief or towel to wipe nasal mucus, but I don't care and use this towel when my doesn't stop running.)

Andy also loves the towel, so I had been determined to buy more even before I planned this trip.
(Andy doesn't use the towel to wipe his runny nose or something, but he likes to use it for May-chan.)

Besides the towels, I got some small things at the 100yen shop and done with my shopping list.

On the day, my dad wanted to get a hat and a pair of Crocs at the mall, so we went to a couple of stores.

Though, the father and the daughter are so alike. He only took 5mins or so to pick up a hat and a pair of Crocks and went to the casher. LOL

In the middle of the shopping, my sister2, Skatch's boyfriend, N-san joined us too.

During our stay, I hung out with Skatch and N-san a couple of times, and M-san kindly pushed May-chan's stroller for me since he's really good at taking care of kids since he often watches his nephews. So, the couple of Skatch and N-san looked like May-chan's parents when he pushed the stroller and Skatch walked by him on street. LOL

After we finished all the shopping, neither Skatch nor N-san had a place to look, so we went to grab lunch together.

At the time, they let me choose a restaurant to eat at, so I picked up a Japanese buffet restaurant.

One of the reasons why I chose the restaurant was that it's Japanese. (No doubt)

And it's buffet style.

I wanted to taste many different kinds little by litte, and it's also nice that I could find something that May-chan would eat there.

Takikomi-gohan (Cooked rice with some seasonings and viggies)

Other miscellaneous dishes. (It's a lot of work if you want to make them one by one in MN, so I was super happy that I could eat them without all the cooking.)

May-chan was still 9 months old then, so I already carried her baby food and snacks when we went out.

What's so funny to me was that my dad got a lot of fried dishes like high school American footballers would do and made us surprised. Though, he said, "Oh..., I'm so full. I think I got too much." at the end. LOL (He still ate everyhing he got on his plate in the end.)

Such a funny and cute dad treated us there. (Thank you!)

After we had the nice lunch, we walked around the grocery section and got some stuff. Then, my dad, May-chan and I headed back home by bus.
(I don't remember clearly again, I think we said goodbye to Skatch&N-san there.)

On the bus back home. I think my dad took this shot, but I don't remember again. Hehe.

It was my first time to go out in Japan after I started staying at my parents' house, and I was a little bit worried first. Though, it turned out to be a fun and great time thanks to everybody's support.

Okay, this is all for today. Thanks for reading again!!!

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