Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

22 日本帰国 2022/スカッチとデート (22 Japan Trip 2022/A Date with Skutch)

2022-09-18 09:37:39 | MN生活(13年目)(MN2022-23)
Hello there!

How's everything going in your life today?

Okay, here's another article of my Kyoto diary.

On August 22nd, there was only 1 week left before Andy would go back to MN.

I had a girl date with my sister, Skutch, and asked Andy to watch May-chan for that.

I actually hadn't had many chances to go out and spend much time for shopping without May-chan in Japan, so I took the last chance to make it happen before Andy went back home.

Skutch gave me a ride that day too! Thank you!

We went to this mall where Skutch often stopped by after work. "Al.Plaza"

I didn't know this, but the mall/supermarket chain is owned by a company in Shiga and the stores are only in Kansai area, so the name is familiar to me, but not to everyone in Japan.

I'm so used to driving on wide roads in MN, so narrow roads like this in Kyoto makes me too nervous to try driving there, especially when bikes or motorcycles suddenly pass by your car.

Oh well, I was having much fun with the shopping and didn't take many pictures during it, but I bought some toys which would be sold just in Japan for May-chan and some other small cute things too. There were many more retail shops in the mall than I had expected, so "Oh, this mall does enough. We don't have to go to Aeon (a big mall) anymore!!" I said.

What's best and special was that I could spend as much time as I wanted to look around the stores without May-chan.

Skuch and I were slightly getting hungry, so decided to take a coffee break.

I ordered a cup of coffee and a piece of roll cake.

The roll cake was softer than I had thought and super delicious!! I was so used to sort of wild cakes in the US, which made me feel the softness of the Japanese cake more.

Skutch had waned to try the mint chocolate drink, so she got it and then...

this sandwich. I didn't try it, but it definitely looked yummy.

This was one of my favorite stores in Japan, Village Vanguard. (They're originally a book store, but sell tons of miscellaneous things related to cartoons or other things.)

What I was looking for during this trip was a couple pairs of pants which would fit my short legs. Luckily, I could find a good pair for $6!! LOL

Okay, this is all about the girl date with my sister, Skutch. Thanks to Skutch for giving me a ride, I didn't have to worry to walk and carry with the big haul of the shopping.

Besides the fun shopping itself, I was very pleased to spend much time alone with my loving sister for the first time in a long, long time.

Honestly speaking, I wanted to go shopping at the mall with Skutch one more time during the trip, but I was having too hectic days to make it happen. So, I'd definitely want to put that on my to-do list next.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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