Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

38歳の誕生日を祝ってもらいました。(Celebrated my 38th Birthday)

2022-01-21 09:32:23 | MN生活(12年目)(MN2021-22)
Hello folks!

How's your day going today?

So, I mentioned this 2 weeks ago, but January 5th was my 38th birthday! (Yay!)

I actually didn't do something special on my birthday because it was a weekday, but a cup of Caribou coffee and donuts that my sweet hubby, Andy, had got for me welcomed me first in the morning, which was already very special to me.

I also received many birthday wishes from my friends and family both here and in Japan, which made me realize, "Wow, I didn't think that I had so many friends, but I was wrong!"

Thank you all again for the loving and heartwarming messages!!

On Saturday of my birthday week, we celebrated my birthday with a little pricey but super delicious sushi from my favorite sushi restaurant just 3 of us, Andy, May-chan and me.

This was my order. Of course, it's too many sushi just for the dinner, but I had planned to eat the leftover for lunch next day.

Thankfully, I got a gift card of this sushi restaurant from Dad&Mom and was going to use it for the birthday dinner and passed it to Andy placing the order on the phone. Then,

"You can use this on any day when you want to eat sushi."

he said and gave the card back to me. (Aww!! He's so sweet! Thank you again, Dad&Mom!)

Their sushi didn't betray my high expectation as always and I really enjoyed the special dinner. Andy also bought a cake for the day too.

Somebody was more excited for the cake than me. Haha.

1/8/2022 Mommy's birthday(マミーの誕生日)

Excuse the birthday girl for singing loudest, but we sang the BD song together and blew candles just as usual.

As you can see this in the video, May-chan blew the candles for me this year and it was actually the first time that she succeeded blow off candles on her own!

11/30/2021 Happy 3rd Birthday!
This video is from May-chan's birthday which was about 1 month before my birthday, and she needed Daddy's assistance to blow the candles at the time.

I was super surprised and impressed by her mastering it just in 1 month!

Andy got me one of my favorite cakes from a local grocery store. May-chan loved and enjoyed it a lot too.

After the fancy and delicious dinner, it's time to open presents!

めいからはこんな可愛いカードが。アルファベットが書けるようになって、Happy Birthday, Mommy Mayって書いてありました。(嬉しい~!)
From May-chan, I got this cute card! She's now able to write alphabets, so there's message saying "Happy birthday, Mommy May" (So Happy!)

I got a present from her too. She helped me to open it.

It was a couple of Japanese books that I'd put on my Christmas list. Andy already had given me a lot of books of my favorite Japanese author for Christmas too, so I bet that I can have a great reading time this year! I can't wait to read them!

A card from Andy. He always expresses his love for me with words and I really appreciate it.

This present is also something that I'd put on my Christmas list.

It's a small folding table. I wanted to use it to put my laptop on by the bathtub when I take a bath and watch YouTube at the same time. I was using an empty box which Andy's old PlayStation came with, but the box was getting loose and weak lately.

I chose the table and put it on my Christmas list, but the actual table was lower than I expected it to be.

Besides that, I thought that you could fold and open it easily with 1 motion, but you actually had to take off the table part every time you want to fold it, so it's not something I wanted. So, I might ask Andy to return it and get something else instead.

The other present was kind of big.

I opened it with May-chan's assistance and found this inside.

It's a photo frame which can hold 6 pictures.

I actually had the exact same one already, and have displayed it in the guest bathroom with these wood prints beautifully handmade by my father in Japan.

I remember that my father was already making woodprints as a hobby when I was so little, and he makes wood prints also for summer time or New Year's greeting cards every year and my family in Japan loves to use them too.

He kindly still sends those seasonal greeting cards to me even after I moved to MN. He always makes something themed on a Japanese zodiac sign of the year for New Year's greeting cards, so when I first purchased the photo frame, I thought, "Oh, this can hold 6 cards, which means if I buy one more frame, I can display all of the 12 zodiac sign cards!! How awesome that is!!"

Though, to complete my great idea, I still need 3 different signs which are snake, horse and sheep. I moved here 12 years ago, but I only have 9 cards for some reason probably because someone of my relatives passed away in the previous year or something.
(We usually refrain to send New Year's greeting cards when somebody in your family or relatives passes away in the year. )

So, my choice to accomplish the wonderful idea is whether I'll wait until next Snake, Horse and Sheep year comes or I'll ask my dad to give me ones with those signs from his past works whenever the pandemic is over and I can go back to Japan again. I'll take whichever way to let me complete the goal sooner.
(I just wonder if which one would happen earlier, waiting for 5 years until the next Sheep yar or whenever I can travel to Japan without any restriction due to COVID-19.)

Anyways, this is all about how I was celebrated my birthday by Andy and May-chan, and I had such a happy day thanks to them.

I'll make this year happiest ever!!

Thank you for reading again!!!

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