Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

19 ひとり帰国日記/あきさんとの再会後 (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.19/After Visiting Aki)

2024-05-28 14:41:15 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hi there!




How are you doing today? 




Okay, here's another story in my Japan trip diaries. 




After I spent a great time with my bestie, Aki and her daughters, Aki nicely gave me a ride to my next destination. (Thanks!)




I met up with my sister, Skatch, at a restaurant. 




The restaurant has been one of my favorites and I used to eat there often when I lived in Japan. Even after I moved to MN, I still hang out with my family or friends there while I stay in Japan. 




We ordered ths Caesar salad since Skatch loves Caesar salad in general and so do I. 




We ordered this seasonal special, crab tomato cream pasta.



I personally love crab tomato pasta of Capricciosa (One of famous and popular Italian restaurants in Japan) and always put it on my wanna-eat list on every trip to Japan.   



Winter Special | カプリチョーザ公式ホームページ(画像拝借元)
This is my faorite pasta, FYI. 



At the point, I hadn't been to Capricciosa on the trip yet and their crab pasta looked similar to my favorite one, so "Oh, why not??" I decided to try it.



What's funny at the restaurant was that the server lady came to our table after we placed the order and said, 



"Excuse me, but we're now out of crab shells to put on top of the pasta and still able to make it without a shell. What would you like us to do?"







The flavor of the dish wouldn't change either with or without a shell for the presentation, so we asked her to keep cooking the pasta for us. 




This seasonal special vs my usual favorite? My favorite stayed in the champion seat in my personal crab pasta ranking. 




Skatch loves their Nasi goreng, so  she ordered it as usual. It'd been a long time since I last ate the Nash goreng, but it's pretty good. The sauce was mildly spicy, so it gave accent to the dish. 



After the nice dinner..., 




we did karaoke again, which was a favor of mine and the 2nd time on the trip. Karaoke is also one of the places where I don't go in MN.  



There are some places where you can do karaoke in MN too, but my hubby, Andy, hates singing in front of others and May-chan wouldn't be able to sit and wait in a noisy place for a long time, so I've never done karaoke in MN ever since I moved here. 



That is why I always get a strong craving for karaoke when I go to Japan. I'd already done 4 hour karaoke with Skatch once in the beginning of this trip, but that was not enough and I wanted more! Haha. 



Even though both Skatch and I mostly chose songs which we didn't sing in the first 4 hour karaoke, we kept singing for 4 hours that night again! LOL



Thanks to Skatch, I enjoyed singing as long as I wanted and was really satisfied in the end. 




So, this is how I had a great time with my bestie, Aki's family and how my sister, Skatch, and I had a nice dinner and 4 hour karaoke night together. 



Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!




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