Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの1歳の誕生日 (May-chan's 1st Birthday!)

2019-12-14 21:42:30 | めいちゃん (May-chan)

How are you doing?

Oh my, what a busy time of the year!!! Christmas is coming in 10days, and we are busy!

If you've read my blog for a while, you would know that my family exchange so many presents on Christmas. Yeah, it's a lot.

I guess that we were doing better to get things ready for Christmas by last year, but we're kind of running late this year. We have May-chan this year, and also Andy's been working super crazy lately and doesn't have much free time.

I do hope that we'll get everything done by Christmas!!

So, November 30th was, our loving daughter, May-chan's 1st birthday!

Though, it was right on Thanksgiving week, and we had 3 big events for 3 days in a row on the week, Thanksgiving on the 28th, Christmas tree hunt on the 29th and May-chan's birthday on the 30th.

The 1st birthday is very special for every kid and especially for their parents, and I hear that some people spend lots of thier time, enery and money on their child's 1st birthday. Though, Andy and I just wanted to have a very small party to celebrate May-chan's.

In the morning on her birthday...

I did a photo shooting for 12 months anniversary. I'm with her every single day and didn't noticed it that her hair had been much longer.

For a period of time, it was quite impossible to make her lie down on the pillow for more than a second, but for some reason, she's started not to mind lying still while I change her diaper from some point in time recently.

I was actually using just paper diapers when we stayed in Japan, but now I think that it was right in the time when she didn't want to lie still. So, I'm glad that it was a good timing.
(It's super hard to change a cloth diaper with May-chan in her standing position, so I'm so glad that she's back to be fine with lying down when I change her diaper.)

Even if I said that she's fine with lying down...,

the time was super short and...,

she always wants to run away in a minute or so.

I wrote about this on the Thanksgiving article, but we had to cancel Christmas tree hunt on Black Friday which was the day before May-chan's birthday. So, we also had an alternative idea which we would go to tree hunt in the morning on May-chan's birthday, but it snowed a lot on the day, and we passed the idea.

Thoguh, I personally liked it that we didn't go to tree hunt in the morning.

It's becuase that I kind of wanted to be lazy in the morning untill the party began since I was working hard on getthing things ready for the party the night before and a little bit tired already.

Anyways, we had all the guests over, Dad&Mom and Brad, as always.

The party food was super simple as well. We just made spaghetti&meatballs and garlic bread.

We used Newman's tomato sauce, but Andy made the meatballs from scractch the night before. (Thanks, hon!)

May-chan, happy 1st birthday!!!

I was debating between present or cake first, but Andy gave me a smart opinion, "We just ate, so May-chan's not hungry yet." So, we decieded to do the present time first.

Well, in the beginning, May-chan was more into playing by the front door than presents, so Daddy tried to get her attention with the presents.

Finally, she discovered something more interesting in her sight, and the present time started. Of course, she was attracted to the wrapping paper and the ribbons first.

Then, she got some help from daddy and started opening the presents.

This was from us. SHe had the same ball with a different color which was one of her favorite toys, but we lost it during a trip up north. So, we bought it again, and plus the ball, we gave her a music book too. (A book with some buttons and plays music if you push a button.)

Here's some from Grandpa&Grandma and uncle Brad too.

She didn't forget to try taste the box, of course,

and opend it. She got a fun cloth book, a couple of cute clothes and some lovely hair pins too.

In fact, Andy and I asked our family not to buy too many toys for May-chan since she's in the easiest spot to be sopiled in the family.

So, everybody gave her clothes or a book as her birthday presents.

After the fun present time, we took a little break and then started the cake time.

This is May-chan's 1st birthday cake. I made it.

I actually did some experiments for the sponge part and tried to make the cake with steamed bread or pancake. Though, I ended up coming to a very simple sponge cake made with egg, flour and sugar.

I also did some experiments for the cream part too and reached to the mixture of yogurt, raspberry, strawberry and a little bit of maple syrup.

So, how did May-chan like it?? Oh well, the berry cream was probably too tart for her, and she didn't like it so much. (Dang!)

I bet that she would have liked it more if I made the cream mainly with banana or apple. Too late though.

Instead of the cute cake, I gave her only the sponge part that I had baked as an extra, and she really loved it!

She was eating the sponge cake so vigorously, so everybody was laughing it out.

This is it. LOL She's a big bread lover, so I guess that she liked the simple flavor of sponge part better.

A family photo in the end.

I assume that many other parents have this same feeling, but when May-chan turned 1 year old healthy, I had this mixed emotion with 2 opposite feelings, "It's already 1 year." and "It's still 1 year."

In the past year since May-chan was born, we thankfully all could be healthy above all. Plus that, I could take May-chan to Japan and introduce her my family and friends there. I'm just so grateful that we could have so many fun moments togehter.

From now on, I just hope that we'll keep getting along together and share a lot of exciting experience with each other.

Okay, this is all about May-chan's birthday. Thanks for reading again!!!

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