Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

もうすぐクリスマス!(Christmas is right there!)

2019-12-22 15:40:17 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there.

How are you doing today?

Today, I want to talk about our pre-Christmas days instead of the Japan trip diaries.

You know, Christmas is coming here just in 3 days, everybody!

Oh well, this year, we're behind on getting things ready for Christmas overall.

Still, we could put our Christmas lights up relatively ealier than other things.

On December 3rd, Andy started working on the project shortly after he came back home from work.

As always, we ask Dad&Mom and Brad for a big help to put the lights up, but everybody was too busy to arrange the schedule, so we asked our friends, Tom&Kat, to help us to do it this year.
(Technically, it's only Andy and Tom working so hard on putting the lights up and Kat, May-chan and I were just hanging out on the couch. Haha.)

Before Tom&Kat got to our house after their works, Andy started the project by himself, and May-chan and I were watching it outside.

Earlier that day, I went to Target and got her a jacket, gloves and the boots. (Yeah, one of the boots is alomst off. hehe)

I also wanted to get her snow pants or water proof pants too, but couldn't find any pair at Target, so I ended up putting these cotton pants on her.


I let her play outside with snow! The boots were too heavy for her to walk, so she ended up sitting directly on the wet ground.

May-chan played with snow for the first time and really loved it!! Though, she started eating dirty brown snow after, of course, and the cotton pants got soaking wet too. So, I grabbed her and went back inside the house. (I bathed her right away too.)

Then, Andy and Tom finished the project after this and...

here it is! Sorry about my poor camera skill.

So pretty!

Then, we needed a tree. As usual, we go to Christmas tree hunt with Dad&Mom and Brad together on Black Friday, but we couldn't make it this year. So, we went to tree hunt? just with 3 of us.

On the next day after we put the Christmas lights up, December 4th,

Oh well, we didn't have enough energy and time to go to our favorite tree farm which was located about 2hours? away from our house and do a tree hunt there. So...

we went to this local grocery store where they had a temporary tree shop in the parking lot.

Since May-chan was born, and we put her car seat on my car, there's no space to put a tree in, so Andy and I drove our own cars separately and went to the tree shop. (Yeah, a lot of work!)

Also in our living room, May-chan's stuff are added, and the free space was more limited, so we tried to find a smaller tree than usual this year.

Even though I said a smaller tree, it's still big to me.

The original plan was changes, but this turned out to be May-chan's 1st tree hunt. Haha

I was in charge of carrying the tree by my car back home and made it well.

Ta-da! Yeah, I put the child proof gate to protect the tree from May-chan's attacks.

Dad&Mom were saying to us, "If you put ornaments on the upper level, you'll be fine without a gate. We never put a gate when our kids (Andy and his brothers) were little!" Though, neither Andy nor I thought that it would work for us.

First off, the tree stands holds bunch of water in it, and May-chan loves playing with water! So, I bet that she'll play with the water in the tree stand and get soaking wet too.

As Andy and I expected, she played with the tree and tried to taste the needle right away. Haha.

So, we got the tree and stood it in our living room on the 4th, but since then, we had left it undecorated forever.

Then, it was already December 20th! (OMG!)

"Let's decorate the tree!" I kept telling it to Andy, but we missed a chance since Andy had an unexpected business trip or we both were exhausted at the point when May-chan went to bed or something...

Finally, on the first day of Andy's Christmas vacation...,

we put the ornaments up on the tree togehter after May-chan went to bed!!!

We took 15days to get to work on the decoration since we got the tree, but took only 10mins or so to finish the decoration itself.

Though, Andy was putting the main character of our tree on the top by himself without letting me know, so I yelled "Noooooo! We gotta have a ceremony thing to put it on the top!!!"

So, we did the tree top ceremony? together. LOL

Yup, this is it! The Soot sprite always comes on the top of our tree!!

Look! It's much better with the decoration, isn't it???

It's even better when we turned the lights on!

Oh yeah, this is it! The tree brought us much more Christmas atmosphere!!!

In the next morning, May-chan was excited to see the tree too.

Now, when I'm writing this, we almost finished all the present wrappings and things for the Christmas gathering, and all I want for Christmas now is that a warm and fun family time as usual again!

Okay, this is all for today! Thank you for reading again!!!

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