Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの初日本 vol.1 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 1)

2019-12-16 12:17:08 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How's your life treating you today?

Okay, finally, yeah finally, I want to start writing the diaries of May-chan's 1st Japan trip from today.

We stayed in Japan for 7 weeks from September 3rd to October 22nd.

It was not only very first for me to take a long flight with a baby but also Andy couldn't come with us either. So, I was honestly super nervous about this trip.

It's already over 2 months since May-chan and I came back home in MN, which means some of my memories are already faded away. Though, I want to write down about all the fun and wonderful time we had in Japan here as much as I remember.

On the day we're leaving, I don't remember if Andy took the half day off or worked from home, but he gave us a ride to the airport.

Not only me who was super nervous about this trip but also Andy was, so he nicely signed me up for this service called Clear so that I could go through the security gate with a minimum work.

You're supposed to pay some fee for the service, but I didn't have to. Well, here's the thing. Andy was actually already a member of the service since he takes flight very often and had a free trial for the family. So, I used it.

Here's their website. Clear

Thanks to the service, May-chan and I could pass the long line for the security at the arport by using their priority line and had the secutiry check done.
(Though, it's too bad in a way because the process to enter the priority line was too quick to let us have enough time to say goodbye to Andy well.)

As far as I know, you usually need to go through a full body scanner check at an airport in the US, but May-chan and I didn't have to at the time. Instead of the scanner check, all I needed to do was going through a metal detector gate with May-chan in my arms.

As for the infrared radiation check for your luggage, it was pretty much same as other passengers. I took out my laptop from my back pack and folded the stroller and handed it to the staff.
(I thought that we're supposed to take off our shoes and have them scan them too, but I didn't have to do it this time.)

We made the security check!!

Speaking of the stroller, you could make a gate check in and pick up with it. So, I could use mine until we boarded the plane at MSP and pick it up right at the plane exit door at Haneda airport. Needless to say, it was super helpful.

I tried to take a selfie with May-chan like this, but it's a little hard to do it as holding May-chan in my arm. I wanted to capture the plane on the pic too but couldn't adjust the brightness well.

Our flight was at 11:20am, but we got to the airport about 3 hours before the flight time, so there was kind of a long waiting time to kill at the airport.

I wanted May-chan to consume some energy before the long flight so let her be active as much as she wanted in the no crowded area.

To be prepared for the long flight, I also got a coffee and some snacks at Caribou coffee and at the counter, I asked them to fill some hot water in my travel thermos so that I could make some formula for May-chan with it.

Right before the boarding time, I went in a bathroom and changed May-chan's diaper and clothes to pajamas.

Then, I made some formula ready and checked in the stroller at the gate counter.

Actually, when I walk around with May-chan, a lot of people kindly talk to me in general. Even at the airport, this lady nicely talked me like, "Where are you going? I'm going to South Korea. Japan? Such a beatiful country! Have a nice trip!" and also before the boarding, I ran into this family of dad, mom, big sister and little brother. The cute girl was so friendly and taught me a lot of things about her like, "Are you guys going to Japan too? I was born in XX and my brother was born in XX. We move around a lot!"

It sounds like that her father served in the military, and they had moved around different locations in the world.

The boy was super friendly jsut as his sister was and curious about baby May-chan and even tried to touch her. Though, his mom softly told him, "No touch, hon! Just looking."

The little friends taught me that experiences in different cultures and people might build your friendly communication skill.

Now we're on board!

So, one of the things which made me think the most about was which seat I should have booked on the flight. After all research and consideration, I booked one on aisle and the back end.

I chose the same spot on the return flight too and I would say that it was the best choice.

Personally, I always fly with Delta and don't know about other airlines, but on the plane that we took this time, there were 2 bathrooms on the back end, and they're bigger than other bathrooms that I'd ever used before.

I didn't need to use it, but there's a changing table in the big bathroom too.

The normal economy bathroom feels so tight even for 1 person, but the ones on the back end was spacy and good enough for May-chan and me at the same time.

Besides the bigger bathrooms on the back end, how lucky I was! There's nobody sitting on other 2 seats (the window side and the middle) on my row!

So, that means that I could use all the 3 seats just with 2 of us even though I booked only 1 seat. (Thank you!!!)

The direct flight from MSP to Haneda was 12hours and 35mins.

Again, it was my first flight with May-chan.

Well, I couldn't tell how it would go even if I had tried to get everything prepared for it. Though, all of my concerns thankfully didn't turn out to be real, and my first flight with May-chan went pretty good.

One of the Internet information was saying, "You should give your baby milk when taking off since they can't relieve ear pressure well by themselves.", so I tried to make May-chan drink some formula when we took off. Though, she wasn't hungry or something and didn't take much.

So, I was wondering, "Is her ear pressure fine?" and was a little bit worried if she'd start crying because of a pain in her ears. Though, she was doing just as usual after that too.

I also pre-ordered a baby meal for the flight and brought some pouch food with me too. Plus that, I got these pouch spoons which would make our meal time easier.

These are the pouch spoons that I'm talking about.

Oh well, even though I was so prepared, May-chan didn't eat so much on the flight. She liked eating a bread which came with my meal.

During the 12hours and 35mins flight, May-chan slept about for 4-5hours.

Of course, I brought my strap carrier with me so that I didn't have to hold her just with my arms.

Even though she didn't sleep for a long, she was being such a good baby on the flight. She stayed calm and quiet on my lap most of the time and even when she got a little fussy a couple of times, she's back to a happy baby after I got up and went to the bathroom with her.

Again, she was such a good baby on the very long flight and one of the crews nicely said, "You were such a good baby!!" when we're getting off the plane.

Okay, the 1st article of May-chan's 1st Japan trip was only about the long flight, but we safely arrived my home country like this!!

Thanks for reading again!!!

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