Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

めいの初日本vol.3 (May-chan's 1st Japan Trip 3)

2019-12-19 13:31:01 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hi there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is vol.3 of May-chan's 1st Japan trip diaries.

We took a monorail from Haneda airport to Hamamatsu-cho station where the hotel that we stayed was located and then we walked and arrived at the hotel from the hotel thanks to the lady who helped me to figure out the direction.

Oh yeah, I forgot to write this on the last article, vol.2, but I picked up my Japanese phone at the check-in counter, which my sister, Switch, had sent to the hotel beforehand.

I had early dinner on the day that we checked in the hotel and then took some sleep with May-chan from 5pm or so, though our body clock was still working in MN time so...

May-chan woke and played so actively around 10pm in Japan time.

At 3am. LOL

Not only May-chan but also I was still in MN time as well, and it's not a big deal for me to stay up with May-chan. Still, I really cared if May-chan would make loud noise or something when other people near our room were sleeping. (Yeah, I'd never had to worry about that stuff until May-chan was born.)

Again, I don't remember much about the night, but May-chan and I stayed up until the next morning after we took some sleep from the late afternoon to the night.

When it's getting bright outside around 5:30am...,

We went out to the convenience store in front of the hotel to grab a cup of coffee or something.

Needless to say, convenience store in Japan is just awesome!

After breakfast, May-chan took a short nap and I was just being lazy in the room until our check-out time, noon. Then, I motivated myself again so that we can reach to the next destination which was Shinagawa station where we're going to catch Shinkansen(Bullet train).

Like I talked about this on vol.2 article, I was very nervous about the route from monorail Hamamatsu-cho station to the hotel on the day before because I only had a real paper map for it. Though, I picked up my Japanese phone at the hotel counter and could use map app on it for the direction from the hotel to JR line Hamamatsu-cho station. (Yeah, monorail Hamamatsu-cho station and JR line Hamamatsu-cho station are technically 2 different stations but located very close to each other and connected through skyway.)

At the time, I could choose the shortest route for sure thanks to the app and got to the station from the hotel in 3mins or so by walk.

Though, I happened to face this unexpected incident which the elevator at the entrance was under construction and not available. It means that I had to go up so many steps with May-chan, my backpack and the stroller all by myself. (Dang!!!)

I assumed that there might be an elevator at a different entrance, but there's no guarantee for it. So, I held May-chan in the strap carrier on my front, carried my backpack on my back and then grabbed the stroller in my arms and climbed up the stairs to the top. Phew.

Of course, I was losing my breath when I reached to the top, but we could catch a train from Hamamatsu-cho station to Shinagawa-station just as I planned. (Train schedule app on my phone was a huge help to figure out which train I should have taken.)

As my original plan, I was going to browse at some souvenir shops at Shinagawa station to get something for my family since I wasn't in a hurry to get to Kyoto, though the big crowd in the big station made me too tired and nervous to walk around with May-chan in the stroller.

Me personally, walking in the big train station with the stroller is much harder than the long flight.

As for seat on Shinkansen (bullet train), I also did some research about it online.

This website was really helpful to me. The best seats on Shinkansen for parents and kids

As the website said, there were some seats that you can put your stroller right on the side of your seat, and unless it's too busy or something, you can reserve the seat without any extra fee.

Though, the number of the seats is very limited and of course, they're super popular and booked so quickly especially in busy season.

They let you book a seat from 1 month before the day that you catch the train either online or over the counter, but I wasn't sure how the day would go with May-chan and couldn't 100% guarantee if we could get on the train as I booked . So, I bought the ticket and booked the seat when I got to the station.

At the ticket counter, I said to an lady that I'd like to get one of the special seats, and then she understood what I meant right away and looked for an available one for me. I assume that the request is very familiar to her too.

Again, I was pretty open about the time schedule and asked her to prioritize the seat availability than the train time.

I got my ticket! May-chan was free on my lap.

We're on Shinkansen! Just like on the picture, I could put the stroller right by my seat.

In the middle of the ride, May-chan wanted to get out of the stroller, and I had to hold her for a while.

Even though, it's way easier to get up and go to bathroom or walk around on Shinkansen than on a plane, and we also kind of enjoyed the moving view through the window in the space in front of the bathrooms.

Just one surprise on Shinkansen was that May-chan was touching the gentleman's arm sitting by me. I apologized him right away after I noticed it, but thankfully, he was so sweet and said "Oh, it's fine!!"

After about 3hour Shinkansen ride, May-chan and I finally got to Kyoto station.

My dad, mom and my twin sisters kindly came to the station to welcome us!

Oh well, I bet that it was a very heartwarming moment but don't remember about the day well.

Though, I clearly remember that I felt so relieved and grateful to have somebody helping me a lot like, "Wow! How nice and great having somebody near me is!. My dad carried my heavy backpack and one of my sisters, Skatch, also carried the heavy stroller for me too.

My dad and mom kindly asked me what I would eat for dinner on the day beforehand, and what I chose was...


The combo pack didn't have eel which was one of my favorites, so we ordered them separately too.

That was on my dad, and we got them delivered. (Yeah, the quality of delivery sushi is this good in Japan.)

If you pay a lot, you might be able to find high quality sushi here in MN too, but it'd be super expensive. So, I was so determined like, "I'm gonna eat sushi for the first dinner in Japan!!!!"

After all, I'm pure Japanese and made to fit Sushi (rice) anytime even when I get super exhausted and don't have much appetite.

Okay, this is how May-chan and I got to my parents house in Kyoto from the hotel in Tokyo. I finally could unload some burden from my shoulders when I reached to my parents' house.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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