Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

初めての家族旅行 最終編 (First family trip, the final)

2019-06-05 09:46:36 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is the last article of our first family trip.

母の日の前の土曜日、AndyっちとHit-chanが一番好きなレストラン、Norway Ridgeで期待通りの夕食を食べた後、ホテルに戻りました。
On the day before Mother's day, we had a wonderful dinner at our favorite restaurant, Norway Ridge. After that, we just went back to the hotel room.

After we're back to the room, I took a bath with May-chan in the big hot tub. SHe's now refreshed!

Again, it was the day before Mother's day, so May-chan(Andy) gave me a card and some presents.

"Mommy" on the envelope and the card said, "Thank you so much for taking such a good care of me!" (May-chan's words translated by Andy Haha)

This is Kona coffee since I've been searching for my favorite coffee lately. Thanks, hon!

反射して見えませんが、Andyっちが好きでHit-chanと一緒に観たいという80年代の映画2本。The Breakfast ClubとSixteen Candlesという映画です。
The packages reflected with the light, and you can't see what they are well in the pic. These are 80's movies Andy likes and wants to watch with me, "The Breakfast Club" and "Sixteen Candles".

Also, he gave a box of Rooibos tea because I'd been drinking it often recently.

The best one was a picture of May-chab and me in this personalized photo frame designed with words saying "First Mother's Day! Mommy&May-chan".

I showed it to May-chan and said "Thank you!".

After the fun present time, we went to see Dad&Mom(Grandpa&Grandma) since theyt were actually staying at the same hotel on the weekend.

It was already her bed time, so May-chan was a litle fussy first. Though, Grandma kindly played with her as usual, and May-cha got her smile back shortly.

Of course, Grandpa gently held her too!

We hung out with them abourt for an hour and went bavk to our room since May-chan needed to go to bed.

We're just being lazy in the next mornig till the check-out time and then headed back home.

Okay, this is all about our first family trip and my first Mother's day. Thanks to my loving husband, both events went really great.

Thank you for reading my blog again!!!

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