Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

美味しいドーナツが出来たよ。 (Yummy Homemade Donuts)

2020-06-08 14:31:43 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How are you doing today?

So, this is another food article, and I want to share my first experience to make homemade donuts here today.

Speaking of donuts, there are some different kinds like yeast donuts made with yeast, cake donuts made with baking powder and French donuts whose dough is similar to cream puff skin. The different kinds of donuts require different processes too.

A kind that I tried to make at home this time was the one which I often buy from a grocery store, glazed donuts.

Glazed donuts are ones coated with sugar cream.

I wanted to make it with yeast donuts, so I used my bread maker which Andy gave me for Christmas.

I searched for glazed donut recipes online and found tons. So, I picked up one on YouTube which had pictures looking so delicious to me.


The recipe above is actually for sugar donuts not glazed donuts and also for hand kneading not bread maker, but you know, I just arranged it as I thought it would be fine. Haha.

I threw all the ingredients in the bread maker and...

the bread maker finished until the end of 1st fermentation. Super easy so far.

I split the dough in 6 and rested them for 10mins or so.

Then, I made the donut shapes.

I used chopsticks to make the holes.

Then, rest them for 2nd fermentation.

Ta-da! They rose pretty well. I could have made the holes bigger though.

The process that I paid attention the most was deep-frying. Since I wanted to keep the oil temperature at 320F, I borrowed Andy's thermometer for when he cooks ribs.

Well done!

I also found a recipe for the glaze which was mixture of powder sugar, lemon juice and milk.

I put the glaze on the donuts and it's all done!!

I originally wanted to eat them right away, but when I finished cooking them was very close to the dinner time. So, I ended up tasting them in the next morning.

The inside was like this. Yeah, I'm satisfied how the dough turned out.

So, the donuts became the breakfast in the next morning.

May-chan gave me "Yummy!" sign. (Though, I don't want to give her the donuts so much because they had a lot of sugar and oil.)

Andy's only person who tasted the donuts when they're still freshly made and said, "This is really good! But, if I eat this once, I can't eat other donuts!" (Yay! )

I ate them in the next morning, and my honest opinion was, "These are very good as 1 day old donuts, but not as good as freshly made ones."

Again, donuts are most delicious when they're fresh in general, so I looked for a way that I can make the donuts more casually. Then, I found out that the dough could be stored in the fridge or freezer after the 1st fermentation was done.

So, I did an experiment with the dough after the first try. I made the same dough and stored some in the fridge and the rest in the freezer after the 1st fermentation. In the next morning, I defrosted the dough and did the 2nd fermentation. Then, I deep-fried them and put some sugar on them. I wasn't sure if it would work well, but they actually turned out to be yummy! (Yay!)

Anyways, now I have some donuts dough in the freezer so that I can make fresh donuts anytime I want.

I didn't think that I could make such delicious donuts at home, so I'm super happy about the result.

Thank you for reading again!!!

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Andyっちの手料理 (Andy's Cooking)

2020-06-06 13:58:12 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)

How's everything going in your life?

So, Andy and I didn't have a habit to eat dinner together at the same table before May-chan was born.

The reason why we didn't do it was because Andy used not to eat dinner in general and I also didn't need a big meal at night often since I worked in the very early morning and tended to eat a big meal in the early afternoon when I worked at Caribou (Coffee shop).

Maybe this is a typical thing for international marriage and Andy and I often want to eat different things, so it became a convenient style for us to individually eat whatever and whenever we wanted to.

Though, we both were saying, "We want to have a family time as having dinner sitting at the same table when we have a child." So, we intentionally made the habit to eat dinner together with 3 of us when May-chan was big enough to sit still.

In my childhood memory, my mom cooked dinner everyday for the entire family and my dad and we kids even didn't think to complain about what she made but appreciated it. With gratitude for the cook and respect in food, we also tried to finish our plate even if there's something we didn't like on it. (Of course, my mom sometimes asked us what we wanted to eat and cooked it too.)

Now, Andy and I tried to decide what to make for dinner together.

I like cooking in general so I totally don't mind thinking about what to make for dinner and cook it everyday, but the reason why I don't do that because I tend to cook Japanese food which I like and Andy tends to make whatever he likes too.

So, I mainly cook for the family, but Andy's also a good cook too and makes us dinner sometimes too.

Andy made Enchiladas for the first time the other day.

Enchilada is a kind of Mexican dishes and it's a wrapped tortilla stuffed with some meat and veggies and covered with a tomato and chili sauce.

I actually didn't know about the dish at all, but Andy said that he'd wanted to try to make it at home for a while, and thanks to him, I got a chance to try it.

This is Andy's homemade Enchilada.

Andy made the filling with chicken, tomato, onion, 2 kinds of pepper (Poblano and Anaheim) and cheese. Then, he wrapped it with tortillas, put some canned Enchilada sauce and cheese on top and cooked them in the oven.

I didn't know about refried beans either, but they're cooked and mashed first and then fried with some oil.

I heard that they commonly use pinto beans to make refried beans, but the canned one that Andy bought this time was made with black beans or some black colored beans instead.
(In my hometown Kyoto, people call beans Omame-san. Omame means beans and San means Mr./Miss in Japanese. So, it's like you call beans "Mr. beans" in English. Haha)

Anyways, Andy's Enchilada had very rich flavor, so the refried beans were very nice to balance out the flavor of the entire dish.

To be honest with you, I actually didn't have much expectation in Enchilada like, "How is it like? Is it good? I'm not a huge fan of strong spices..." I didn't have to worry about it at all. Once I took a bite, "Oh! This is really good!!" and I was the person who ate the most that night. Haha.

May-chan tried just the chicken and liked it. Yup, the sticker on her forehead was smiling too!

According to Andy, it's kind of a lot of work to make Enchilada even when you use a canned Enchilada sauce. Though, if you cook a certain amount of meat or refried beans at once and freeze it, you can save some time from the 2nd time. So, I'm going to ask Andy to make us Enchilada sometime again.

Thanks for introducing the new delicious food to me!!

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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日本にいたらやっていなかった事 (Something that I would never do if I lived in Japan)

2020-06-02 14:30:30 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello everyone!

How are you doing today?

So, this year is actually my 10th anniversary that I moved from Japan to MN.

In the last 10 years, I've tried some things which make me think, "I would never do this if I lived in Japan!"


もやしを育ててみたよ。 (I tried to grow bean sprouts.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


もやしを育ててみたよ。 (I tried to grow bean sprouts.) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


One of them was that I grow bean sprouts at home which I shared on the article above.

If you're in Japan, you can get a package of fresh bean sprouts for about 50cents or so at any grocery stores, which doesn't make you even feel like growing them at home.

Today I want to share another thing that I would never don if I lived in Japan.

Do you know what it is? It's a meat slicer. The one in the picture is a different brand from the one I have.
I borrowed the picture from here.

Here in MN, you can get thin sliced meat at an Asian grocery store like United Noodles, but I've never seen them at typical American grocery stores around my house.

So, I'm very lucky in general, right? My generous friend from high school, Ayumi-chan, gave me her meat slicer some years ago.

I actually left it unused in the pantry for a while, but I recently started using it very frequently since Andy found that we can buy a block of pork belly from our favorite butcher shop.

A couple weeks ago, Andy went shopping at the butcher shop and got a block of pork belly for me again. So, I rolled up my sleeves to slice the entire block all at once so that I can freeze them in smaller potions.

This was the block of pork belly that Andy got for me. It was about 4.5lb.

It was too big to put on the slicer, so I cut it in half.

Now, let's do it! I set the slicer at the thickness that I liked and turned it on to spin the circular blade.

Then, all you need to do is keep slicing the meat block. Look! They're sliced pork belly just like the ones you see in Japan.

Of course, safety is most important. I used the safety cover when the meat block got small enough.

The 4.5lb meat block turned out to be a pile of lots of sliced meat.

Compared to my small hand, the pile is pretty big, isn't it?

Andy gave me a nice suggestion that day, which I would slice some short rib steak so that we could do Korean BBQ at home too. They're nicely sliced too.

The process to slice meat itself isn't such a big deal thanks to the slicer from Ayumi-chan, but I also needed to wrap the sliced meat in small portions to keep them in the freezer.

I made each portion about a quarter pound. Looks good!

So, what I'm most careful about when I slice meat like this is clean the slicer after everything is done.

I slice raw meat with the slicer, so I always disassemble all the parts as much as possible and hand-wash them very well.

Andy bought a bottle of alcohol for sanitizing everything when COVID-19 pandemic happened. So I wiped the base part of the slicer with dish detergent water first and then with the alcohol to finish since I couldn't wash the base part.

Oh my, how lucky I am to have such a generous and kind friend! Thanks to Ayumi-chan, I can cook many delicious Japanese food like Yakisoba or Okonomiyaki with the sliced pork belly and also Japanese-style-Korean BBQ (I know it's a little bit confusing.) with the sliced short rib steak! It's just great that I still can eat my favorite Japanese food here.

Okay, this is all about the 2nd thing that I would never do if I lived in Japan. Thank you for reading again!!!

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バナナケーキを作ったよ。りんご入り編 (Homemade Banana cake with Apple)

2020-05-31 14:57:28 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hi there!

How's your day going?

Here in MN, riots rose in Minneapolis and St. Paul and things are going crazy and irrational. Still, it is very fortunate that my family is having a peaceful life as usual here.

The other day I wrote that I made a homemade banana cake here on my blog.


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


バナナケーキを作ったよ。 (Homemade Banana cake) - Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)


After we finished the loaf, I decided to make another one since I had a couple of very ripe bananas.

I also had an apple since I wanted to try to give it to May-chan, but just as I imagined, she didn't want even a bite. Dang!
(May-chan doesn't like fruits in general, and I've tried to feed her apples a couple of times before and never succeeded so far.)


完熟バナナケーキ レシピ 山本 麗子さん|【みんなのきょうの料理】おいしいレシピや献立を探そう

山本 麗子さんの完熟バナナを使った「完熟バナナケーキ」のレシピページです。外側はカリッ、生地はふんわりしっとり。秘密は完熟したバナナを使うこ...



When I made the banana cake for the first time, it turned out to be great with less sugar. So, I used the same recipe and reduced more sugar than the last time.

I wanted to use the leftover apple and googled some recipes for apple cakes online. Then, they said that you could add a raw apples to the batter and bake it.

Though, I'm not a huge fan of the texture of the crispy apples in a cake or muffin, so I tried to cook the apple beforehand.

My memory about the day is already gone, so I don't know if I added some sugar to it or not.

When the apples became this good brown color, I turned off the stove.

Okay, then let's make a banana cake!

I measured all the ingredients on the dining table that day.

だって、この人がいるからね。(笑) キッチンに椅子を運ぶ事さえ面倒でこの形に。
Yeah, because I had a company there. Haha. I kind of felt bothered to move her chair to the kitchen.

Like the first time, I added some raisins and oatmeal to the batter. I put more amount than the last time though,

Then, I added the cooked apples in to the batter.

Okay, it's ready to be baked!

Done!! The color turned to be what I wanted it to be.

The inside.

I took a bite and it's yummy!

Though, May-chan didn't like it so much.

I hear that children around the age change their likings about food day by day. In May-chan's case, her likings differ for some reasons. Even if she likes something one time but doesn't like it other times just because the texture's different. Same as flavors, she sometimes likes something cooked with much seasonings, but at other times, she likes something really plain with no seasoning as well. Do you know what it means??

It means..., I have no idea about what she would like to eat!!! LOL

Even when I make a banana cake like this, Andy won't eat it because he hates bananas. So, if May-chan doesn't like it, I'm the only one who eats it!

I'm not sure if I would make a banana cake sometime soon again, but I'll try it whenever May-chan's likes bananas more. I don't know when it would be though. Haha.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

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フライドチキンを作ってみた。(Homemade Fried Chicken)

2020-05-29 13:16:46 | MN生活(10年目)(MN2019-20)
Hello there!

How's your day going today?

Okay, today I want to share another cooking report with you guys here.

I like fried chicken in general but I hadn't made fried chicken at home other than Japanese style, Karaage.

The reason why I hadn't made fried chicken at home though I liked them was because the grocery store near our house, Lunds&Byerly's, sold decent fried chicken at the deli counter and they're very reasonable.

So, whenever I was craving for fried chicken, Andy or I got them from Lunds&Byerly's, which let me not cook them at home.

Though, I'd wanted to try to make fried chicken that I like at home for a while, so I decided to do that during this quarantine life.

It was my first time to make fried chicken, so I looked up at some recipes online and picked up one which used less kinds of spices than others.

The reason why I chose the recipe using less kinds of spices was because I'm not familiar with spices in general and I didn't want them with too much flavor for May-chan either. So, my plan was that I would make something most simple for the first time and then add more spices next considering the flavor of the first ones.

According to the simple recipe, all spices that I needed were salt & pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and paprika.

I mixed the spices with some milk.

Then, I marinated the chicken in the milk and put them in the fridge for a while.

I used flour and corn starch for the breading powder.

I powdered the chicken and deep-fried them.

Done! The onion rings on the plate were what we took out from a local bar on the day before. They might look overcooked but actually tasted pretty well.

As for my first homemade fried chicken, Andy and May-chan said that they tasted good enough but to me, something was missing.

I froze some of the chicken after I marinated them, so I added some more kinds of spices when I deep-fried them for the 2nd time.

What I added at the send time was Thyme, Oregano, Celery salt, Basil and Mustard.

Compared to my first challenge, I was a little bit worried how they would turn out to be since I added several different kinds of spices at once. Though, the result was closer to my ideal fried chicken than the first-time ones.

I picked the certain kinds of spices up for the 2nd time in reference of a recipe that I found online, so I'm thinking to follow the recipe from scratch when I make homemade fried chicken next.

Okay, this is all about my homemade fried chicken experiment!
(I took this pic on May 5th. Yeah, she's bundled up because it was chilly that day! Haha)

Okay, talk to you on the next article! Thank you for reading again!!!

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